If you didn't choose Sup Forumsalor, you are a fucking faggot

If you didn't choose Sup Forumsalor, you are a fucking faggot.

If you play mobile garbage, you're a fucking faggot

>5 gyms in area
>4 are yellow, 1 red, 0 blue
>implying I want to be second place

what gaym


nigger dicks

>flaming rubber chicken team

lol nice taste, OP

>picking a normie game team because autist central shares the same letter.

>all these non/v/alorfags getting mad because they chose the wrong teams

>Only team led by a gril
OP is right you know.

Red: edgelords
Yellow: hipsters
Blue: normal people

I just chose the blue team because blue is my favourite colour




red - underdogs
yellow - autists advertising
mystic - reddit

Reminder that this is the type of people in team valor


I'm OP and i love that game, i play it every day

so how long until Pokemon Go starts turf wars

>7 gyms in town
>6 red, 1 blue, 0 yellow
>blue gym leader had a nice pokemon name for his gym so the reds allowed him to keep it for fun

Yes hopefully all the retarded pokefags kill each other

>choosing the edgiest team
