Is this the holy trinity of elitist fanbases?
Is this the holy trinity of elitist fanbases?
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No, whatever fan base people don't like is the elitist fan base.
It would be smarter to categorize Arena FPS as a whole as elitist but they are right about the elitism. Nothing simply comes close. It's the epitome of skill.
replace quake with csgo and it's perfect
I don't think you could put Dota up there because Dota has legit competitors, but Smash people won't move on and neither will Arenafags.
Top should be Warcraft 3
you can't be elitist without something to look down on
It's the holy trinity of you suck at videogames and we will tell you that you do, and tell you to practice more to get better only to have you call us elitist
The people who put effort into gitting gud are not elitist, they're committed.
Dota is the only competitive game I can think of that can legitimately look down on something.
Even then it's hard to say anything is really elitist when there are so many sources to help you get into these games.
>damage control
DOTA is a simple game. It has lots of diversity but little depth.
I'd agree with the other two, but from my experience with Quake duals, a lot of players were very welcoming of newbies
I dunno about Dotards since I know nothing about the game outside of cyka blyat and Quake can be replaced by any classic iD shooter.
>fun regardless of skill level
>fun regardless of skill level
>it gets fun after the first 1000 hours, honest!!!
quite the opposite, it has a lot of depth, not mechanics wise, strategy wise, although it has depth mechanics wise too.
fissure, tiny toss, summons, clock hook, alch stun, tree trees, wisp, snowball, earthspirit, ags nova, pudge hook, reincartnation, infest, darkness, chaos blink, toom, skewer, morph, traps, swap, druid bear, warden ulti, shackleshot, global silence, oracle, techies, ward, grave, lasso, invoker
all of those are either spells that can change the direction of a game, are very hard to master or heroes that you need to train a lot to master, all of them make dota unique and are not copies of other spells.
then there's wards, runes, fow, tree chopping/pathways, highground, rosh, spawn timers, buyback, team compositon, push ratio, push control, push/roshan timings, smokes, invisibility, scouting, couriers, strategies, combos, meta and many many more, all of those concern the strategy part of the game, really, even top players don't fully understand all mechanics and strategies in dota.
it's literally the only moba with depth you retard
Dota was never meant to be fun, there is no fun, except if you make it with whacky builds.
Everybody fucking loses their shit if I do whacky builds. There's just so much fucking salt in the community now the game is absolutely no fun at all.
Dota 2's community is just full of tryhard e-sports faggots now. Custom games are disappointing, people can just leave them anytime they want.
>>it gets fun after the first 1000 hours, honest!!!
it's a competitive game. if you can't be competitive gtfo.
So, mute them all and do your build, fag, this is not lol, you won't get banned.
It isn't a competitive game though. It's garbage. The genre by it's core design has no competitive merit. even call of duty is more competitive.
You can't mute them sitting jungle or mass buying couriers as a result.
Genuinely not trying to bait here, I do not see why the fuck people play MOBAS. They learning curve is stupidly high for no reason, and I play smash and street fighter all the time so I'm not opposed to a learning curve, I even like RTS games like AoE 2 and Starcraft, but I just don't understand the fucking point of spending like 500 hours trying to learn to even be passable at a game where the matches can be 30+ minutes on the regular. It seems to me that LoL and Dota, after having played them both a decent amount, are just not worth the time for how cancerous the communities are and how long it takes to understand the game.
Meleefags are the most elitist. Meleefags would actually talk shit about the other 2 games for not being like Melee.
While I agree that games are I cancer I think that its fucking retarded to criticize a games learning curve. The biggest problem of MOBAs is how much time you unwillingly waste. Probably like 90% of all matches are utter stomps. Neither do you learn shit while stomping nor do you learn shit while getting stomped. Which always left me wanting, because you hardly ever end up having fun. And no, playing with friends doesnt change that. Being a 5men stack with 90% winrate isnt fun because its hardly ever challenging. I dont get how people can play these games for years upon end without getting bored by this. They are basically doing nothing for the vast majority of the time they invest.
>putting Q1
>not Q3A
>nor do you learn shit while getting stomped
Holy fuck, shitter detected.
Overwatch should be on there.
Overwatch's community isn't really elitist, just shitty.
The vast majority of time a stomp wont teach you anything, especially when its related to team mates that you cant do anything about. If you really try to refute that then I would ask you to present some proper points.
>I do not see why the fuck people play MOBAS
The objective of the games is to make the opposing team mad, simple as that
put metroid prime in there
all prime fanboys do is whine about change without a hint of irony
Nigga, you can learn things even watching a better player moving in and out to kill the creeps/minions or whatever are they called.
The other two are populated by elitist faggots, but Dota is free to play trash full of the lowest form of filth.
You mean DOOM fanbase.
Laning phase ends as soon as 3 minutes into the game. If you are being ganked then you losing the lane is less related to you fucking up than it is to the enemy team have better coordination/composition. The point is that as soon as the laning phase ends, also assuming that someone feeds, youre depending on the rest of your team to come back a disadvantage by making proper plays. Now take a fucking guess how often that happens. Spoiler Alert: hardly ever. Most of the time you are stuck with the disadvantage and the only reason the match lasts more than 10 minutes is because the opposition continues to increase its lead.
This is particularly true if you play a non play-maker role, like a really support dependent carry, a support that isnt being supported or a zoned offlane. The only one that might be able to make shit work on his own is the mid (also depends on hero picked)
replace dota 2 with L4D2.
I honestly don't know a more eletist fanbase than L4D2 players
Yeah, if anything Quake 1 isn't held up to a high enough regard.
>omg these fans feel left behind because the creator decided to take the next games in a much more boring direction for the sake of appealing to the wave of casual kiddies who can't handle even the slightest learning curve! what a bunch of entitled assholes!
I swear to fuck, once all the oldfags are gone for good the kids on this board are gonna start mass defending shit like DmC: Tameem May Cry and Invisible War.
Is this a meme? Mostly the L4D2 fanbase is teenagers dicking around with le funni anime & pony mods in my experience.
>If you are being ganked then you losing the lane is less related to you fucking up than it is to the enemy team have better coordination/composition.
Okay, now I know you're just bad.
Not him but since when are Tameem and Itsuno the same person?
What the fuck was with the L4D/2 fan bases for versus mode? People treated that shit like it was the highest level of comp vidya out there.
I guess asymmetrical comp FPS is really uncommon so they're gonna latch on to what they can but come the fuck on, it's clearly a mode built for fun.
Everything is really obtuse in MOBA. Like it seems like it might be fun but I never really got into it. That and I was never a huge fan of stuns playing a large roll in a game, plus I had a guy run out of the jungle and just completely outdamage and outspeed me, when I asked how to counter this a friend said "lol just git gud dude" so I stop playing.
Literally proving OP's picture.
If you played versus when that was popular you'd understand. People would votekick you instantly if you didn't use the tank properly.
>having standards is a bad thing
This redditor mentality needs to stop.
Being a zombie in vs. mode is basically the only way L4D is any fun.
Get a friend who gives better advice. There's an answer to every situation in LoL.
>comparing elitism to having standards
Fuck off.
the genre doesn't have any depth to it.
dota started as a map for wc3, a custom map there was nothing competetive there
these custom maps were made for fun and had a lot of broken shit in them
god i remember v5,84b riki and bone hah
found the elitist
You don't think that other genres of games have similarly insane skill ceilings? I think fighters and RTS games are similarly skillful.
You can slap literally anything into your statement and it would still be a blanket statement by a mad nobody who's bad at videogames, faggot.
Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums
I might replace Quake with Counter-Strike, but that's mainly because nobody really talks about Quake anymore.
Starcraft players might actually be extremely elitist too, but they're quiet and keep to themselves enough that it doesn't really matter.
Overall though, yeah, your image seems about right.
hate elitists