Safe Space: The Game
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Some guy just got insanely mad I didn't want to play healer, so I spent all game as a healer using only their primary guns in a competitive match.
I'm sure even people here will get triggered, I love this game sometimes.
did you get banned for acting like a little child?
Pretty gud
Did you get a sticker for posting a thread without using the term cuck?
Hahahaha that's epic
Will they ever put in a server browser?
I don't like "queing" up.
I just want to select the map and game mode I'm interested in and join the game.
>group up with this dude
>play comp
>we lose
>dude starts yelling at me for playing genji
>tell him i just want to have fun
>he tells me he mains mercy not to have fun but to rank up
>dude is ten ranks below me
I don't even know why this guy is on my friends list.
>play comp
>lose on purpose
you're both terrible
I laugh every time when someone acts like a shithead, gets banned for it, and then runs around crying that people are too sensitive.
Get some thicker skin, all you did was get banned from a video game. It's likely not even permanent.
There's too many sexualized women for it to be a safe space.
Not with Widowmaker's backstory it isnt
>lel have fun meme xD
You deserve to get yelled at
i dont think ive heard of anyone being banned in overwatch, so im not sure where you got this idea from
im a serial saltmaster and have been reported numerous times but haven't gotten so much as an e-mail
Matches aren't long enough for server browser.
That shit works in TF2 because of games like 5 CP or CTF.
>playing video games
>not having fun
>stop playing vidya for fun
Esports was a mistake.
It's more of a first person league of legends than a real FPS. Thats why there was a huge demand to nerf widowmaker to keep it from turning into Battlefield. The whole "diversity" theme also attracted the tumblr crowd.
I got banned for the season. Too many dc's. I hope it was the overwatch servers but it was probably something wrong with my internet.
>Doesn't ban players for the shit they type (unlike LoL)
>OP is retarded enough to call it Safe Space: The Game
Blizzard has openly stated they won't penalize or punish players in any sort of way over the shit they say on the chats.
I got banned from the forums for a week because I used the phrase "wife's son" and one of the cuck mods got triggered.
I like how if you put something into the environment where the "you win" screen pops up it'll stay there
Have you tried this?
I got dc'd randomly all the time, but following these steps fixed it.
>Playing "Competitive"
>Be shit
>Whole team is punished with a loss
>Get blamed
>Nope I'm having fun
What about the game itself?
Kids just want to hit one button and go. Not worth the development resources.
>two teams each on their side of the choke till one ults better than the other
sounds about right
Holy shit, those three right skins are absolute cancer.
They should seriously have both.
It's half the reason the new tf2 update was so awful
>playing a TEAM shooter "competitvely"
>by queing alone
>bitch at everyone else when you lose
It says "account suspended" on the forums, but the game itself works fine.
>winning is the only way to have fun gaiz!!1!!1!!!
Am I the only one who sticks to the default skins for everyone?
Why else did you think it got so popular?
Don't get me wrong, that's a pretty dumb reason to get suspended, but I just can't relate. Last thing I'll ever do is go on specific games' forum sites.
Now if they suspended your account from playing the game, that'd be a whole different story.
So you started shitposting and using Sup Forums memes outside of Sup Forums, and are now complaining that the mods actually did their job?
You should have been permabanned if you asked me.
Some maps are absolute cancer in this game. Hero stacking makes it worse
I wouldn't say that robot lucio is cancer, it's just shit.
I don't think I use a lego skin on anyone, but if they have a good skin I'll use it.
>Still using "fun" meme
Holy fucking kek
I am spilling my payload
>>Doesn't ban players for the shit they type (unlike LoL)
>>OP is retarded enough to call it Safe Space: The Game
it does, the game ban you from the chat making you unable to interact with your teammates :
>You're banned from the chat for " harassment " without knowing it for 2 days, if you do it again then it's 4 days, then 1 week etc etc
>Usually people doesn't even notice since nothing in the game tell you you've been banned from the chat, you're typing in the chatbox but nobody can read you. The only way to know is by checking your mails.
I mainly play Zenyatta, and when anyone complains about my choice of support I just don't heal them anymore
I really like this game
how the fuck do i git gud in this game, i have like 50 hours played but I can only reliably hit people with mccree. there's so classes people jumping, double jumping, teleporting around, and getting speedboosted while my screen is covered in tons of bloom and particle effects, i can't see shit, and all of the obnoxious high mobility faggots"shit i fucked up" buttons to make them even harder to kill
>>You're banned from the chat for " harassment " without knowing it for 2 days, if you do it again then it's 4 days, then 1 week etc etc
>>Usually people doesn't even notice since nothing in the game tell you you've been banned from the chat, you're typing in the chatbox but nobody can read you. The only way to know is by checking your mails.
Nice bullshit m8, blizzard specifically said they weren't banning people for "harassment".
You're playing mccskill, even with HOL UP nerfed in half it still kills squishies and shreds tanks
So like are ALL the characters a part of Overwatch and the battles in game are just gameplay? Who did Winston rally Overwatch to fight?
>you're typing in the chatbox but nobody can read you
they can "read you", but they don't, mature people just ignore shitposters like you, ever thought about that?
most of the legendaries aren't that great but the recolors and some of the purples are generally good
Why am I constantly chatbanned for some smug "gg ez " and " no rm faggot " then?
i was talking about fighting outside of flashbang range or against genji/tracers who are all over the place so i can't reliably hit my flashbang on them
what? riverboat/gambler McCree is great skin. Using the young "hanso/genji" skins should result in a ban though.
all I want is a good Roadhog skin, cant believe there still isn't a butcher type skin for him. all he needs is an apron.
You aren't, you're just shitposting to garner attention.
No, not all of them Widow maker for example works for some company called Talon I think. I'm fairly sure they reason it as just the different people end up working together because they have mutual interests in whatever the objectives are of that map, against whomever is opposing them for whatever reason.
>join attack Anubis
>take first point fairly easily
>enemy team quickly switches to 2 Winstons, Bastion, Zen, with a Reaper flanking, just clams up
>we get wiped
>team seems to zone out, people are just trickling in and dying alone
>I try to stick with the tank til the first push is done and flank to the side, but the monkeys and edgeman are moving as a unit and killing anyone who gets near
>the clock is ticking
>I'm singled out as the detrimental factor
>two guys literally fly into an autistic rage about how bad a reaper I must be for some reason
i'm confused
when you play reaper are you expected to constantly solo the entire enemy team and regularly win 3v1 fights
what the fuck were they expecting
I don't care enough to play a tf2 knockoff.
But I will give credit where it is due
I really like Reinhardt's design and playstyle design, that shield he does is really cool.
>all I want is a good Roadhog skin
they already have a great hog skin though
Most of them worked for overwatch (or wanted to work for overwatch but were too young).
Widowmaker was the wife of some ambassador but she got kidnapped by hydra and brainwashed.
Bastion was an omnic battle machine that had his programming fucked up
>it's only fun if you're winning
It must be rough to be sad all the time.
this is a game where you should regularly win 3v1 fights unless you're at the absolute top MM bracket yes
I prefer Zarya's reskin
>I really like Reinhardt's design and playstyle design, that shield he does is really cool.
I do like his play style.
Kind of sad he's not the demoknight I thought he was on first glance though.
But playing support is the worst way to rank up.
then why is blizzard telling me that I'm banned for """"""inappropriate language"""""" m8?
At least I can fuck with people in tf2 without having to care about crybaby
>then why is blizzard telling me that I'm banned for """"""inappropriate language"""""" m8?
again, they aren't
>Safe Space
I've been shittalking people since the open beta and nothing has happened to me. But then again I'm not an autist that tells people to kill themselves; I roll with good old passive aggression.
If this is how you act in game then I'm glad they banned you.
>resorting to muh SJW related shit to try and shitpost about Overwatch
OK user, this is getting a bit desperate and retarded.
>pirate skin
its fucking contemporary-tf2-tier bad to have "wacky" pirate skins in a non pirate game. same with the Maori skins t.b.h.
>It's bad to have "wacky" skins
>But I want roadhog to be a chef
make up your mind lad
Also the maori skins aren't as good but he's probably actually maori so at least they make sense.
can I do this in safespacewatch?
I said butcher m8. At least butchers are contemporary to the game probably
it would go well with the meat-hook. maybe give him an actual pig face for a mask. gloriously terrifying to get hooked by.
No, and you can't in tf2, my friend tried it and it got erased.
>At least butchers are contemporary to the game probably
It's like 2050 or 2060, they probably just automate that shit by then.
>mad nonwhites are in the game
when did white bois get this sensitive, was it before or after losing the crusade
They still have slums, so I'd venture to say they still have manual labour
Yea they have slums, in Bumfuck, Mexico.
Hog is Australian.
Australia was fucking nuked by robo-phobes dude. think they still have industrial meat farms?
>Comp Solo pub
>route 66 on offense
>entire squad is dying like crazy right out the gate
>Me:Dude shoot the turret!
>user : I just did man!
>Look at queue
>4 Torb + Lucio + Pharah
>user immediately rage quits
>I leave a minute later
Worst round of all time.
>Australia was fucking nuked by robo-phobes dude
Only part of the outback was
>Losing to 4-torb in comp
>On route 66 of all places
user was the only other person with a mic.
Plus Torb is harder on console
Oh right, I forgot they had to nerf the weakest class in the game because console babbies can't aim for shit.
still nuked broheim. and even if EVERYBODY IN THE WORLD only ate meat from industrial meat-farms there still would be delicatessens probably. makes more sense than pirates anyway.
whatever i dont wanna talk about this games retarded lore anymore, there are people who get paid for that. i dont.
>blizzard bans people for saying retard
>blizzard bans people for saying gay in place of stupid/bad
I report every one of these as harassment - hate speech.
Why shouldn't a video game be a safe space? I come to Sup Forums to bully and be bullied but that doesn't mean I need that negative energy permeated through every part of my life.
People who act like Sup Forums or the worst parts of reddit should set the standards for all online communications have issues.
I prefer the Epics to the Legendaries. There's a reason why they picked those designs to be the defaults. There are some I like, like Junkrat's and Pharah's, but I still prefer their normal looks with some more minor tweaks.
Also, mustache Winston is a shitass meme skin, and his space suit ones are way better.
>decide to play quick match again
>noone gives a flying FUCK about team comp anymore
>Casual matchmaking
It's literally their replacement for valve pubs
You expect anything better?
What do you expect? Neo blizzard literally is Reddit the game company.
>People who act like Sup Forums or the worst parts of reddit should set the standards for all online communications have issues.
Paragon Rein is best Rein