How to make pokémon go an actually good game that will last longer than a month

How to make pokémon go an actually good game that will last longer than a month.

Remove the retarded new core mechanics and replace them with the original turn based fighting.
Instead of having the pokemon have a basic attack and a locked special attack, let them have 4 slots which they can fill with skills by training them/TM items
Use augmented reality to show the pokemon and their moves. (like seriously what the fuck?)
Actually allow people to view the pokemon from different angles, not always giving this frontfacing bullshit, like what the fuck you must have models why not show them off
Only allow players to carry 6 pokémon, similar to original games
Put in pokemon centers where you can heal your pokemon, store and withdraw from the pokemon storage
Remove the stupid factions system
Actually have trading with other players
If you want to protect a gym you can leave up to six pokémon in it, if you have the game open when it is challenged you can choose to fight. If it's not active or you choose not to it's just basic AI
You actually fight wild pokemon, for experience if you kill them or to catch them.
Berry spots will appear randomly throughout the world and live for one harvest. If you plant a seed you will keep track of the position and time of when it will be ready. Other players can harvest it but they have to be rather close to spot it and can't harvest it prematurely, they also won't know when it's ready.
You can challenge other players if your current pokemon are on an equivalent level. You will lose/gain some currency from/to the other player

Did I miss anything?

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oh and have actual pokemarts you should visit to purchase items instead

This is pretty much what needs to happen. But I think the faction system could be good, if tweaked to fit better into the game.

it wouldn't fit the gym system as you wouldn't be able to take over the gym of someone on your faction
seeing as like 90% of the players are red or blue this'd mean you can't take over 45% of the gyms in your area regardless how strong you are

if you can take over gyms of your own faction, people would cry and there's no point in the factions unless they add some new purpose to it

>making the game harder will make it more popular and profitable

It just needs a "Suggest this place to be a pokestop/gym" feature.
So many barren suburbs with nothing for miles.

>people still don't realize Go is supposed to be totally different so it doesn't compete with the mainline games

well yes because it gives more of an advantage
also more depth doesn't make a game worse
I can guarantee you that in the current state of things the hype will die out very quickly and the game along with it

possibly even before the game comes out officially

I assume pokestops/gyms work based on activity, so ofcourse if you go to dead areas they're dead

Maybe you can have more rare and stronger pokemon in those areas so there's a point in going there?

Also dont add any new pokemon just the originals

Nope. All of that is counter to the point of this game. The battle system from the actual games would be a hindrance to catching Pokemon because you're meant to keep walking while you do it. The teams are necessary for the social aspect and without them there's no point to gyms. Just go play a main Pokemon game autist, this is meant to be an exercise and social experience and it succeeds at that.

I hope they don't add too much classic pokemon shit. It's better not to have TBC because it's not the point of the game.

For now I just wish the app would be better. Start faster, use less battery, run properly in the background and so on. They'll probably keep it purposely gimped to sell the BT thingies though.

Congrats you just killed the normal market

Pokemon Go is now nowhere near as successful

Agreed. But then people would just add Pokestops and a gym at their house so I don't know how the devs would be able to make it work.

Pokestops and gyms and are literally taken from their other game Ingress. They no longer take suggestions in that game.

>social experience
>can't trade players
>no point in battling players
>the only social interaction is "wow you look for pokemon too dude #wow"

what normal market?
the market that doesn't play pokemon?
like the market that plays their other game?

Ninty wont let it has actual gameplay. It will eat up the sales of their core products aka the one in 3ds.
I believe at firat they just think it as fancy marketing. Now it makes tons of money, they might start to see it as fancy marketing which makes money.
Doubt they would actually change their handheld first strategy for pokemans, though.

Just make it so the stops and gyms to be added need a certain number of votes from the community to be accepted and some kind of actual unique landmark.

The current map is taken from Ingress.

They got their from the Ingress community.

I imagine when they do decide to add pokestops and gyms it will work the same way.

It's not supposed to be a good game, it's supposed to be something normies download and play every so often to keep Pokemon in the collective conscious with the ultimate goal of selling more actual games.

Able to track without even needing to keep your phone staying on? How does that image in OP work exactly?

>he thinks Nintendo made this

Hey guys, I'm OP and I don't understand that I don't want my brand new, already incredibly successful, IP to compete with my mainline pokemon games. :)

>let's make the game a tedious piece of shit
LOL no thanks autist

The game is just fine. Get some friends and go pokemon hunting and road tripping.

1. Pokemon games still move systems. Nintendo will never make proper versions of any of their mainline games outside of their systems.
2. It's a mobile games. Mobile games are made for literal retards. It's stupid to expect one to have proper turn based fighting, rpg elements, breeding etc.

you must be quite the autist

lrn2troll k thx bai

it's a smartwatch
your phone is still running
you just don't have it out

Keeping the app open is the biggest problem even if there is a power save option.

you think they give a fuck?
does this seem like a competent development team?

>the game will be dead before it gets all gens added

You are too stupid to realize why Pokemon go is successful. The other user was nicer about saying this.

The game will be dead before the next gen even gets added.

>I am an expert in game development
You sound like on of those weed smokers that thing they're experts on anything

the game will be dead before it comes out

I'm not an expert but still better than these chumps

>implying anyone gives a shit about anything after red/blue

Said the not expert

about other not experts

Why don't you just fucking play the 3DS games then? Fucking autists always want everything their way.

It's okay, you're allowed to not like it for not being just like every other game

why don't you play ingress then?

I told a normie that they should have real battles and integrate it with future 3DS titles and she thought both were stupid ideas.
Normies want a treasure hunt, the battling portion is for faggot nerds and the Pokemon company could care less because you're not the ones spending the micro transaction money.

How about you leave the mechanics how they are for the most part except you select 6 core Pokemon who gain stats as you capture/explore and have YW style auto battles where you just swipe to quickswitch pokemon instead of tap-shit.

ahh now I get it
people play it for the "teehee I'm a nerd xd" factor

time for more school shootings I guess

pick 2

if you want to play pokemon then just play an actual pokemon game
GO is an enhanced distraction and reason to get outside

>and integrate it with future 3DS titles
This is fucking stupid though.

Real battles would be nice but not with only 2 fucking moves per pokemon.

>Did I miss anything?

well ofcourse if you don't like pokemon games you won't like a pokemon game

I recently started playing

Am I supposed to have a whole armada of pokemon on deck, or should I just pump all my starcandy into one or two?

I don't want it to be a carbon copy of the mainline series. The way it is now is far from perfect, but rather than scrapping it I would rather see them improve the systems they have in place.
Plus, they just released, and they're working on server issues before it goes global. The version on the about screen is like 0.2-something. I don't think they even intend for this to be a finished product right now.

for an autist, he seems to welcome change and variety in an established intellectual property that suit it's demographic and playstyle.

You're fucking delusional if you think making a game harder will make it more popular.

Armada. Catch fucking everything, as long as you've got the 'balls for it. Every catch gives you EXP, stardust, and candy to keep trucking through new evolutions.

Normies aren't looking at the moves. You may want more features, but the only feature keeping people going is "COLLECTING THEM ALL, JUST LIKE I WANTED TO DO WHEN I WAS A COOL 90s KID. I WAS BORN IN 96, BUT THAT COUNTS, RIGHT?"

Pokemon Company is making bank of this feature. Why do you think you can purchase pokeballs even though they're easy as shit to find. Normies must CATCH EM ALL.

I was talking about needing to be able to catch pokemon as a reason to go outside or on a roadtrip with friends

We'll see if the game still exists in a month user

I hope this game lasts longer than a month :/

This one could actually be good, it's at least better than all the Angry Bird/Temple Run/Jetpack Joyride flavor of the month shit

But the fact that I have to take a train into the city to get anything decent is fucking stupid

The problem with fighting wild Pokemon to catch them is that Niantic didn't want to make millions of retarded buttfucks stand around in public battling. It's highly impractical. I live in Texas, and it's so fucking hot, bright, and humid during the day that having my phone out just to toss balls at wild Pokemon is already a huge pain the ass. Can barley see my phone's screen (second gen Moto X, has an nice, bright screen, still can't see shit), and it actually will get too hot to register inputs fairly quickly, as well as sweaty.

Maybe some kind of quick, RNG auto-fight could take place between your Pokemon and the wild one in question, where HP and PP would drain and you'd have to refill them at Pokestops, similar to how you'd have to hit up a Center in the real games. They could even have sick animations for the auto-battles (optional, of course, to make it even quicker).

You should have a real, turn-based fights with other players though, since you could agree to go to a second location that's comfortable for the battle.

I wouldn't mind some Gen 2. I'll probably stop using the app when an if they add gen 3.

>I don't want it to be a carbon copy of the mainline series.
What OP is describing is actually the logical next step in the evolution of the series. Broadening the appeal of the game by making it available on smartphones. Using augmented reality to elevate the roleplayibg experience to the next level. Encouraging battles to enhance the social aspect further.

If you want to talk about carbon copies, just look at any of the mainline sequels.

its the grinding that kills it

I'm not OP, but I actually do want some more mechanics. It can't be like actual Pokemon for practicality reasons, but they can add trading, PvP, and some other shit.

>making a mobile game that is free to download equivalent and better in ways than your Pokemon games on a different handheld

That isn't happening. You will not get normal turn based battles and 4 move slots you pick.

Ingress doesn't have Pokemon

because it's dead as shit no one plays

I'd be totally okay with auto battles between my Pokemon and wild ones that just take a couple seconds. I just want something to be happening other than tossing balls.

Also it's sad that Nintendo is so afraid for their shitty handhelds and churned out Pokemon games that can't let the app have basic features from those games.

and why does nobody play it?
because it's a shit game
it has 0 substance
the fact that it's still popular after a few days actually astounds me

Angry Birds has 0 substance yet it has a fucking movie now.

You know what else isn't happening? Nintendo's continued relevance.

no it doesn't?
It's a good concept which is further advanced in atleast some sequels

The problem is it's a flash game, a good flash game which is improved upon, but still a free flash game

That's a game. An actual game. Although mindless its a ripoff of the actual good crash the castle or whatever flash game series. So its "good" while pokemon gokillyourself is really bad.

>Making a good game is the best way to make money

You poor delusional child.

>mfw people are actually defending Mad Birds

>thinking this game is anything but "elaborate" marketing ruse

So you want this to be a regular Pokemon game. Why not just play a regular Pokemon game then? If you add too many options or things you need to do to a mobile game, you alienate people. People don't want a complex game full of button presses and decision making on their phone. They want something they walk around with and tap the screen every once in a while. It's good that this is different from the standard Pokemon gameplay.

>its better than nothing heh what do you expect man just bend over
Could you be more of a goy

They aren't making it, and there definitely needs to be a line drawn when doing a free mobile game
Nintendo is held up very well by toys and this mobile game now

Its better than this garbage
>implying it isnt

>Why not just play a regular Pokemon game then?
because it'd be inferior to that game

It'd be the ultimate pokemon game, the only way they could improve it at that point would be to make the creatures semi sentient but be able to command them with voice commands and have them be holograms

Then you could be an actual pokemon trainer

Are you telling me not every single fucking kid that watched pokemon wants this shit?

This. OP is literally retarded. It's all about what the mainline Pokemon can't achieve, which is you meeting up with your friends, making plans and going out catching Pokemon and taking gyms.

Not to mention like another user said: Since this is a mobile game it needs to avoid competing with the mainline, since it could hamper their hardware sales.

All the games needs is bug fixes, better servers, optimization and more unique gameplay parts. If you want your average Pokemon on your smartphone then emulate it.

That's not what he said or implied at all.

It's just a phone game, a cashout. Why would they make it as good as their mainline games? Plus the game's easy to play without paying, so I doubt they're exactly making bank on the game alone.

Good mobile

Nice phone bro too bad about the games

The game is gonna be dead before Canada and Europe gets it

its a phone game for dumb kids dude it aint happenin

Two (out of five) of my friends playing, bought the package for 10 bucks. Fairly decent statistics there, given that the other three are NEETs.

Too ambitious for a mobile f2p pick up and play game targeted towards the casual audience, It might work for a $15-$20 upgrade if people get too invested.
But the purpose of this game is to make pokemon accesible for the casuals, if you want the complete experience you might want to just buy the handheld games.

you do not seem to get this is a mobile game and they want to use it as a mobile game and not make it anything like the handheld games

>its a mobile game therefore its allowed to be bad
>its free therefore its allowed to be bad
Nice job cuck

no just saying your a retard for wanting anything like this when they said it will never be like the handhelds and they never plan to as they want people to PLAY THE REAL GAMES

but of course retards like you most likely want them to make the next pokemon game on ios

the people who actually play mobile games is a larger audience and they expect their game features to be even more simplistic and casual than pokemon already is. It's practically a requirement for a mobile phone to be bad just due to industry standards.


Well that's all I need to hear. Industry standards. I don't need a cuck to safeword-sweep the faggotry under the carpet like . I know why this shit gets a pass and its plain as day.

The game is about collecting. I use my consoles/PC to play video games. I just want to whip out my phone and collect some pokemon when I travel. That's it.

Add all those stupid features and you're bloating an otherwise streamlined collectathon game. That's all I want to do, collect pokemon. Anything that gets in the way of that is unnecessary. Once I collect them more, the only thing they need to add to the game is more Pokemon.

It's a fucking app people, if you want to play video games on your phone you're pure cancer

How do they even find landmarks to assign Pokestops and gyms to? I went to a park and there was a gym and 3 Pokestops. A gazebo was the gym (there were so many people there), two signs were both Pokestops, and an awesome wooden structure that I used to play on all the time as a little kid was also a Pokestop.

user, making a freemium game fun isn't the idea.

You make it ALMOST fun, with tons of grinding to make it actually fun that the user can skip with micropayments

That's the whole goddamned model, user.

You're such a shut-in elitist that you've become delusional. Not that user, but I absolutely despise mobile games. It's so hard to make an engaging game due to hardware and input limitations, but Pokemon GO is fun. Nobody knows for how long, but right now it's just fun to walk around with your friends and go on an adventure together.

Fun things are fun, user. Video games are supposed to be fun. Behind every video game is the ulterior move to make money, but as long as a game is fun, who the fuck even cares?

Isn't there something more worth your time to complain about? Or can't you just have fun with another video game? You still have fun playing games, right?

I don't feel like spending 30 minutes at each gym

This. Phone games are simple little time wasters you play on the bus or at work on break. Not a game you'd play for more than 5 or so minutes at a time. All they'll do is add more Pokemon. It's all they need to do.

>download apk because I have an s3 and cant get it from play store
>finally get this shit to work
>theres nothing around because I live in the boonies
I wish heart gold/soul silver wasnt like fifty bucks used now.