So who was the better Big Boss?

So who was the better Big Boss?

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Venom Snake didn't really do anything amazing compared to Naked Snake.

I was.

the real one

>Venom Snake didn't really do anything amazing compared to Naked Snake.

Fake Boss is best Boss.

Venom had the most potential. Kojima cut his dialogue to be like Mad Max from Mad Max 2. It was supposed to be so the player's actions defined Venom, not that there were any choices or consequences.

>you will never get to experience the epik duel between solid snake and venom in a Metal gear remake

I am willing to bet at some point of the future konami will beg kojima to make another metal gear game for them

>the Paz hallucination came about from Venom feeling guilty about not finding the second bomb, but he can't actually come to terms with it because his memory was altered and he only knows he did it subconciously
Venom Snake is the Rimanah of Metal Gear.

Boss from Peace Walker

The rest don't qualify

Just don't be a fag and play the MSX version then. It comes included with every version of MGS3 since Subsistence.

Venom Snek

He wasn't a pussy faggot, didn't break down into an autistic fit of tears when he heard The Boss speak in the pod, and built a better version of MSF, all of this without being trained by The Boss or anything, just by sheer force of will.

Not to mention he has beaten single handedly the most powerful Metal Gear ever.

One took a missle launcher to beat

One took hairspray

He didn't break down because he's mentally retarded and doesn't know what is actually real.
DD suck ass compared to the real comradery and fun MSF had.
He beat a puppet controlled by a 10 year old with army's helicopter for back up.
Venom was a mistake

>didn't break down into an autistic fit of tears when he heard The Boss speak in the pod
no fucking duh, he's never met the boss

Oh shit.

And he still managed to become another Big Boss.

And what did Big Boss do?
Defeat a retarded hovercraft?
Different malfunctioning clones, and a proto-REX?

He defeated the Boss

And then proceed to be autistic about it for 50 years.

You would be too if you found out you got trolled into killing your Mom/waifu

Not really.

From what we saw of Venom, it seems to me that he was completely unbeatable in terms of combat, infiltration and CQC. His motion capture in CQC cutscenes also matches this, and he is never beaten until Big Boss casts him away like an asset and helps Solid. Venom's Diamond Dogs are also an improved version of MSF, so naturally it was going to be better than Big Boss' operation.

Big Boss' reputation was made through a variety of stories of his accomplishments, until it was twisted into a legend. Venom added to the mystery, achieving everything Big Boss was known for in the 80's or 90's and then some, but his work was lost in history (or through retcons). I see Venom more as the professional who gets shit done, rather than the idealist who talks about peace and "muh boss".

Yeah, and stunt doubles are never as good as the real actor.

I'd say that one of the most important characteristics of Big Boss(or at least the way people talked about him) was that he was a charismatic leader that could convince nearly any soldier to fight for him. Considering that Venom is virtually mute and has all the charisma of a cardboard box, I'll go with Jack.

ya really

He wasn't charismatic, he was autistic and everyone joined him out of pity.

Venom was autistic in general.

To me there's 3 big bosses. The old guy who appeared in mg2, and was a legend in mgs1 and mgs2., the post mgs3 naked sake version, and then venom. I've always believed that less is more, so I'll go with this guy.

>The old guy
You do realize that's naked snake right?

Venom is more charismatic than Naked Snake any day of the week, though. Look at this shit:

>come see me for a lesson you won't forget
what did he mean by this?

>Took down 5 invisible super human strength snipers
>Beat Other Super Humans with other super powers
>Destroyed the most advanced Metal Gear that was so advanced it had to be power by magic
>Found love on the battlefield
>Realized The Boss's true will before anyone else and decides to disarm the world of Nukes
>Took 4 Rockets to the face to be killed
>Gave Solid Snake ptsd from his fight

>Found love on the battlefield
Quiet found love on the battlefield, in true snake fashion venom was autistic and just stood around watching her sunbathe in his little cage for her

>Venom wanted to bang him
>Whenever he tried the brainwashing took over and forced him to talk about how cool his handgun is
Punished Snake indeed


>tfw 100% but still playing

Venom looked really fucking good. I'd suck his dick, no homo

Venom's depressing, especially by endgame. All of the buddies he's allowed to take with him are a mute, a horse, a dog, and a robot, and that mute ends up having to leave him. All the higher up people who were supporting him by the end know he's not the real Big Boss and their plans are more focused on the real Big Boss.

Probably the closest to human contact he gets is the various Pequod pilots, but that's no Morpho.

He meant that MGS3 retroactively ruined Big Boss for him. They literally retconned his entire backstory so they could turn him into a Solid Snake expy in 1960's Russia.

>100% done
>Went full demon snake twice
>Trying to get back to normal horn
Getting really sick of smacking Eli in the face, wish there was a better mission to grind good guy points

The original one from the Metal Gear 1 and 2 games. Before Kuckjima decided to retcon him and make him a Solid Snake clone with no personality.

What if Venom impregnated Quiet and she gave birth to Sniper Wolf?

Venom Snake was just as much Big Boss as Naked. That was the whole point.

Well he kinda was like this already. Wasn't he an great soldier who left special forces who just wanted more fun in his life? Kinda like colonel from Apocalypse Now

He was a WWII vet originally who was half-japanese and upon return suffered racism, I think, and eventually ended up becoming a mercenary.

brown-haired anglo-american plus brown-haired dutch woman does not equal blonde Kurd.

>brown-haired anglo-american
Not really, since plastic surgery doesn't change your genes

But Venom Snake isn't really a brown-haired anglo. He's whatever you want him to be.

I know this will piss people off, but I liked the whole Venom twist. I thought it was classic MGS craziness. I was happier with it than I would have been playing as BB and so much being unresolved.

I am sad I'll never get to play the lord of the flies third act, the concept art makes it look like that would have been a truly incredible metal gear battle.

Hey Big Boss, I think you're on the wrong strut! The Mess Hall Combat Department is down the path

he has brown hair in GZ, though I forgot there's really no way to know his ethnicity.

Big Boss was a pussy who hid behind everyone and worked on building his own shitty Outer Heaven while everyone else was distracted.

Fuck you

Honestly, I don't think the twist was that offensive to many. A lot of people already predicted it in some form or another when they released the GDC 2013 trailer. There was a much bigger outcry when Raiden replaced Snake in MGS2.

Real one, even the figurine looks better.

>those fucking thighs.

I enjoyed the Venom twist even if it could have been done better, like I really appreciate the symbolic gesture he's supposed to represent, its Hideo's way of showing appreciation to fans who have shaped the characters in the series and are part of the reason that Big Boss became as popular as he is, e.i. the reason Venom is the legend of Big Boss is because fans are the reason he's a legend

Where is the shrapnel in MG1?

In the retcon soup

I love that. You got to make your own Big Boss, you were bait the whole time, but made it though anyways.

What are those, the only full sentences he speaks in the whole game?


Yeah, we needed 30 hours of dialogue that was just him repeating things with a question mark at the end.

The end!?

Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure there's an online dispatch mission you can do that removes demon form with a 100% success rate. It takes a long time to do though. Almost a week I think.

The original Big Boss bench pressed a Metal Gear, takes out tanks, APCs and Helicopters and their support squad by himself, walked the river of death and made the world into what it is.
Venom's just a placeholder that has no input.

From what i remember Venom is the one that wants peace, because his view on the Big Boss is that he wants peace. He acts the way Big Boss would act in his mind, which isnt always accurate. The real Big Boss wants eternal war, outer heaven, not peace.

What artbook are these Shinkawa sketches from, anyone got a link>

Are you retarded? he was trained by the boss he was his right hand thats the fucking point of the plot, god lord i mean if you like him its ok but dont talk bullshit, and no that wasnt the strongest metalgear ever.

The Boss is not Big Boss. Play MGS3.

>autistic about killing his most beloved one

You must be a very sad person


>his view on the Big Boss is that he wants peace
that's actually his thoughts of The Boss, the events of the game cause him to realize the truth behind her sacrifice years earlier than Big Boss did, he planned to leave the world Nuke free as her legacy, which is then exploited by Big Boss

One of the writers said that, after Venom dies in MG1, they meet up in the afterlife.

You are wrong, Venom is just as an idealist as Bigg Boss is look at the hidden ending, he clearly finds out hes not BB but keeps doing his part of the job and helps him make OH a reality, there is not diference between DD and MSF.

Venom Snake was Big Boss. He took his memes as his own. You guys didn't finish the game or what?

MGSV was the least fun I have ever had with a video game in my entire life. It has taken the place of Samurai Showdown on the Sega Genesis as my least favorite game.

>cut his dialogue to be like Mad Max from Mad Max 2
This again...
Also it was Fury Road, not Mad Max 2.

doesn't venom have better stats than peace walker boss?

BigBoss talked to his troops in PW too and had far more interaction with the live in mother base than venom.

BigBoss* its called context, now i know you are actually retarded

Did you pass the literacy test? I kind of doubt it.

Big Boss isn't a username, why the fuck won't you use spaces

Its actually the opposite, BB has better stats, just google it you can easily found the tag.

You have shit taste.

>was just as much

no, he was better.

if I could make the next metal gear I would retcon his death. venom being defeat by a son of the other BB is a joke.

How can you hate Samuria Sho(w)down?

Such a big deal. Kek

If you say so.

Kojima hadn't even seen Fury Road back then.

It's a big deal when you correct someone else with a fundamentally wrong edit.

Galford is complete bullshit.

And still it happens, i dont get why faggots like you try so hard to validate their opinions.

Saldly for you and your kind kojima-sama has spoken and there is nothing you can do about it. Kek

>It's a big deal when i cant find anything relevant to come back at you

They you go buddy fixed it for you

I'll bite, what could be more relevant than a reply about grammar to a post about grammar?


Yeah, but there's some fake Kotaku screenshot saying that Kojima saw Fury Road and took out most of Big Boss' lines so that he would be more like Max.

>who was the better Big Boss?

His clone.

>It's a "everyone forgets all of Naked Snake's feats and accomplishments because you played as Venom Snake for one game in a plan that wasn't even Big Boss' idea" episode

I just never liked him as much as solid to be honest.

you know what you are right im sorry, i dont how i expect people like you to understand that Big Boss, Big Boss and BB are just the same, Too much for your brains i guess. kek

>it's a "decide your favorite character based on anime power levels" episode

It is really fake? sounds just like the usual garbage kotako writers post

Not an argument

This is Kojima we're talking about.