Are there any good video games about scientists, Sup Forums?
Are there any good video games about scientists, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Half Life.
Pokemon GO.
Die user's Pie Adventures fag
And stop fucking harassing me
Some where you play as a physicist, others as an archeologist, and some where you even play as a neuromancer.
this is really getting old now
>Yeah, I know. These barneyfags wont leave me alone!
fuck off you sperg
Seriously, stop fucking doing this
Why is Agent 47 doing science shit?
OP just wanted to shill Barneyshit, you know
His pic is from user's Pie Adventures
It's not, it's a Barney character
Seriously, OP, I want you fucking dead if you're going to keep doing this
You and your kind should all be fucking gassed to fucking bits because I fucking hate you
>Le Barneyfag baiting image
I've seen like 3 threads made by you since yesterday, you're as bad as him
I literally want them all fucking dead and blown to pieces
>3 fucking years
>autism still burns like the sun
Barneyfag maybe if you stopped posting MLP related OPs you wouldn't get so mad at yourself.
That's clearly Louis from L4D user
This right here. They really should die.
But that's not me and you can't fucking prove that shit either.
That's what happens when they continue to shill their shit here.
Can someone please kill all these degenerates already
autism never dies, it just takes up different forms
Could someone please murder barneyfag?
It's a victimless crime.
the canadian barneyposter is persistent
That's what happens when they continue to shill their shit. They shouldn't be, but they still do it anyway and that's why I exist.
Fortunately, it won't happen. I will keep persisting as long as these Barneyfags continue to exist.
Only as persistent as the containment board itself.
You know, it may be shit, but its a gold mine for reaction pics
What the actual fuck?
Don't reply to me, degenerate.
Seriously, someone murder them
Every time I see one of these threads where everyone screams BARNEYFAG DETECTED, it's always random as fuck images that don't seem to relate to any goddamn thing I'm aware of that has to do with barney, and also the people coming to bitch just spam the same goddamn word salad and associated images that I really don't give a fuck who or what a barneyfag is, because this shit is just as cancerous if not more so than anything this imaginary fuck has done, unless I can blame it for breeding you anally devastated fuckwits.
Nelson Mandela demands it!
Evil Genius.
OP's a Barneyfag
>defending Barneyshit
>at all
Fuck you
I ain't afraid of no ghost.
Same person. Barneyfag is the OP and he fabricated this thread so he can be a faggot.
He's a Barneyfag as well, you know.
What does this science guy have to do with barney?
You can't prove this.
You literally can't.
There's tons of games where you do alchemy shit if that counts.
>Not reading it for the reaction pics
Miasmata lets you play as a scientist stuck on a deserted island with an unbeknown disease and you have to cure yourself.
>It’s confirmed by Sup Forums staff that "Barneyfag" is usually the one who posts MLP content outside of /mlp/ so he can be a bitch about it. It is also confirmed that Barneyfag is a hypocrite and is actually the biggest My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fan of all, being able to
> Recognize every character(including their humanized counterparts)
> Able to cite all character names and quirks
> Knows the name of every episode/special/movie to date
> Can recognize any scene and meme from the show and cite the episode they came from
> Can directly quote characters
> Knows all of the voice cast and writers
> Is able to recognize every single piece of MLP fan art and porn.
>Barneyfag is the biggest pony fan of all time. I think thou doth protest too much!
>mfw this thread
You gotta chemistry the fuck out of plants.
It's from a shitty Barney comic called user's Pie Adventures
Is this shilling Barney?
Who's defending anything. I'm screengrabbing the user reactions.
Fuck off degenerate Barneyfag
Literally fuck off faggot
Should have known a disgusting barneyfag like you would recognize everything pony related.
You are literally the King of the Bronies.
You're still defending the degenerates who shill this shit outside of containment board.
when will i get to use my horse reaction images outside of /mlp/
So it is.
I wonder if Barneyfags parents know that he threatens to kill people on the internet
Only because their shit isn't allowed here, that's why.
I have to call these degenerates out so they can get rightfully banned.
Can't have them leaking out again.
Never, you don't deserve to.
I thought the mods banned barneyfag? Stop making these threads already dude and seriously seek help. Autism like this isn't healthy
>Sup Forums - VIDEO GAMES
>Sup Forums - VIDEO GAMES
>Sup Forums - VIDEO GAMES
>Sup Forums - VIDEO GAMES
>Sup Forums - VIDEO GAMES
>Sup Forums - VIDEO GAMES
>Sup Forums - VIDEO GAMES
>Sup Forums - VIDEO GAMES
No they're not you idiot
But I'm not the one who makes this shit, it's always other degenerates and you're literally memeing this bullshit.
>this thread
What are you talking about user, I havent posted anything pony related. Just some pics of anonymous
Yes they are, otherwise they wouldn't have chosen goddamn user's Pie Adventures as an OP image. Their only goal is to shill their shit outside of containment.
Everyone shut the fuck up and post scientists.
>I am the biggest Brony of all only because MLP isn't allowed on Sup Forums
How are you even able to keep yourself alive?
Fuck off degenerate Barneyfag
No, call out OP on being a Barneyfag
>Biting a low tier bait
The problem is this isn't even the original barneyfag. It's a guy who has literally been posting the OP and then replying to himself immediately with where he got the picture and spamming all the pictures. Barneyfag left years ago. This is an advanced autist in his place.
Did you guys know that Barneyfag actually has an account on Derpibooru and actually uploads pictures to it?
That isn't the case, I just have to know my enemy in order to figure out when they're shilling. I hate the show and its fans, and I want them dead.
If they are, then you're actively helping them by giving out their source. Their website has ads, you're literally giving them money. But that's not what they're doing anyways, they just want you to shitpost for them. Either way, you're giving them exactly what they want.
Not to mention you're now aggressively trying to shut down on-topic discussion.
How would you even know its pony related in the first place user?
>This thread