>Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
>Rust in Peace
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
Other urls found in this thread:
No game right now, waiting on Monster Hunter
>Blank Face LP
Is this your favourite or what you are playing/listening to now?
>Human Revolution
>World Coming Down
>Dark Souls 2
Either. Mine (OP) was currently playing/listening.
>Project Nimbus (fun game but could be better)
>The Devil You Know by former black sabbath members
This reminds me I need to listen to pic.
>Cities Skylines
>The Pink Opaque
It isn't very good. Pretty disappointing.
Xenoblade Chronicles X.
Interpol - Antics.
I just finished Odin Sphere but I'm not sure what to play next. Maybe I should finish Demons' Souls, Xenoblade or Bravely Second.
I like listening to Caravan Palace sometimes.
Demon's is a 10/10, never finished the first Xenoblade but recommend X, never played the Bravely Default sequel.
>Louder Than Bombs
I'm currently playing The Witcher 3 and the last album I was listening to was License to Ill. I usually don't listen to music while playing a game.
TIS - 100
Wolf Parade - At Mount Zoomer.
>True Goddess Reincarnation: Bizarre Adventure
>Art Angels
Dota 2
DJ Shadow - The Private Press
Specifically, "You Can't Go Home Again"
Good shit here
>Our Endless War
>Midnight Club LA
>Life After Death
Last game was either Dark Souls 3 or Overwatch
Last album was AC/DC - Powerage
>Fallout: New Vegas
>Black Masses
>Current Album
what the fuck? Do people seriously just sit there and choose and album to listen to all day? In 5 minutes I can go through any album and pick the songs I like, delete all the rest, and move on.
How songs flow together is a major part of what makes an album good. Do you really go through albums and delete the songs you don't like? That suggests you need to listen to something different. What genres do you like? I'm sure anons will recommend something.
I forget how disconnected Sup Forums is from good shitposting
My nigga
>Warhammer Total War
>Candlemass - Nightfall
Fits pretty well actually. You do spend some time drinking of despair and an old man is there, weaving a circle of magic and prayer.
There's a thread up for you oddly enough.
I started forcing myself to listen to full albums and now it feels weird not to, a lot of songs I didn't think I'd like became favorites and only the exceptionally shit songs got deleted.
>How songs flow together is a major part of what makes an album good.
This unless its some current age shit which might as well have been a mixtape.
I thought it was okay, not as good as SILY though.
Witcher 2 (playing through all three)
Among The Leaves
Pikmin 2
Mondo Bizzaro
Forgot the artwork. Its nice when a band sounds like their cover looks
I'm with you user.
Whenever I download a new album, I listen to all the songs on it, delete the shit I don't like, and move it to an appropriate playlist. Deathcore for Deathcore and so on. And that's it.
Listening to that shit right now while playing Grim Dawn
>Silent Hill
>Xiu Xiu - A Promise
I'm not an edgelord
>replaying SMT II
>currently have all songs on shuffle but exogenesis is playing
teen girl detected
>Xiu Xiu
You are
>Bastard Bonds
>Nurse with wound
Halo 5
Dead Air for Radios
The best thing that ever happened to Kevin Moore was leaving Dream Theater
>Pic related
>Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust
>Rubber Soul
It's pretty chill.
>Devil Daggers
>Blood In Blood Out
>Bible Black
>Eating The Cannibals
>Follow The Tears
good taste right there
>Cap'N'Jazz - Analalphabetology
if u aint emo u aint nuthin kid
>VTM Bloodlines
>Some Things Are Beyond Therapy
It's so edgy I cringed at first but I kinda like it.
>Donkey Kong - King of Swing
I don't know how i got myself in this situation.
>mountain blade
>I don't listen to music
>ARK: Survival Evolved
>The Number of the Beast
>giving a fuck about the edge
you guys think way too much about it
>Valhalla Knights
>Angel'in Heavy Syrup IV
>The Aquabats - Charge!!
Weezer - The White Album