What are some FPSes with good Single-Player Campaigns? I love the genre, but I prefer single-player, so what are some FPSes that stick out in that regard?
ITT: Single-Player Campaigns in FPSes
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Not that one
Well will you at least give me a better one then?
also FEAR, The Darkness II, Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, Call of Juarez: Gunslinger
Half-Life 1 & 2
STALKER trilogy (pic related)
Crysis 1
Serious Sam -games (except 2)
Doom 1, 2 and 64
Duke 64
Perfect Dark
Underhell: Chapter 1 (HL2 mod)
Hard Reset
Shadow Warrior 2013
Serious Sam
>Hard Reset
>Shadow Warrior 2013
together with D44M, these games are exactly what's wrong with the "nu-oldschool" FPS games: goddamn boring, linear crap with forced combat rooms and tacked on RPG elements.
Shadow Warrior 2 will be more like Borderlands
I'm glad this literally who e-celeb can tell me what to think
>Doom, Doom 2, Doom 64, Final Doom, and the tons of other mods I can't list without hitting 2k (someone post the infographic, I don't have it)
>blood (good luck getting it working on modern hardware, lol)
>Quake 1
>the entire far cry series bar Primal
>Crysis 1
>serious sam TFE, TSE, and 3: BFE
>douk noukum 3d (haven't played any other ones)
>half-life 1, HL OpFor, and half-life 2 + episodes
>eye divine cybermancy (much more fun if you happen to have a handful of friends to play with)
This is just off the top of my head, if I were at my main PC I could suggest a bunch more.
that's not exactly an improvement.
>blood (good luck getting it working on modern hardware, lol)
Played and finished it for the first time just few months back, using DosBox. Yeah, had to bite the bullet and play at 320x400, but it was damn worth it.
Hexen, Duke 3D, and Unreal 1
They're also the most fun singleplayer FPS games I've played in a long time.
Personally, I just viewed D44M's upgrades as just collectible upgrades, but you got to pick what you got.
I'll probably get shit for this, but I've always enjoyed COD campaign modes.
good for you. They bored me to sleep less than an hour into them.
At least it's fun to go back to SS3 every now and then even today.
>that's not exactly an improvement
it couldn't be worse, i don't want another meme shooter with randomized loot and levels
What would you prefer then? Maze shooters?
Dishonored and it's DLCs
Hopefully Dishonored 2
Red Faction
I can't think of any others, just pick games in those series for some fun stories
>maze shooters
now that's a shitty term to use on the 90's shooters.
But yeah, that's technically what I would prefer. I'd also like the devs to stop being cowardly fucks and try to appeal to the modern cowadooteh players. Like I said earlier, I played Blood just recently, and had more pure, unadulterated fun than I'd had with shooter games in a long while.
Half Life series
Portal 1 and 2
Call of Duty: World at War
Bioshock 1 and 2
S.T.A.L.K.E.R SoC and CoP
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
wolfenstein new order
Bioshock 1 & 2
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Wolfenstein TNO / Old Blood
Half Life
Call of Juarez (+ Gunslinger)
any DOOM game
I have mixed opinions on this game. On the one hand, the gameplay is tight and pulling off the skillshots is fantastic. But on the other, the writing and dialogue is so fucking bad, intrusive, and feels like it was written by middle school kids.
Or could take this anons advice and play CoJ Gunslinger. It plays very similar but is a western game and doesn't have any retarded dialogue. Fuck, play the other two CoJ games while you're at it.
>serious sam
Do not fall for this meme, those games are fucking dog shit garbage.
>tfw Sup Forums is the only place that remembers XIII exists
I played it again recently after seeing posted here. It holds up okay despite the terrible stealth sections
your face is fucking dog shit garbage.
SS3 > Doom 3 + 4 combined.
I don't care about your wrong opinion.
I don't care so much I'm taking the time to tell you how much I don't care about your opinion, which I might add is completely incorrect.
>oh look, another massive COMPLETELY empty room with respawning enemies and some ammo and health every 2 minutes, fucking great
>what's after that
>another room just like the last one
the games are bad, deal with it
Not him, but SS3 was pretty lousy until the halfway point where it became TSE tier.
TSE > second half BFE > TFE > TNE > first half BFE > SS2 > > > > > > > SS Advance
>I'm a doombabby who can't handle more than 5 targets on the screen at once
I don't exactly think a game like that needs a plot more detailed than an exuse to rip more people apart.
Well, you can go full retro and play original System Shock. The remake will be happening so you have a reason to do it.
>hold LMB
that was hard
that's actually what you do for most of serious sam games
serious sam is like playing a multiplayer shooter against easy bots that just walk in a straight line toward you
and now we know how Sup Forums's "superior" tastes are just underage b& kids trying too hard to fit in
he said SS is dog shit garbage and obviously he didn't like it
when the fuck did he mention Doom you shitposting insipid fuck?
take your personal crusades somewhere else
Not middle schoolers, but it was written by people who weren't native English speakers. I remember reading an interview about how crude everyone was and they said that they legitimately thought Americans talked like that.
>literally Professor Layton:the FPS
>one ninth of the puzzle has been solved in ...
>serious sam is like playing a multiplayer shooter against easy bots that just walk in a straight line toward you
That's an awfully accurate description.
Nope. The games are fun as fuck, and some pure fucking great examples of PC exclusives (at the time) done right. Those options menus already get my dick diamonds, and then you got insane shit like 16 player co-op mode, and 4p split screen!
sure, the game improves tremendously towards the end, but I found it good right from the beginning already. I had some concerns about the game at first, namely the speed and potential "cinematic" design it could have, but all those disappeared when I stepped out of that building you land on, and Sam starts moving at his trademark bullet-train pace.
Because nu-Duum is nowadays considered as this magical messiah game of the shooter genre, when in reality it's fucking tedious console trash.
Also, I bet I'm older than you, in both ways.
I still don't care about your wrong opinion, so I'm gonna keep telling you how much I don't care to show how much I don't care.
>they legitimately thought Americans talked like that
They weren't wrong.
Still the best.
I actually had an argument with that guy.
He constantly tried to tell me that D44M has dubstep in it. I constantly told him that it was djent/industrial metal, and when I actually linked him some of the songs from the OST, he just went "nu-uh, it sounds like dubstep to me, so it IS dubstep. Deal with it!! :)))"
Then he tried to tell me that the original had metal, regardless how many times I proved him wrong about that.
Guy's a fucking retard.
How can my opinion be wrong if it's an opinion?
Clearly you are autistic and triggered and you do care because you are making the effort of giving me the idea that you don't care.
As requested. Doom your ass off.
Halo 1-3 and ODST
New Wolfensteins
Metro 2033 and Last Light
it's actually his video, this dumbass comes and shills his shitty 30 minute long video in every doom thread
In a few minutes he'll accuse you of never having played Doom before and will brag about the fact that he's been playing Doom for 20 years.
Fallout 3 and 4
yea I watched his review because someone keeps shilling it here and every point he had about why the game is bad I just didn't agree with
he nitpicks about things that don't even affect gameplay
>New Wolfensteins
Not that you're wrong but RtCW is still the best game in the series and should be mentioned.
>because someone keeps shilling it here
It's the creator of the video that is shilling it, that fag was arguing in a thread a day or two ago and admitted that it was his video.
I actually forgot about that for some reason, I totally agree
>tfw got the italian dub
>The dub is actually fucking good and fit with the game too well.
>The insults were the most real feeling i could feel from a game.
Honestly every Wolfenstein is good. 3D/SoD are a bit archaic but are still a fun romp and worth it for its legacy. RtCW is top notch, 2009 is great with only a few issues, and TNO/TOB are amazing.
I really enjoyed Battlefield 3 and Halo 5's campaigns
awful list.
Quake (this should be your #1 priority as it has the best levels and overall design of any FPS)
Quake 2
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Soldier of Fortune
Soldier of Fortune 2
you will notice over time that basically every single good fps falls between 1995-2000.
New wolfenstein games and new doom are trash regardless of what anyone here will tell you. Nothing to do with classic gameplay.
>Halo 5's campaigns
what's wrong with you?
it wasn't horrible but damn was it a letdown compared to previous games
>New wolfenstein games and new doom are trash
Kill yourself.
Anything that has no or very little hitscan enemies.
So basically Doom and Serious Sam.
yea I figured that
Heretic has no hitscan enemies and Hexen has zero hitscan enemies or weapons.
I don't know if it really counts as an FPS, but Mechwarrior
>Anything that has no or very little hitscan enemies.
>So basically Doom
except doom has like 4 hitscan enemies? fps threads on Sup Forums are so frustrating.
like hitscan enemies are even anything bad inherently
You're a retarded faggot and your video is absolute trash. You're too old to have opinions anymore. Get out.
>the writing and dialogue is so fucking bad, intrusive, and feels like it was written by middle school kids
it's the fucking point.
Do the Deus Ex games count as FPSs?
Dark Messiah if even though it's not really a shooter.
They're still a minority of the enemies, especially in Doom 2, Final Doom and D44M. Being able to dodge enemy shots instantly speeds up the gameplay as you don't have to rely on cover to avoid hits and can play much more aggressively.
They're bad if used incorrectly, like Chaingunners. The other zombiemen are fine because they're weak in health and damage (sans Shtgun Guys at close range). Blood and SW are notoriously bad with their hitscanners, not on the most common enemies in the game, with multiple versions of said mooks, but also tough(Cultists) or very agile(Evil Ninjas).
I think D44M is the only Doom game without hitscan enemies (not 100% sure because I don't know how the shotgun guys weapons work but they don't fire at a distance anyways so it doesn't matter).
Also SS3 is loaded with hitscan enemies for the first part.
I found it really great compared to 4's. Even though I did like 4's ending.
I thought that the voice acting for Cortana and Exhuberent Witness were top tier.
All 5 Halo campaigns' gameplay have been shit since the beginning to me, besides ODST of course. So it really depends on the story, which I thought was tops in 5.
Kill yourself
Does D44M even have any hitscan monsters? I know the shield zombies use shotguns but you can clearly see its projectiles traveling through the game world when you fire.
what is "generally considered" has nothing to do with the conversation
he never mentioned doom
you did
grow the fuck up and learn how to make an argument without your own personal assumptions
Reminder that this guy is 100% right.
>as you don't have to rely on cover to avoid hits
hitscan enemies don't make you rely on cover to avoid hits in most classic fps games. This is because they have a time to lock onto your position and fire, so you can actually make them miss.
assuming that hitscan means perfect accuracy with 0 lag means you don't know what you're talking about.
FWIW, this ruined the Black Mesa half-life remake. The grunts in BM have 0 tiem between spotting you and shooting, so every grunt part of the game becomes hiding behind cover like some kind of new school fps.
It completely ruins half-life and it makes me want to vomit that a lot of people here played BM and think it's half-life. it isn't.
The Chronicles of Riddick games are good, but the enemies have 0 lag between spotting and shooting that is mentioned here
>there are people who don't like the character-action style pacing that combat arenas bring,
Timesplitters 2 has a god like campaign. But if you want your ass to stay in one piece stay away from Hard mode
I guess I just hate the promethians as enemies. I honestly think 343 designed them to be less resource intensive, which is why they instantly disappear when they die, eliminating the need for ragdoll. All of their guns suck too and after Halo 4 I hoped they wouldn't repeat the same mistake.
Does Dark Messiah count? It's first person and you can shoot spells and arrows and shit. It's got the best first person melee combat around.
Which FPS forces you to git gud and will improve your aim?
not a single one unless you count the final boss' laser, which move to you instead of hit you right away.
tron 2.0
That's a visual effect, they could still be instant. Though I think they might have a limited range?
pic unrelated? D44M was hot garbage
It doesn't, one of the main reasons why it's good. If you're good you can play it through without taking any hits.
Stop typing like an autist.
>If you're good you can play it through without taking any hits.
yeah being good stops imps from climbing up platforms behind you and shit.
absolutely hate that gameplay design.
Wolfenstein 2009 was so much better than TNO
>letting imps sneak up on you
Quake 3/Any Unreal Tournament game
CoD Ghosts
BLOPS 3 (not BLOPS 2)
Blacksite Area 51
I like my campaigns to be cinematic and all of these are that.
>wanting to play an fps game that you have to play all hard like it's multiplayer
one of the reasons doom sucks is that the enemies are too good. and the enemies can be too good because there are 400,000 points worth of HP spawning from them in an average level
game just sucks.
First time I've heard that here. That said I really fucking like Wolf09. I love hub systems, the weapon upgrades were good, and the weapons were the best in the series.
you sound like an old dad that calls everything new shit and talks about how back in your day everything was golden.
You either adapt or get left behind, grandpa.
because the two genres arent the same.
shooters are meant to be efficient. you point, you shoot, you switch
character action is meant to be showy. you up up x x x x y down up a x x y, switch b hold rb x x x a b release rb a hold lt x x x y b...
>have to play all hard like its multiplayer
thats it. this has to be bait.