This looks like every other shitty mobile game. Why is it so popular? Is it actually fun?

This looks like every other shitty mobile game. Why is it so popular? Is it actually fun?

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yeah bro, you flick the pokeball at the pokemon and catch it.

Its pokemon on a smartphone.


>Why is it so popular?
You walk around in real life and catch pokemon. Why is there any wonder that it's popular? It's fucking Pokemon.

>normalfags who don't even play pokemon anymore
>pokemon autists

The latest normie fad combined with genwunner autists.

It's a really cool AR idea. It needs more tho because it's novelty will wear off.

It's not as much a game as it is a fitness app where you catch pokemon. Either way its somewhat fun. I've walked 13km in about 24h. You don't even have to go wander around for it to be fun, just use it on the way to work or shop.

You see all these deleted threads?

It will be your fate as well

Lemme know when this shit has a local battle system and I'll start to care

Will you be able to transfer the pokemon you catch to Sun and Moon?

it's nothing like other pokemon games

To be honest I have probably learned more about my city's history and landmarks in the last three days than I have during the five years I have lived here.

Also, it makes me walk and explore in the hopes of finding something neat like an Onix. Thankfully my shoes are comfy as fuck.

It is fun, even though it's has a bad launch, and lacks many important features. It has that appeal to it, and I genuinely want to go hunt pokemon with a friend. I have a feeling that it will die soon though.

i live in a pretty small town. tons of people are out playing this shit, its pretty great. I've ran into a bunch of old friends, and met a bunch of new people playing it. I'm a pretty hardcore introvert, but people just open up and are happy to shoot the shit with ya.

On our waterfront someone dropped 3 lures on some really close pokestops and had like 20+ people standing around talking pokemon. Huge range of people from neckbeard fatties with coke glasses, to fit dudes with gauges, to some decent looking women.

Most of the fun is just shouting to people "Fearow by the restauraunt" and having people in their 20's hustling to grab it.

I'm 27, and this is how i envisioned the romanticized 1960's america, everyone friendly and chummy and just talking to the strangers you see.

I'm just sad the fad is gonna die ; ;

same here. I already planned to go driving around for pokestops with my cousin since they are so far apart where I am.

If they don't start adding features, it will die soon.
Im crossing my fingers for a turn based combat system, like the traditional style. I hate this tapping shit

the try hards are probably gonna kill it for the casuals. day 4 and our 'local legend' had several level 1000+ pokemon, had spare power supply for his phone to support 5 full charges, had not stopped playing since launch. he was just rotating between gyms and taking em over as soon as someone else took it.

my group of friends have gone out for several hours a day since it came out and we are like 12-14, this guy was 17. Normies gotta be hitting around 5-6 right now, with their cp 200-400 pokemon realizing they cant do dick.

Apparently is great to meet girls.
I'm going to a con this next sunday, they have a pokemon go area and I'll see if I can catch some poon instead.
>inb4 faggot

>want to play
>don't want to get mugged
I go on long walks normally, but going on them with my phone out most of the time sounds like a recipe for disaster.

it's just overhyped because big companies realized it's perfect tool for bringing idiot zombies to stores and places of interests
flappy bird was 100 times deeper than this

if you are going out for a walk just walk and look at the world not some shit render of pokemon

>if you are going out for a walk just walk and look at the world not some shit render of pokemon
>not doing both
No Fun Allowed fag spotted

>don't want to get mugged
How old are you? I don't think anybody fit enough would be able to get fucked over easily.

Because being fit's gonna stop a nigger for pointing a gun at you and telling you to leave your phone and go, right?
I don't know what peaceful little village you live in but that's the reality here.

i live in a reality where a decent human being isn't going to point a gun at you and tell you to leave your phone on the ground. must be really sad being who you are and where you live

Yup. The excitement of catching rare pokemon, evolving them, comparing your e-peen with others, taking over gyms, the excitement of finding out what's in an egg after walking it around etc.

Plus it's a dope way to meet qt's.

some posts itt acually show one quality - if a person likes it, said person is fucking idiot

Stop living in a shithole, or just go to a crowded area like a mall or shopping center or something

or just stop being a bitch lol

>decent human being
So you don't live in an area with heavy mexican, black, and hmong populations. Good for you. I hope you enjoy walking around with the peace of mind knowing that you don't have to worry whether the guy behind you is looking to slit your throat and make a few bucks off your belongings.

Pokemon IS for normalfags.


genwun only
its free

no other reason

>decent human being
It's called America.

>Why is it so popular?
What the fuck is wrong with you

>being this obsessed with black dick

Someone get these cucks outta here.


No one mentioned anything about dick. Go back to Sup Forums pls.

It's helped me get rid of my man boobs.

You little faggots spend so much time talking about them that it's obvious you be fucked by them. Stop acting like a cuck.

LOL. That's the point. Get out of the basement, nerds!

>even Sup Forums loves mobile rubbish now
What a world.

Pokemon Go is for normalfags who are too cool to play modern Pokemon.
You can tell who's the ones really using this app because it only has the first 151 and you can't even transfer your Pokemon to XY or ORAS.

Truly times are changing. 10 years ago, if you had something like this you would have been beaten up and ridiculed, now even the most popular normie and chads in my town are gearing up to make pokemon catching trips.

>Plus it's a dope way to meet qt's.
There are girls playing this? Can't wait to impress them with my autism.

>even normies and chads are getting in on this
>even to this day, chad continues to steal what is rightfully yours
Is nothing sacred these days?

>pop an incense
>server goes to shit

th-thanks niantic...

Everyone has wanted a real life VR pokemon game. This one comes close. In a month or two most people who picked it up will put it down and the craze will die since the game is imperfect. It's just the way fads work.

le 90ties kids who forgot about Pokemon getting their 5 minutes worth of nostalgia rush

it's going to crash and burn like Miitomo did

its actually a lot of fun if you like pokemon and also have friends who also like pokemon

Going to a highly populated area with a bunch of stores and memorials and what not is great because 40% of the people there are constantly playing pokemon

i've met more people from playing this game than any other. That being said, if you hate people, or pokemon, then this game isn't for you

The average chad over here is either unemployed or has a shit job. The "I'll be your boss when we grow up" meme became a reality for me.

Chad can Pokemon Go fuck himself, I'd rather travel around the country looking for arcades than Pokemon. There's a Spa not far from where I live that has mint condition Daytona USA and Sega Rally arcades. A fucking Spa. What the fuck? To me that was a thousand times more meaningful to discover than some fucking AR pokemon you can't even use.

>its actually a lot of fun if you like pokemon and also have friends who also like pokemon
If that's the case why not just play XY and ORAS?

You sound old and bitter af senpai.

That costs money.

But you can also do both.

Because it's Pokémon?

Did we enter some sort of time warp or alternate reality or something, or are we really just suddenly pretending Pokémon hasn't remained popular all these years? It might not be the international cultural sensation it was before but it's still incredibly popular, especially if you use nostalgia effectively like this game does. It's accessible, it's easy, and it reminds people of what they liked about the series when they first played it.

>I'd rather travel around the country looking for arcades than Pokemon. There's a Spa not far from where I live that has mint condition Daytona USA and Sega Rally arcades. A fucking Spa. What the fuck?
Are you secretly Arino?

>That costs money.
So does a cell phone?
Also they must not be too big of Pokemon fans if they don't even play the games.

It's not pokemon though.

Pokemon has trainer battles. Breeding. Trading. Team building.

Just because it HAS pokemon doesn't make it actually pokemon.

I've never played it and have no real intention to, but I really dig the design. Imagine a game like Pheonix Wright that incorporated the idea to hunt for clues or something.

Someone explain how this is a game please

All I see are people walking around and collecting autism animals and that's it.

>go to state park because what the hell
>win and takeover the gym there
>sit on bench
>kid prolly 16-18 asks if he can sit down cause he's playing a location based game
>say sure and he tries to peek at my phone
>get up 10 min later say good luck with your game as I leave a spaghetti trail

Also gym battles are broken

I actually saw someone in my neighborhood walking around doing it. Crazy how big this game is, but I bet normies will drop it in a couple of weeks.

It is pokemon it just doesn't have the rog gameplay you want.

Just like how Pokemon shuffle is pokemon

>normie a drop it in a couple weeks

This is when the game truly begins

>Is it actually fun?
I enjoy it

I also enjoy Dwarf fort and eve online

The only people who are upset over it are jaded autists with absolutely no one to share a social life with.

>can't talk to a little kid
damn, what a faggot holy shit.

How dare you post cute phox

>tfw lvl 15

>not carrying your CCW everywhere you go just in case



I actually have friends and we like to go out together and curbstomp gyms run by asian mysticfags. This game is ridiculously easy to abuse with lures if you own the gyms, and it makes it easier to own the gyms if you own lures, so it's really easy to break. Just go out with some friends who all got their free level 8 lures, find a shop to dick around at for a while, and use all your lures to catch shitloads of mons and level up. Then the more you level up, the stronger pokemon you catch, which you can put in gyms, which give you coins to buy more lures, etc. etc.

I see it as more of a way to get kids off their asses and go outside, but it makes it all the more satisfying when you thrash their gyms.


>Downloaded the game 5 minutes ago
>Enter a nickname
Do I put my real name in and have random people on the street knowing my name, or spend an hour coming up with a dumb name for myself? It's not like this is some single player game or an online game where nobody will ever see your face.

i've seen nothing but fatties. only one 1 qt and she might have been with her bf.

>combat is just some normie tap contest instead of traditional turn based like every other game
>game uses whatever the CP unit is to determine pokemon strengths instead of the usual levels 1-100
>can't even challenge your buddies directly
The game just isn't for me. Pokemon single player was always casual as fuck but online multiplayer was always fun, and I was definitely looking forward to this since it would mean nobody would spam legendaries.


Just put in a nickname, chances are, your favorite nickname is taken, no matter how obscure you think it is.

>Went out 4 times on pretty long walks
>Only rattatas, pidgeys and spearows mostly basically no special ones

>Drinking beer at a local festival in a park, laying on the grass
>Phone vibrates: Electabuzz

>Working out in the gym
>Phone vibrates: Tentacruel

>Sitting at the office
>Phone vibrates: Mr Mime

Wtf even? How the fuck does this game actually work, I feel like I'm better of staying put.

kek u sound too proud user. gud 4 u tho, i'm sure you worked hard

if you only walk near your house you only get trashmons therealtoxic94

this guy is steaming GO on twitch right now.

he founds some great Pokemons so far.

>watching someone stream a mobile game

This is it

A new rock bottom has been discovered

Luckily windows phone has saved me from this curse. Sometimes a bad decision turns out to be the right one.

>sitting on bench in park that has a pokestop
>chilling with my doge
>there are 15 stops at this park btw
>someone put a lure on this one
>neckbeard and his family walk up
>"hey man! I see you're on pokemon! Did you put the lure here!?"
>"Nah man I'm just over here mooching"
>"ahh cool! So what team are you!??"
kek I told him red and then politely walked off as soon as I had the chance.

I will never forget the summer pokemon go was released. Been pretty funny so far and it hasn't even been a week.

I'm serious though. Did not expect that. I thought I'd never have a reason to go to a spa resort but there we go.

The """""game""""" being shit would save you anyway


Real Sup Forums died years ago, all hail to Sup Forumsgaf where shilling it's okay as long you're sharing with the mods and making fun of minorities is forbidden

>making fun of minorities is forbidden

the fuck board are you reading nigger

Marines sure are known for their professionalism huh? Not anymore.


I'm so sorry dude

USMC has weaponized pokemon!

Anyone seen this yet?

Is Magmar really that rare to be put into the 10k category? I've got 2 so far, and every gym around me has like 2-3 on them.

>why is it so popular?

you can slap a popular franchise name on a dog turd and retards will buy it.

You projected so hard I became a white sheet

I work at a jail I don't have that luxury of Pokemon at my desk.

>just because it's Pokémon doesn't mean it's Pokémon

Last week a friend and i went too a concert downtown and the band was late so we had time too kill started wondering around downtown totally found an arcade in a classy sit down restaurant in an old downtown building it was closed cause it was like 11pm but next time i get a day off im checking that shit out

>walking around
>getting pokébros
Pretty comfy famalam