His music collection consists of vidya music

>his music collection consists of vidya music
>not even albums, just random songs
>he uses $10 dollar phone earbuds

Other urls found in this thread:


i use $1 earbuds from dollar tree thank you very much


>10dollar earbuds

Do i shit money? 2.99 will do fine

Talk about mister moneybags here with his TEN DOLLAR earbuds.

actually I use cheap speakers that my dad was going to throw away. only the left speaker works tho and since most games don't have mono sound options I end up missing anything that happens to the right of my characters. luckily music programs can let you shift the balance of music all the way to left right or center.

$10 dollar

The $ denotes that it's dollars already, user.

Someone tell me what's wrong with this


It's called receipts, fucknut.

I keep a receipt and I get to consistently get free headphones.

>tfw Bluetooth ieds that sound ace

>spending $400 for a goofy looking headset/helmet


>$10 dollar

>i use $1 earbuds from dollar tree thank you very much

Even I'm not that bad. Those sound so fucking tinny.

What is wrong with this? I have over 200 songs from random albums, vidya soundtracks and movie soundtracks and i use the headphones i got with my phone.

>I base my self worth on how much shit I consume.
Good goy

Hijacking a dumb copypasta thread:
What/who is your favorite band/artist that you discovered because of vidya?
Amon Tobin for me, the score for SC3 was just so perfect in an already amazing game that I just had to check out his other stuff.

>mfw I have PSF/ADX rip collections of all of my video game music that are all lossless and seamlessly loop infinitely for extended listening

Feels so fucking good.

I have anime music as well

Akira Yamaoka.

I only know his work from Silent Hill 1+2, but I'm sure the rest of it is impressive.

I don't listen to music. The most braindead "hobby" imaginable. Every other medium is capable of containing substance on top of aesthetic stimuli, but all music ever is "oh it made me feel feels, 10/10".

I loved the cassette tapes in MGSV

>b-b-but muh surround sound!

>playing Midnight Club LA
>hip hop station
>Reks rapping a tribute to 2Pac, Biggie, Big Pun and Big L
I listened to the album that song was on and it was OK. Yamaoka also needs to leave vidya and do his own shit.
Holy shit lmao

Fuck you. I buy my headphones from the dollar store. $1

*tips fedora 360 degrees*

post vidya soundtracks

i use some 8$ sennheiser mx170 and theyre the best ive ever used

Absolutely none. I don't even like beepboop music or classical despite playing video games all my life. All my music taste was discovered through friends or researching new music.

The only things video games gave gotten me more into are movies. I watched more Lynch and Jodorowsky movies because Silent Hill and Suda games were inspired by them. I also watched miyazaki movies because of megaman legends.

what the fuck does this even mean?

>that fucking voice


Are you okay?

I can see where he's coming from but if you're never emotionally touched by any piece of art you really shouldn't be bothering with it.

Just stick to philosophy and science. The arts are for thinking, feeling human being.

>he doesn't listen to high quality video game rips

How does it feel to be low test?


I honestly thought OP is weak bait, but your choice of music makes me rethink it.

I only listen to high quality rips.

WE GET IT, you're poor.


Arkham City trailer,two songs in Borderlands 2 and a Sleeping Dogs commercial.

I use $10 earbuds and pirated the Witcher 3 OST. That's the only vidya music I have, though.