U Wut M8?

U Wut M8?

What's wrong with this?

Yeah that's pretty bad. There's trying to be inclusive/representative and there's just plain historical inaccuracy

That's actually pretty accurate.

British didn't employ people of color against other whites so they wouldn't get experience fighting real army. Makes sense when you are colonial superpower and don't need successful chimpouts in your colonies.


people seem to forget we had a muslim and gurhka divison

Fun fact - More black men fought in WW1 than white men but this was rewritten because everyone is racist.

I get what you're saying OP


The British had volunteers from their colonies.

The bigger problem is, 10 or 15 years from now on, when all the guys who experienced WW2 are dead, people WILL believe this shit.

Make sense, i know blacks were airplane fighters but these looks like ground soliders.

who gives a fuck it's a video game
>muh immersion
suck my dick bitch

that's not very fun

No one with any sanity left would ever employ bantus and their derivative aka "african-americans" for anything but support units with almost nonexistant chances for actual engagement. They would just drop the weapons and run away (which is actually reasonable).

>suck my dick bitch
I'm sorry, but you have to be 18 years or older to post on this website.

They added niggers, even for the germans but they dont add france. wtf?

>muh dick
good goyim, you'll be an honorary nigger

>yet another "we have to be super accurate in games now so we dont offend white men" episode

accuracy is important

wow... really makes you think

Ay, yo, hol up

so u be sayin


yeah makes you think about why white men want to fulfill their historical power fantasies but they continue to gimp themselves by being completely fucking retarded

In the oven you go.

nice maymay! bada ba ba ba im lovin it!

>yet another "we have to be super accurate in games now so we dont offend white men" episode.

Meanwhile black people got offended when Resident Evil 5 had you shooting black infected people in fucking Africa.

This meme is old. Please take your memes to Go! threads.

I honestly wouldn't give a shit if you could choose to be black or white, hell I'd probably play as black most of the time for the fuck of it. The main thing I'm pissed about is the fact that France and Russia are just completely left out of the game. Especially France.

as they have a right to, they're wholly underrepresented in games unless portrayed in a negative light
surely you can understand this smart white boi

They'll be added as DLC, as we live in a capitalistic world, it makes sense to save two of the largest chapters as DLC.
If you want to get mad, get mad at capitalism wanting to jew you.

Sup Forums BTFO

There is a fantasy functional nigger pushed in every piece of media

nobody actually cares about niggers

British army did mobilize its foreign conscripts from their various colony all over the world for WW1.
Why send your citizens to die when you can get dumb pajhets and niggers to do it?

Historical Accuracy < Gameplay
Historical Accuracy > Muh feelings!

It's not that hard

name them, they're always dysfunctional as fuck
the closest we ever got was franklin and he's a parentless neet wreck

British employed few thousands pajeets against Turkey. France employed 160k "senegalis" but it's too broad term and no one knows how many niggers were among them. Probably most were arabs and somalians.

>yet another "we have to pander to minorities and SJWs to our video games to the point where we ignore history entirely" episode

How did the BLM meet go?

This is a game where black American soldiers, black British soldiers and black Australian soldiers team up to fight black German soldiers.

How historically accurate can that possibly be?

Were there even any white people involved in world war 1?

spotted the assmad white boy
you've been ignoring history for decades now, name another game that actually makes the different cultural armies playable?

ill wait :)

>name another game that actually makes the different cultural armies playable?
>implying this one does when French is entirely unplayable and none of the other factions are accurate to how they were in the war

>I want to play a (((realistic))) WWI shooter but I want to play as a transrace Alabama native who love sucking cock.

Suicide is only one bullet away, faggot.

>muh france
>wanting to play as the wave the white flag culture
just go play the literal millions of other ww based games if you wanna play fags idiot
also good job not naming any games LOL
White Intellectâ„¢ strikes again

You don't even know the difference between WW1 and WW2 and talk about intellect, chimp

Colonial soldiers were banned from frontline service.

people have actually dug through game files and France is in the singleplayer, I don't think Russia is though.
You're gonna have to drop some shekels to play them in multiplayer, which is just stupid.
Hoping the singleplayer is fun.

>nigger chimp not knowing how WW1 went or how different it was from WW2

The French played a major role in the conflicts of WW1.

Good job calling others dumb while being the most retarded person in this thread.

Still waiting for that games list white boy.

>Meanwhile white people got offended on behalf of black people
Fixed it for ya

>Turks are in
>Russians are not

How are that even gonna work? Wasn't the Ottomans and Russians the two who fought each other the most?

I hope they tell the part where AMERICA won the war epigly

You stupid white devils realize that the Battlefield series has never been about realism and historical accuracy, right?

Why is now okay to "blackwash" games and history when whitewashing was something that was heavily critiqued with games and movies?

Left: African colonial
2nd from Left: Indian colonial
2nd from right: British
right: Abbo colonial

It's fine you mongs. This is literally historically accurate.


>Russia not in it

Okay are the devs just brain dead?

>nigger chimp
kek try again

>Good job calling others dumb while being the most retarded person in this thread.
Nah, that would go to you.

Exactly. We get to blow up buildings and jump off jets into another jet in battlefield but ALL OF A SUDDEN WE CARE ABOUT ACCURACY BECAUSE BLACK PEOPLE!!

It's for character customization. That's it. That's the only reason. This doesn't need to be a daily thread.

>the one spouting the white flag French meme in regards to WW1 trying to call other people stupid

Don't you have cops to be killing?

>coloured colonial soldiers less than 1% of live combatants in the entire conflict
>indian army 1.5% of total
>make minorities them 70% of the player models
>Dice sweden

when did it become racist to question reality, or be perturbed at blatant historical revisionism?

That's not what an Abbo looks like m8

Except British African soldiers weren't allowed off the African colonies.

>2nd from Left: Indian colonial
he's not indian that's a bandage on his head. notice the crutches?

OK Battlefield 1 actually doesn't take place in World War 1, it takes place in a WW1 Reenactment in rural Georgia, so there are plenty of niggers taking place, are you happy now does that justify it somehow and cure your autism?

No I love cops. Don't you have more stereotypes to keep fulfilling, like being a useless white boy?

I'm not a WW1 buff, I've only seen a few videos and what I remember from my old classes.
I'm sure they'll do some super obscure battles that russia wasn't involved in.

You mean collecting welfare and raping white women doesn't make you useless?

he's cute
thank god they've done away with the boring old "rugged white man" look that's been plaguing the series
also really glad the game is this popular even before release

I've never collected welfare nor raped anyone for that matter. Put some effort into trying to make fun of someone, it's the least you can do in life since you've given up elsewhere.

What the fuck is that sight?

Is that a second bolt?

You need to go back.

Who the fuck is going to learn history from fucking battlefield?

It actually takes place in a bedroom of a white man seeing his wife being fucked hard by a black man

The man so distraught escapes into his own mind where it's WW1 but with niggers everywhere

Deepest lore

Im no going to buy this shit.Now all normies and children have left the call of duty and play will battlefield 1, a fucking multiplayer full of kids and normies no thx. Im going to call of duty now.

Thank god we got out of the fuckfest that is Europe.

Whatever, nigger.

If the races in the game were working the opposite way, where it's all white people in a historical setting that had mostly minorities, you'd be out protesting.

im comfy here though

I'm not offended by this whatsoever, at least not yet. When the game comes out we can judge it properly, but for now I'm assuming this is all marketing shit to stir up conversation about the game. I will be offended if most soldiers running around in-game are mostly black, because that is actually racist towards my great grandparents who actually fought in the first World War. There were no Tyrones on the frontlines, and Dice pretending it was like that detracts from the overall World War 1 image.

Google "World War One" and almost every picture will consist of almost only white people. There is a reason for this, and it's because that is how it was in World War One.

Why are you even here if you're so successful in life, Jamal?

>bitching about historical revisionism when history has for countless generations been altered and revised to glorify the white man and downplay the achievements of women or those of other races even when their inventions and successes were integral in developing our modern world

There's a difference between 'revising' and bringing to light aspects that have been covered up and generally ignored

I guess. From the documentaries and stuff I've heard about the Russian front almost all of it was centered on the Ottoman/Russian front.

You NEED to go back.

No I wouldn't, I don't give a shit about race in games unlike you. I've thoroughly enjoyed all battlefield games up until now. Yet here you are, throwing a fit because for once the game is adding some mainstream nonwhite characters.

Can't you see, you're the SJW? You've turned into the people you hate most.

And fuck, Sup Forums is so fucking easy to b8.

I'm surprised someone hasn't complained about this, exactly BECAUSE of the amount of black people. The creators made black people over half the cast because they enjoy seeing minorities die. Using them as slaves to fight their wars for them and shit.

don't sweat it, dude is probably white, just trolling Sup Forums to get a rise


So are you admitting you're unsuccessful? LOL

>mfw it was just all part of the plan
also how is that rightfully british london mayor holding up

>if something is whitewashing a setting people heavily criticize it
>if something is doing the opposite to a setting people who criticize it are called racists and other people suddenly stop caring

When 70% of your game's models are blacks, and you have plenty of idiots who will eat that shit up as factual, it's revisionism.

Don't pretend like this is something innocent.

nah im good here, perhaps you should take your meme images back to /r/eddit
i highly recommend the_donald since it seems to attract a bunch of anime faggots like yourself into shitposting endlessly