Heavy or Pyro

Heavy or Pyro

If you vote for the masked degenerate shitter you should fucking kill yourself.

Pyro needs to be removed from the game




heavy protects the medic and protecting the medic is how you win tf2

however tf2 players haven't cared about winning for years now so pyro is going to win in a landslide

I think Heavy needs the most work right now.

>ywn fuck fempyro's latex clad ass

Why live

>falling for the election meme
They are just gonna release both the weapon sets eventually. Why give into Valve's shitty marketing attempt to counter Overwatch's success?

>vote pyro
>look at the balance patches afterwards
>mfw pyro was buffed and heavy was nerfed even harder

i votes heavy because i think pyro is arealdy good enough

>tons of femPyro gmod porn
>literally no femPyro SFM porn

What kind of fucked universe is this

pyro needs to be retooled from the ground up

they keep adding these shitty "buffs", then nerfing them into the ground

>no futa pyro porn
Fucking kill me, why is it so hard to have a good wank?

Literally all the femPyro gmod porn is futa. Most of it is futa on male pyro.



>all of those bronies voting for pyro
its obvious who is the majority in TF2 now. It's sad to see, i wish this game stayed p2p.

>Valve's shitty marketing attempt to counter Overwatch's success?
you think Valve even cares about TF2 anymore, or Overwatch?

Can Heavies nuetralize any rockets, pills, arrows, jarate, milk, flares, balls, or bolts coming at his medic?


A non-idiot Pyro is THE "protect your team" class.

>all this salt
Niggers you'll get your heavy update, just after Pyro.

I am still upset over Pyromania


It feels like I never even cared for TF2, it must be a planted memory from the parallel timeline.
it hurts

And the class is still absolute garbage.

>there are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW who genuinely think the Pyro is overpowered

>there are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW who think the Pyro is low-skill when playing against non-retards

If you die to a pyro who just walks at you, you're garbage.




I play Overwatch now


I voted Heavy but Pyro needs it too. Whatever goes.

We got one real pyro update and another that was supposed to be all about Pyro and instead gave us the disappointing Meet The Pyro, the cancer that was pyroland, a one-off gamemode, and weapons that were better for every other class than Pyro. Sniper got Hitman Heatmaker, Scout got the Baby Face Blaster, and Soldier got the Beggar's Bazooka. You know what Pyro got? Another fucking flaregun, and two reskins of stock weapons that both look like shit and 99% of all players will see as stock weapons because pyrovision is cancer.

I don't care about this Pyro vs Heavy shit. I just want Valve bring back quickplay.

Pyro is my 2nd favorite class but Valve will never truly fix it while Heavy never gets any love and is the least played class if I am not mistaken. The last and only Heavy-centric update was in 2008.
Heavy deserves to win

I uninstalled TF2

If Heavy wins and actually gets some good shit I might play again.

I only play medic so I'm team heavy. Pryo uber isn't that bad though. Fuck demos though, pussy ass bitches.


this desu senpai

I would vote for spy if I could.

He needs it more than both of them.

Literally the weakest and least seen class in comp.

The Pyro deserves it more.


he needs something that can defeat non retards/good players

Heavy is functional
Pyro is not.
The choice is obvious.

Pyro has been nerfed so many times, I'm not sure what Valve wants them to do at this point other than spy checks.
With competitive, NOONE picks spies, playing Spy would be a disadvantage as competitive promotes team communication. A spy would be a wasted slot. Pyro is the second worst class in the fucking game right now.

Pyro in it's current state is not functional in competitive play, whereas the heavy is.


jesus lad just go to rule34.paheal or rule34.xxx and search for "pyro -male" tags. that will show only non male pyros. There you goddamn newfag.

Pyro has 175 hp, a shotgun and a melee.

Spy requires both your team to be great, and the enemy team to be dumb as shit.

unfortunately his class is just designed to capitalize on chaos and lack of focus, and in competitive you have a drought on both. The scout is in a similar boat but he also has an actual gun that doesn't shoot marshmallows so he can compensate just by gitting gud. I can't think of any balance to the spy to make him viable in comp without causing serious balance issues.

I don't get it. How is Heavy more functional than pyro? Airblast alone gives pyro something invaluable, heavy is only good to tank some damage (with a medic behind him) and dps in the short-mid range. Demos and soldiers can take down nests better, seriously what can heavy do that another class can't do better? I don't understand how can someone say pyro is worse than heavy. That said I never played or spectated comp so there's that

if the only thing the entirety of the Pyro update notes said was "changed axtinguisher to pre-nerf status" then I would be satisfied. Puff and sting may have been simople but its the only bastion of skill Pyro had, and frankly I just don't think any class with a flamethrower could actually be any more complex anyways.

Chose Heavy, but I can't be arsed to play this game anymore after 9 years

I voted Pyro because I unironically believe Pyro is UP.
Heavy is UP too, but because I play Pyro more, I want them fixed first.

>muh combos
You faggots are worse than demoknights, I swear.

well then what do you want them to do to pyro.

>I voted Pyro because I unironically believe Pyro is UP.
You say that like it's a weird thing. Only retards think Pyro is too strong.

Pyro is more fun

More mobility options. That's all the Pyro needs. They just need to the pyro able to airblast jump or something and then fix that flamethrower mojo shit and that's it.

i've played tf2 ever since it was released and ill be honest, i never did the combo it's annoying to play against.

My pyro loadout has been the default flamethrower and volcano fragment along with the flare gun for crits for the longest time

>and volcano fragment

It won't ever happen. Pubs(where it's a little more forgiving for pyros) unironically think the puff n' sting is cheap and OP. You're better off hoping for a detonator buff instead.

>volcano fragment

for what purpose.

It's pretty

Pretty shit, more like. You're better off using literally anything else.

he's already got flare jumps and the powerjack boost, but from what I've seen nobody actually flare jumps and people only use the powerjack because he has no other decent melee options. If you think they'll just give the class itself a mobility boost such as higher jump or greater speed then I highly doubt it, lest the pub shitters go nuclear.

Chose pyro, he's fucking useless

Its not really a combo.

ITs more like you're getting a free crit on someone whos in a state where they can't even avoid it or dodge it because pyros hitboxes are so fucked up.

So pretty much an average overwatch hero.

He already got a nice speed buff
You need to git gut at your aim with the revolver


There are better classes to go gun slinging as.

>tfw just got shrekt by a pyro main on a casual

the fucker could reflect everything I shot at him and hit every single flare-punch he could. what do?

Use a shotgun.

Pyro's core mechanics are dogshit

Heavy is playable but the victim of fair nerfs

The answer is obvious

You spelled Medic wrong

Voted for Heavy. I know they'll do both but I want to see what cool shit they give Heavy and give them more time to think about how they might rework Pyro. Pyro definitely needs more time on him.

Probably wouldn't live enough to 1v1 him with a shotgun. Either my or his teammates would end up killing me.

I thought most people thought he was, sorry

backscratcher for life lad

He's not seen in comp because he's very situational and relies on being unexpected. On a team of 6 or even 9, he's pretty expected once he gets that first kill or gets called out. He's the same as Heavy, Engi, or Pyro in that regard.

Rocket jump/sticky jump away
if soldier: get to a higher position and wait until he switches to the flare gun, then shoot rockets
if demo: turn a corner and put some stickies.

>his teammates
Well you're probably supposed to be at a disadvantage there anyways.

But really, don't underestimate the shotgun head to head against pyros.

Pyro is UP so is the Heavy
The huge difference?
The pyro needs way too many gimmicky shit in order to do some decent damage

Will try next time, thanks. It was hard getting into a decent positioning, though, most of the time I fought on flat ground, and the only moment I could get a height advantage was when I rocket jumped on him, but he reflected the rockets away, and flare-punched me most of the time.

Now if only I could aim for shit.

From what they've said they haven't even started on making one weapon set yet, so even if they did, it would take years for them to do it.

Holy shit, same senpai. Though I feel like the game would've died by now if it wasn't f2p

I'm aware of this.

But even in pub play, all it takes is one person knowing what spy is to make your life terrible.

Probably the only class that gets significantly less effective as matches progress.


Him and scout both. It helps to have a backfield to play around in. Once you're discovered it usually comes down to manipulating players and making reads on their movement to get a kill.

a non-idiot pyro is an annoyance

a non-idiot heavy is an annoyance that can actually hurt you

think of all the damage that fat fuck has absorbed for you

give the heavy a fun weapon

he deserves it


>Not wanting to actually make him playable.

While heavy would certainly need some changes, pyro is a fucking joke right now.

They need to radically change the way he plays.

>install update
>try to play some casual
>cant connect to tf server api or some shit
>restart steam
>nothing happens
>Decide to play on some community servers
>lost connection to item server on all of them
Fucking kill me
For people like me that really dont care about playing competitively and just like too hop in a server and mess around. They need to stop shoving this comp thing down our throats.
Pring back the fucking pubs.

Community servers are pubs, dickhead. They even fixed casuals so you niggers can hop in and out at your leisure.

how about a fun fps

>More mobility options. That's all the Pyro needs
And what would you suggest pyro DO with said mobility options? He's not like soldier or demo who can put gib 4 people before they even hit the ground. He doesn't have enough range or damage to make use of any extra mobility.

Narrow the flame thrower stream.
Increase the fuck out of it's DPS.
Give it more range.

Then he's just heavy 2.0

>casual cunt is butt hurt about shitty game
never change.

I'd rather he be Heavy with more mobility then the glitchy fuckfest he is now.

why not just play heavy then?

Because Heavy is also shit right now.

>the character that wins gets updates with a nerf

> He doesn't have enough range or damage to make use of any extra mobility.

Scout has no range and his damage is only good if you have good aim.
He takes advantage of speed to get in and out.

Pyro can do this too if he is boosted faster.
His damage and range would be fine if he had the means to get in.

Direct that to

Heavy needs buffs but he is far FAR more useful than pyro is in his current state. He's the one character soldier has a poor matchup against and 500 DPS is no joke.

Pyro is fine, he just needs her flamethrower bugs fixed. Heavy actually needs new weapons and a rebalancing because his current setup is a cookie cutter mess.