>there's a black Scottishman in tf2
>instead of WE memeing or complaining that Valve is full of SJWs, Sup Forums just doesn't care/thinks it's funny if anything
There's a black Scottishman in tf2
Other urls found in this thread:
Its not forced
nobody cared back then
>Black brit
Colour me surprised
Define "forced", because from what I've seen, it only means "I don't like it".
must be 18 years old to post here
Because he's one of many psychotic caricatures in the game.
Because black scots are nearly nonexistent. That's the joke of his character.
It was created years before BLM and SJWs started having devs bowing down to them
>Game is full of cartoonish stereotypes and is from a more innocent time
I'd assume it's because he feels like an actual character. Him being black is just an adjective to describe his appearance, not how he acts.
It's more accurate to just call him a drunk Scotsman than a black man.
Please come back when you're older
Meant to be ironic
Wasn't made black to pander to anyone
Nobody knew how stupid m1m2 spam was
Because being black is irrelevant to his character.
It's pretty forced. They originally made the Demoman Scottish but then decided he should also be "of African descent" because diversity. Demoman is exactly an example of forced diversity.
I'm probably older than you, I just didn't get into gaming until I was a young adult.
Did a representative from Valve have an interview with someone where they talked about the importance of diversity after the demoman's final concept was released?
It was from a time when this shit wasn't really happening, and also every character in TF2 is a comedic stereotype of some kind. Dunno why the demo is black but it probably fit with some other design choice they had already made.
You''re baiting at this point and obviously so. Look at the sorts of games that make a big deal out of minority representation and the sorts of people who push that kinda shit and then look at valve and what the valve devs working on TF2 were trying to accomplish.
He feels like a legitimate character in the game rather than a shoehorned one dimensional Mary Sue
Do you have a source on that?
except thats wrong though. they made him black because the white scotsman you see in most concept art was so generic they thought making him black would at least mix it up a bit.
>Valve is SJW for making the unstable drunk a black man
>le gamer
Nm, found it myself
originally demo was going to be your stereotypical ginger kilt-wearing scotsman but they thought it would be too cliche and decided to make him black as a joke
>at least mix it up
What is diversity
I liked how the character admits that it's weird to be a black scott.
I'm not him nor am I saying what he is but the Demoman was white at first. This is his concept art. I'm pretty sure they made him black so he was less bland though
Because it worked.
At least a black scotsman is plausible. Now if Heavy was black, then it'd be forced.
Pretty much this. Not to mention, he's only a stereotype of drunken Scots, not a fucking caricature like a lot of SJW shit.
Because Sup Forums wasn't anywhere near as racist back then.
If you haven't noticed racial tension is getting worse and worse.
Also forgot link
There were quite a few threads where people complained on release.
He's a decent character despite his unrealistic nature since he has quirks and flaws.
The problem with pandering characters is the fact they're straight up perfect in every way. Usually their only flaw is being insecure, and in the really tumblr pandering games, they get pointlessly attacked by racists, bigots, etc.. You can't relate to them at all.
It isn't forced in anyway like todays games and media.
Because it's a man and he's in a Valve game.
Despite their flaws (read: everything they do) Valve is still considered the sacred cow of PC gaming by idiots.
I always thought it was a reference to these guys
Because the game is fucking old jesus god.
Its treated as a joke
>Beyond Earth comes out, filled with non-whites because each faction represents a nationality
>threads about white genocide
>Demoman is black despite being from Scotland
>it's ok i like tf2
>Because Sup Forums wasn't anywhere near as racist back then.
It's a funny race/nationality combo that you don't normally see. It's played for laughs a few times, and is represented in the character's cosmetic items, but mostly isn't brought up.
If you're really this concerned about the skin color of one character in a video game that came out almost ten years ago, then I might have some bad news for you about your chromosome count.
Because TF2 wasn't forced and in fact was pretty fucking based
Do you have any proof of that? My theory has always been at some point they had him covered in soot from explosives and decided it would be funny to have a black Scot.
looks like the heavy
TF2 was released before Sup Forums existed
I hope america fucking implodes into a full out civil war tier rioting.
I mean, every empire must end sooner or later, right?
>Scout is black
You know, that would actually fit.He even has a KFC taunt. Why isn't he black?
We though it was HAPPENING a few days ago with the Denver shootings
>Demoman is black despite being from Scotland
its almost like this game has a humor base to it or something and the implausibility of that could be exploited for humor.
He's a black, Scottish cyclops.
They've got more tranny lesbians and tumblrina self-inserts than they do the likes of him.
now a black Scottish man is one thing, but have you EVER heard of a black Bostonian?
This is the only answer. GamerGate and Sup Forums ruined this fucking place.
To all these fags saying the demoman is "a developed character" and "doesn't feel forced":
1. He gets a pass because TF2 launched before you cared about the SJW boogeyman
2. You've played TF2 but none of the games you complain about "shoehorning" non-white into
Prove me wrong
It wasn't though? It was just mostly fond of the word nigger. Very few gave a shit about black people in video games on this board back then.
Why did they even make him scottish? It would make more sense if he was irish.
Well that and Black Scottish Cyclops is legit a colorful, memorable character with enjoyable gameplay.
Even his Meet The video kinda mocks his concept while showing off his personality at his best.
The because the Black Scottish Man is an obvious satirical character, as is every other character in this game. The idea is that being black is part of what makes it funny, it's unexpected.
He's funny and entertaining, and he fits very well into the motley cast of the game.
He's a good character who happens to be black, rather then a BLACK character who is BLACK by the way he's BLACK and also a German WW1 soldier lol!
>"arbitrarily making characters niggers makes things less bland" - Valve
Damn Valve really are filled with SJWs huh
A black scotsman is funnier than a white one.
>rather then a BLACK character who is BLACK by the way he's BLACK and also a German WW1 soldier lol!
When did Dice ever do this
>runs fast
>highest unassisted jump
>one of his strongest counters is a blue collared Southern man
>constantly talks shit, but is usually only good in a fight if five friends are around to distract
TF2 was made before SJWs ruined everything
Tf2 is older than the sjw movement or at least before its peak
Because that would be like making him an Arab.
>civil war looming
I guess I'll have to enlist
If anything I thought it was a reference to Phil Lynott. Yeah I know he's Irish but even they can't differentiate themselves from the scots
That's the joke, they make fun of it in Meet the Demoman
this shouldn't be as funny as it is.
In the Meet the Demoman he made fun of it
He's double unlikeable from his peers, slight racism joke, and the fact that he's a drunk cyclops.
Oh but he's the best on his field, no doubts about it. Also he's a psychopath just like all the Team Fortress.
>now has a fucking Carlton taunt
For the same reason nobody complained about the Heavy being fat.
>Define "forced"
It means it wasn't a decision made to cater to social pressures enacted by a multitude of fat feminist lesbians, BLM activists and low-testosterone nu-males with shrunken testicles and low sperm count.
Germany had tons of black soldiers, they just fought in Africa.
how do you know
where you there
That argument doesn't work because every character would get criticized for being a caricature and somehow clashing with the cartoony artstyle.
>Le evil nazi white man Medic
>French Spy who goes invisible to watch black men cuck him
>Sup Forums defends pokemon go
>Sup Forums is creaming all over overwatch
>Sup Forums supported god of war 4's decisions
>Sup Forums is trying to become SJW shit now
Yeah, Sup Forums isn't just one person but oh god that just means that the entire board is fucking autistic.
No. This year has officially crossed the line. Fuck you all, I'm moving to Sup Forums and /vg/.
>see ya tomorrow xDDD
yeah I saw that meme on reddit too
Scots are an Irish spin-off, it's how it is.
fuggin kek
>what the fuck is a moor
good riddance you autist
see ya later buddy
>Yeah, Sup Forums isn't just one person but oh god that just means that the entire board is fucking autistic.
Ok. He has a personality. It is in fact what comes to my mind about Demoman far before his race does. The game is also lighthearted, and Demoman fits this mold as well. In other words he doesn't stand out in tone.
They even address how unlikely it would be to meet a black Scottish cyclops in the official videos. I see no issue at all with the character.
In contrast, for example in Battlefield 1, they take a serious setting and tone and retcon actual history to shoehorn in black people. The situations are completely different. The vast majority of Sup Forums doesn't hate on a game that has a black character just because that character is black, despite your claims.
>giving a shit about any of those games
Maybe you should get some better taste so you don't need to cry which AAA game is superior to others
I'm well aware, but the Western Front isn't Africa. I'd play the hell out of a Deutsch-Ostafrika/von Lettow-Vorbeck game desu senpai)
reel em in
Well think about it. Are any of the other TF2 mercs black? No.
Any of them hispanic? No.
Any asian? No.
Any middle eastern? No.
Any women? No.
Any LGBT? Not that we know of, but based on their character most likely not.
So clearly Valve just said "fuck it we'll make him black" just for the hell of it. Not forced at all.
>best weapon ignores all the modern explodey stuff and instead goes for full on middle ages tech sword & board
is Valve saying blacks are uncivilized?
He even says it himself in his Meet The, there are barely any black people in Scotland. IRL though, there's JUST enough for the Scottish black community to be vocal enough to complain how they are underrepresented in anything Scottish.
It's basically a race joke. He's a joke character, just like everybody else
>The vast majority of Sup Forums doesn't hate on a game that has a black character just because that character is black, despite your claims.
>What is Mafia 3
>What is Crysis 3
>What is Prototype 2
It's acceptable because he's not a perfect upstanding member of society, nor is he a one dimensional mary sue. He's an actual character with actual flaws. His race isn't apart of his character, only how he looks.
Think of it this way: there's pandering to gay people (with Gone Home) and then there's products that have gay people in it (the couple from Mission Hill). The latter is far more likable because being gay isn't their character. It's just something about them. They have actual personalities outside of being gay.
Ya get it?
wait a minute that art style.
Oh god no it's the same as that one klk were they are all super hairy and ugly as sin.
They went out of their way to say the weaponry the soldiers are using are all game regardless of how experimental or how much it was used.
To that effect, Black Soldiers from Africa being on the Western Front is fairgame.