Final Fantasy XV is 81 days away from release.
Final Fantasy XV is 81 days away from release
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Anyone knows if kingsglaive bluray will be released before the game?
Now that we know mafia regis is still in, there is no reason this CG should be removed in the game as a flashback.
It will be avalible digitally before the blueray
10 years lads its been an honer Q_Q
Who's the cook?
The game will flop.
>Excited for it when announced
>Still excited for it at the even a few months ago
>Now contemplating the idea of cancelling my UCE pre-order and just not bothering with it
Every fucking time I get excited for a game this happens.
>preordered UCE because the Uncovered event was so hype
>lose job
>get even more hyped because of Kingsglaive
>tfw broke now but don't want to cancel pre-order
fucking life. I've waited 10 years for this shit.
Can't wait desu
Hopefully they fine-tune the combat so that it at least gets to KHII level of fluidity and fun
>Some gamers died waiting for this game to come out.
>most of my friends stop caring about video games before this game is about to come out.
Glad am not dead. Hopefully some torrist doesn't kill me yet. I want to enjoy all the 8th gen goodies.
>needs to sell 10 milions copies to be successful
Will they break even if it sells less than 5 millions?
Nice bait. Just slapping 'Final Fantasy' on a game cover guarantees 15 mil minimum sales. Screenshot this.
If goat boy pussy sex XIII can sell 7M copies, goat boy pussy sex XV can do at least that.
What fucking FF game ever sold that many?
Besides, XV pre orders are doing absolute shit compared to XIII and that's not a good sign
Final Fantasy 2: The Search for more money
nigger lover
inb4 that retard who keeps spamming "most pre-ordered game ever!" shows up
I don't think it will, but even if it does, Square can fall back on all those remasters and ports that they've been doing to the older games
Not to mention FFVIIR
Is this the whole game or "part 1".
Where the fuck are you pulling this shit from? I'm genuinely curious. Source, nigga.
>10 million
>there aver over 35 million PS4s out there. It will be also out on XBone, if it didn't go well them we have PC and NX.
It doesn't look like a very fun game.
it's the most preordered game at the moment with no mans sky trailing behind.
It was gonna be a trilogy or some shit way back when it was Versus 13 but they changed some things around to fit it into one game and made what they couldn't into the anime/movie.
I'll wait until after release to see how it's received.
I want it to be good but this shit has a ton of red flags.
Nigga, that chart was from years ago.....
What the hell is this?
oh man the chart from 2013 again -_-
Who cares? The game looks like shit and is gonna be eaten alive by critics. Final Fantasy's been dead for years - get over it.
Just give it up. You have no way of knowing preorder numbers for XV. That chart doesn't even have a proper source lmfao.
VGChartz is a reliable source
Do normies even give a shit about this game? I haven't heard anyone ever mention it irl.
This old meme image here are the us numbers
Japan numbers
Who is the vilain ? i want a new Kefka and not another edgy shit like sephiroth.
Kefka, not edgy? Are you dumb or baiting
>total: 178
Does that mean 178,000?
And you fell for it
yes japan use's points all this is physical we will truly never know how much is preordered.
>mfw people thought it was vaporware
eat shit
They weren't wrong, for 10 years.
When people get a physical copy of the game, and open the case, a canister of gas will release a puff of smoke.
When people install the digital game, it installs a gif that loops an image of smoke.
FFXV is quite literally vaporware
Joker like are not edgy, they're juste totally insane.
Still shitty compared to FFXIII
we are in the digital age back then digital preorder's were not as mainstream.You can no longer track preorder's like before.There was a statement from SE saying there were very happy with preorder's from FFXV.
>15 fps on the ps4
>downgraded graphics
Kingdom hearts free fighting is cool and all but I still prefer turn based for FF
>very happy with preorder's from FFXV
That doesn't say much
Wait for the neo, KH3 comes out in a post neo age along with ff7. 60Fps will be default, even nomura is experimenting with KHDDD on ps4.
Not even 81 people have faith in this game after FFXV Uncovered happened.
So close
So we doing a 500 post thread?
holy shit thats a long time. it is never coming out
Unless you want 500 posts of shitposting, no.
>Canceling the uce
Bru, kill yourself you ungrateful traitor.
Do you know how many failed to get the uce?
And how dare you not be 100% devoted to ffxv
Better get you a part time at McDonald's or something and save dat mula
Shitposting or not it's always hype and makes me more excited for the game
Yet all the uce sold out in a few hours when it was available for preorder
Fuck off retard.
I agree in a fan sense. I was just looking forward to a game without lightning in it. But I have tried watching the brotherhood anime and BOY does it fucking reek of awkward bromo vibes. I hope they got a good localization team for this game because there are just too many jap tropes that won't carry over. Like treating your friends like children or accepting a woman is more competent at machine work than a man.
Please don't tell me you're going to do a fucking daily countdown thread for this shit.
It doesn't even look good enough to get the marketing it's getting right now.
Make lucis great again.
Someone shoop this to say "lest the kek be sent away" so i can shamelessly use it in filename threads.
ben on the new frame trap said he went back to the platinum demo and started buying into the combat system again.
damiani i dont trust, i love the guy's videos but his opinions are seriously wtf especially when he can only talk about nintendo for 10 fucking years on the new podcast
>People are hyped for this after that terrible E3 Titan demo with qtes
I'm still salty about the switch. I have a feeling it's reflective of how dull and creatively vacant this game's story and characters are going to be.
Kagari pls
We did it for E3, and this game was worthy of its own showing. So why not.
No FF game has ever come near that. Even the highest selling FF game ever (FFVII) has only sold 11 million copies to day, and it took it eighteen years to reach that number.
The mafia design still exists back then, hes just older now but he still wears the suit in modern day.
I keep wondering WHY they switched his design from suave and handsome king to sad old man.
Is there a reason?
what's this from?
The first 2 minutes of Kingsglaive movie.
They did it to match his mocap actor.
>still exists back then
but the trailer that revealed the design switch took place when noctis was a child. as does the original trailer where the are eating soup.
The FFXV companion movie that came out in Japan on Friday and is coming out in America next month.
Has there ever been a chink game that had good beards?
>just started to get into final fantasy
>new one is soon
aww my dick.
I realized some odd inconsistencies, there are many instances we see Young noctis with mafia Regis and Bearded Regis.
Why would the official movie have both?
Also even in this picture for XV on game informer cover has an image of Mafia Regis in the past with old regis in modern time.
What if there is a fake one? or maybe he just shaved?
Only when they're asian beards.
When they try to do facial hair on white guys they utterly fail.
>select theaters
So basically if you don't live near Los Angeles or New York you may as well forget it huh?