Are there any other mech games I should try out other than Armored Core and Mech Warrior?

Are there any other mech games I should try out other than Armored Core and Mech Warrior?

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Gundam breaker 3

Hawken, unless you only like weeb Mechs

Metal Wolf Chaos!
Metal Warriors!

Starsiege is pretty cool

>recommending a generic FPS where the army men happen to look like fridges and CRTs

How is this game?

>weeb Mechs

Gotcha Force

But Hawken is unbalanced, not customisable, dead, f2p shit.

>Muv-Luv The TSF Forefront never

Heavy Gears 2 is rather well made but a bitch to get working.

Aside from that, you're only looking at arcade games of all kinds (there were sims like Chromehounds but that went kaput with servers and also another game for the orig Xbox that requires an extremely hard to come by controller to work).
You could also try to play some MSG:O with /m/.

Battletech is just a goofy localization of Macross you faggot

We're getting a new Vita gundam game tomorrow, looks like Virtual On from the preview vids

post vids


Any of the Dragonball Z games.

Just squint your eyes and imagine you're controlling a mech.

I played Hawken casually, until I stopped. It's intended to be a first person shooter with a mech theme, in case if anybody here bitches about it playing nothing like Armored Core. It's got fun gameplay, but it sucks balls as a game. The starter "fridge CRT" and the "Assault" that they gave away for free are forever viable, but it's still F2P trash after the fact. To do anything like buy new mechs, customize them, unlock internals (perks), unlock weapons, they all require a grind or paying cash. The only people who say otherwise are people who play too much so they happen to be flooded with credits anyway. As for matchmaking, imagine it's like Quake Live where everyone is top 1% good but the game is dead, so you have no choice but to get fucked by the same 10 people. With co-op, I love co-op but it's fucking impossible when there are no people to play with and the bots partners are ass, this mode is hard enough as it is. The game is currently going through a revitalization since it just came out for Xbone and PS4, but it doesn't even matter because it's not crossplay with PC.

Brahma Force if you want some real-mech PS1 action. Pretty dated and clunky mind but a lot of charm

I'd say battletech is closer to gundam with huge explosions after mechs kick it and zeon being basically the clans.

I wish there were more mech games with insane levels of customization. Not just visual parts, but entire weapons, frameworks and how the mech actually functions.

meh, just another gundam extreme vs

are they any good? I've never played any but it looks like a lot of fun

It was cancelled I think. There was another one made on U4 engine, but all videos of it were deleted from Youtube. Only place I find a mention and vids of it is fucking Neogaf and I'm not linking that.

steel battalion is pretty great if you want a giant mech game with a large simulation focus.

uses this crazy controller with 2 sticks and over 40 buttons and switchs with 32 of them lighting up.

ask /m/

I will own it, one day

Well you could say that about the whole thread. I'm buying it regardless as a huge vitafag but I was wondering since someone seemed to have knowledge of the series.

Heavy Gear

But it's old as fuck

Chrome Hounds

But it's dead and 360 only

Nope, stick with MWO. That's it.

Are there any chuuni mech games for the vita?

>being old is a problem


Causing a young girl to commit suicide by constantly and incessantly destroying her, well, everything, has to be one of the harshest consequences for my actions in any video game ever.

I don't think any other game with moral choices has come close.

>call of duty with toasters replacing player models
no thanks

I emulated one of the PSP games,it's pretty fun but it's really just a fast paced fighter.
It's still pretty fun though and if you're a fan of the franchise or have seen some of the anime a lot of attacks are cool references to stuff from the show.

No it isn't, it's the worst Extreme Vs.

This looks interesting, might have to find it now.

That's Robotech you doingus
Front Mission if you only want mechs, but more of a SRPG thing going for it.

The A-10 is such a sexy beast. How can slav or nip mech evens compete?

Hawken hasn't been good since the reaper release friend.

I miss when using machine guns and rocket launchers was enough, not needing to burst 700 damage in one go to kill anything.

This game desperately needs a sequel or reboot.

I want to chain-sword giant robots to whiny J-Rock.

>No ZoE 2
>No Custom Robo
I'm disappointed.

How much Mech do you want it to be?

I like Zone of the Enders and Xenoblade X, even if Xenoblade X isn't mostly about the mechs.

None of you played this gem.


wew lad

And? These days they make nothing but shit but Mech Platoon is 10/10.

I've just been playing this on X1. It's fun as fuck and it's completely overtaken my Overwatch addiction.

Brigador is a bretty fun take on a shoot em up. it is $20 though

>Constant shilling for the ps4
>Hurr Bloodbourne is best game ever, uncharted and TLOY YOU NEVER PLAY THIS
>Couldn't muster a fuck to give
>See this game
>Vita/PS4 only
I'm still not buying one, but I think this game is the thing that makes me regret not having one.

Do you want high end mech management, like the ones you mentioned, or just any game that happens to have piloted robutts?

Battletech was litterally macross stuff till harmony gold decided to be cunts with the license. They only just recently got one of the old designs back because of that.
>No mechwarrior game with Variable fighters
>Bugger all variable fighter games anyway\
Being a Macross fag hurts.

I unlocked Brawler today. Pretty tough mech, but does not do well in large open maps, it seems. Or maybe I just haven't gotten the hang of it yet.

>we will never get a big-budget Muv-Luv VR mech game

What was that one mech strategy game with anime chicks? It was some old detailed pixel art game too.

Good, since muv luv sucks ass.

Phantom Crash.

>full boost
>maxi boost will never be released


My game when I finish making it

Hawken in the beta was one of the best games I've ever played. Since it was the beta and they wanted to test everything, everything was accessible immediately, no p2w bullshit. I didn't stick around for long after the release though so I can't make many before and after comparisons. When my friends and I would try to queue together with more than like 3 of us it just wouldn't let us. It said some bullshit about "teamwork being overpowered" and that's when we knew it was just time to let it go and move on.

>Kill her Grandam
"At least I still have a home"
>Destroy her Grandama's house and all her belongings
"I got a job at a local bakery and moved into a low rent apartment while I'm also going to school"
>Destroy her apartment, her job
"I found a new job at the convienc store the pay is lower but it's a job, I'm living out of the school now"
>Destroy the school and her second job
>Find her out in the street
"Pls, can I have some food? I have nothing left."
Feels amazing.

Looks kinda metal warriors

Will it have jet packs?

We were so close

the votoms game on ps2

>Weeb mechs

Only this design comes close and it isnt even canon

That picture literally sums up everything wrong about mechs

m.a.v. is ok

Well shit I was just about to ask when Force comes out, but apparently it's tomorrow.

Super Robot Wars/Taisen (only about half have translations)
Transformers (not the movie version) for PS2
Vanquish kinda counts, right?
Dynasty Warriors Gundam if you really like musou
ZoE (also has srpg on GBA)
Metal Gear series ostensibly about mechs
Future Cop LAPD
Starship Troopers: Terran Ascendancy
Custom Robo/Arena
Front Mission series
Gungriffon Blaze
Ring of Red
Sakura Wars SLML
Steambot Chronicles
GitS (PSX)
Metal Wolf Chaos
Phantom Crash
Robotech Battlecry
Battle Engine Aquila
Metal Saga
Omega Boost
Strike Suit Zero

Part of Mechwarrior universe but different genres, Mech Commander and Mech Assault are good times.

not mechs but try Ace Combat, EDF and Body Harvest

Why is she so perfect?

>Front Mission series
You forgot the dislcaimer about ignoring any Front Mission game that involves getting outside your mech and playing a shooter unless you want to be disappointed.

Also Speed Power Gunbike
It's an incredibly underappreciated and fun game, although it's very unforgiving.
It was on the PSX

I don't know, in any other game the Forces mechanics would be interesting.

And even if it's shit, I'll still buy it to support more Gundam games coming over.

Shit really? Fuuck, still haven't bought a new memory card.

What's the name of the mech holding the giant sword on the top left?

>generic FPS

sure buddy.

Sorry about that. I didn't even get far enough to realise going on foot was a thing.

Also add Shogo to the list

If you have 5 bucks, try out Gigantic Army, Supercharged robot Vulkaiser, Steel Strider, and Armed Seven. They're made by a relatively obscure dev named Astro Port. 2D Contra and shmup-styled games, but they're cheap and pretty fun. Best of all, nonexistent story, so you won't get bored skipping cutscenes constantly.

>Strike Suit Zero

It's like if Colony Wars and ZoE had rough sex while Macross was watching.

this, it needs a sequel but the devs need to get their shit together first.

Reminder that Assault Suit Leynos comes out tomorrow on PS4 and I think Steam too.


>recommending a dead Mech FPS

may as well recommend Project HON while you're at it

>4-5k people online currently

Master race amirite?

I always forget I have this,I barely played it though,it was a great game, but it felt awkward to play without a controller

This looks dank what game?

>she so perfect
>doesn't have a feminine cockpit