What the fuck is wrong with all you bitter assfags? I haven't had this much fun on my phone in a long time...

What the fuck is wrong with all you bitter assfags? I haven't had this much fun on my phone in a long time. I've walked 10km today, enjoyed the fresh air and discovered new little locations near my house. There is literally no downside to Pokemon go and if you disagree you should be gassed

What downside is there to any game?





its good but people are going to forget it within a year

I live in Arizona.

This game sucks in Arizona.

>needing a shitty mobile game to enjoy going outside

That's Sup Forums for ya

I know your pain, fellow AZ bro. Have to wait till night to go outside or you roast.


>Needed a video game to motivate you to do that

Sure the game's fun for a few minutes a day, but you're still a pathetic faggot.


the downside is that you needed pokemon to motivate you to experience the outside.

who else /instinct/ here

no EVs, no proper battles, no trading and only 151 Pokemon.
i'll pass

>it takes a shitty app with a coat of paint to make you fat fucks get some exercise

forreal, they probably don't even know all the stores/locations in thier town/city because they played vidya all day

if its popular then it sucks

welcome to Sup Forums and Sup Forums in general

>Nintendo makes paradigm-shifting software, as usual
>Sonyfucks, Microshitters asshurt as usual because Nintendo dominates new markets while they're left in the dust

can't wait for Nintendo to corner the $12 billion mobile games market tbqfwyf

>needs an app to go outside
>actually brags about needing an app to have motivation
>is such a fucking cuck to mobiles that he's actually insulting people for not being a phone cuck

Nintendo are laughing so fucking hard right now. They've got the casual market again.

Ayy lmao
Im having fun too, OP

how autistic are you

>tfw want to go out and play it but it's 95 degrees

I live in Las Vegas and know your pain, anons. Even worse is that there are very few pokestops and gyms in my neighborhood. All my friends in their mild weathered college towns and cities don't know how lucky they are.


Is that Navy Pier?


I like the game I just have having to stare at my phone while I'm out. I'd rather look around and explore. I don't want pokemon to distract me from the real world

yellow team best team
redfags and bluefags need not apply
this is a gentleman's team

>is such a fucking cuck to mobiles that he's actually insulting people for not being a phone cuck
This is probably the most fucking pitiful thing of all.

enjoy your botnet then

>being proud to live in a DMZ

Just buy the bracelet goy- I mean trainer.
Only $34.99 plus shipping!

My only complains is not being able to fight with random people on the street (they could have player battles between teams) and that it's hard to keep a gym yours for more than a while if none of your team members come visit the gym and add a Pokemon to it.


you don't even have to pull your phone out, just have to wear a gay looking wrist watch shaped like a pokeball!

>your only complaint
Your standards are at least higher than most who actually """play"""" this """"game"""".

should just call it the "please rob me" watch

More like "please harass/hurt me, I am a huge fucking faggot. I'm an adult, and that means not caring what other people think!."

>implying im a filthy southerner.

Bitch please, i live on the gold coast.

All the gun crime is gang related black on black such and such bs. You hear "30 killed in chicago last night!" but you dont hear "30 fucking gang bangers shot each other to death, little timmy who was for some unknown reason out and about at 4 am got in the line of sights.!"

>What the fuck is wrong with all you bitter assfags
I'm Canadian you insensitive piece of shit.

That's only because causalities are presumed and not exciting anymore.

I live in Detroit. It's Pokemon Go hardmode out here.

Everyone has a smartphone, wearing that thing will not change anyone's intentions

This. Tried to go out yesterday. My phone turned off because it was too hot. Pokemon go and the sun heated up my phone so much it turned itself off.

here is your sub sir.

Oh shit. Niggers love Pokemon. This will be the new generation of gang wars. The streets will run red with blood. Someone will die in a drive-by shooting and the rival team will brag about it and Twitter saying that's what happens when you take their fucking gym.

Holy shit is this for real?

What else do they have there for security?

Or I just keep it in my pocket.

Now nobody can tell I'm a loser shut-in!



>pad is probably superglued on
>probably no furniture in restaurant

Detroit is a hellhole. No force on earth could get me to visit. I don't have a deathwish.

it's real

I have a Windows Phone

>I have a Windows Phone

I wish I could strangle you Anonymous

>Instead of making an actual good pokemon MMO they instead made some shitty mobile app

Yeah nah, Pokemon GO is part of the cancer called smartphone apps contributing to the death of video games.

>Game literally makes you join a gang
>Best way to play is to hang out on porches
>Nobody can challenge your gym if they're too pussy to actually get close enough
There's a pokestop near me that's straight up a sex shop, I caught a bunch of Drowzee's there.

I can't even begin to imagine living in a place so shitty sandwich artists need to sit behind bulletproof glass to feel safe.


*grabs nuts*
*swirls $500 shoes*


>last month
>after pokego gets released

I swear Sup Forums backpedaled so hard it traveled back in time

You must live in a country without niggers

>detroit is 82% black
dat poor 18%

i've been to detroit twice. it's not so bad. i also ate at a subway on woodward ave. and it was a normal subway.

I live in a country that is both without niggers and without Pokémon Go. I'm a bit upset about the latter but I think it's a fair trade.

not all niggers bro, did you know they were kings and somesuch

Gee, collapse of civilization or a fucking walking simulator with less features than pong?


Nintendo didn't make this shit you moron

And even if they did they would be contributing in the death of vidya

autism: the game

As if Nintendo couldn't contribute to their own death enough as it is.

considering how much Sup Forums loves Pokemon and hates paying for games. I thought e'd be all over it.

I decided that I'm going to try my hardest to ruin people's lives with this game. Mostly because I think this game is autistic and its fucking gay and Pokemon sucks.

So I got the game. Got shit ton of lures and sat back as the chaos unfolded.

I've flooded a fucking gas station with mobs of autists looking for pokemon. I flooded a church, a cemetery and a walmart parking lot with pokemon lures. I also put lures in the most retarded fucking places like alleyways, underpasses and bridges. Each time I prepared the bait I picked a spot overlooking the area and waited for a good twenty minutes as unknowing retards flood random parts of town, causing accidents, traffic jams, fights, and outright chaos for tiny gas stations or take out restaurants that can't handle all the mysterious new customers they're getting. Some fat fucking neckbeards got into arguments with some of the church staff as they tried justifying their autistic mob of pokemon hunters. I decided for shits and giggles that I would put a Pokemon lure at the fucking Martin Luther King part of town. All these fucking idiots wandered straight into the ghetto and nogs standing on their street corners looked on in stunned silence. Probably close to tears at the sight of every sucker they were about to rape and rob.

I must have reaped absolute havoc around this town. All because of fucking Pokemon. Its like fucking Just Cause 2 or THUG2 in real life. Cause as much destruction and chaos as you can.

I have to say my biggest highlight is setting up pokemon lure right near a chinese takeout and watching autists gather in the parking lot. Just a mob of faggots hobbling around with their phones and then running to the chinese place to catch their stupid pokemon, only to get chased the fuck out by screaming chinks with fucking butcher knives in hand. Poor fucks probably thought there was a mob or something near by. It was funny as hell to see dopey looking fat neckbeards and stacy running for their lives.

Fuck that's cool

>can't wait for Nintendo to corner the $12 billion mobile games market tbqfwyf
niether can I.

Maybe they'll finally realize they're dying as a console/first party developer and go multiplat.

you know you can keep it in your pocket right?

Is this real?

Now if only:

This were really true and
You didn't pay money for those lures.

Then its perfect.

Nigga that sounds way more autistic than the people playing that game.

its normie ass fuck dude

>and pokemon sucks


Why are there so many underaged people on Sup Forums who would believe something like that? If the user actually did it, he'd provide certifiable proof of the happenings, such as pictures, or news posts. Someone who really wanted to do something like that would collect those kinds of things happily.

This user, who is a stupid frogposter, chooses instead to masturbate to his own delusions of grandeur based off of hyperbole.

I have doubts in your story.

Reminder: everything I don't like is autistic and for cucks

anyone who wears that shit is basically signalling that they're a frail nerd wandering around looking for digital pokemon without a clue

you think it doesnt happen but it has already happened

Its plausible in the right place
If only your mother had the same mentality, you'd be aborted.

question, why play go when I can just hex edit silver/gold and have 250 pokemons?

>if you disagree you should be gassed
calm down hitler its not that good.

If I put a lure in my house, stand in my living room completely naked, with the front door open, and children walk in trying to catch my weedle, I can't get sued for indecent exposure, right?

kings you say?

>It's pokemon therefore it's good despite having next to no content


I meant kangz

>having fun

>see pokemon
>click it
>load... load... load...
>enter battle
>throw pokeball, miss
>load... load... load
>get a second ball, throw it and pokemon goes in
>forever spinny loading icon while ball is on the ground doing nothing
>wait ages
>close app
>want to log in again
>doesn't let me until the fifth try
>see pokemon again
>click it
>it appears, 2 secs later get "error" message at the top, throws me back
>see pokemon again
>it goes invisible on the map
>see it again
>throw pokeball
>it's inside.. forever spinny loading icon...

>throw phone into river

Yeah, my wife's son told me.

I can't wait for news outlets to pick this up for their fearmongering article about Pokemon Go being a danger to your children.

I'll take "Things that never happened" for 500, Trebek.

It's not plausible. The amount of neckbeards and fatties who actually go out to public places due to pokemon go are not only small, but are absolutely dwarfed by normal people engaging in nostalgia. Whenever I'm out walking the dog or going to the store and I play Pogo, the people I ever run into around pokestops or gyms are either regular highschoolers and college students, or families with little kids where everyone is playing.