ITT : Unpopular opinions
This guy is way better than old Dante (the old one is cheesy as fuck)
ITT : Unpopular opinions
This guy is way better than old Dante (the old one is cheesy as fuck)
That's not unpopular.
That's retarded.
Nah what's retarded was boycotting a game because the protagonist didn't have white hair.
True, but it's a factual opinion that DmC DmC is fun.
You're trying way too hard dude. Remember: subtlety is key.
Fuck you.
finally, someone said it
But also tha character was retarded
Dead Space 3 is actually a great game, and the first half has the best space "feel" of any game I've ever played.
Everyone shits one it because Isaac isnt horrified of the same necromorphs he's killed thousands of over the past 5 years. He basically has Necromorph PTSD at this point.
old Dante was cheesy on purpose.
Donte tries too hard to be edgy
>(the old one is cheesy as fuck)
and the new one isn't? Old Dante was fun and a bro, the new one is a try-hard loser.
>trying this hard
This game was perfectly fine.
Not even sure this is an unpopular opinion, the only people who played it are the ones who already got through the first two games anyway.
He does get white hair at the end of the game faggot and every alternate costume has white hair.
RE5 > RE4
Simply because RE5 gives me what I want from the series: Closure
Yea this game was the most fun out of the FF XIII trilogy.
Give OP a break. he obviously sees himself in donte. Honestly that is the only way I can see anyone unironically liking new "Dante". People act like uncle dante's cheesy isnt endearing.
>Spot the 90's kid
not really
op is trying to bait for replies
i dont think he even realizes that we can when new unique ips are posted
>People act like uncle dante's cheesy isnt endearing.
Honestly everything in that game was cringe. Everyone is a Tidus tier nutcase and not interesting like all the homosex DMC fanart on the internet.
what the fuck is this post even trying to say
OP obviously has low self esteem and is a sheepdrone, like Donte himself.
Tbh I played DMC3 last week and his "ugh......i just don't care about anything" personality was cringe worthy as fuck, not to mention coat+no shirt is just stupid, I'm so glad they gave you the DMC1 outfit after you finish it.
DMC3 is still the best DMC though.
the whole point of his personality at the beginning was to actually give him a character arc
which is more then what can be said about DmC
Just because it's unpopular it doesn't mean it's not shit.
>Game whose gameplay is the main draw of the premise
>Dumb it down and use the shitty E3 engine
Guess why Bayonetta got a sequel and DmC didn't.
DMC2 Dante is the best Dante anyway, all other Dantes are irrelevant.
Here's a better unpopular opinion similar to yours: I like both versions of Dante.
>DmC didn't.
Not yet :^)
It's good but it's definitely the worst in the series, you can't deny that
Pretty sure I saw this morning, a thread about how DmC is supposedly better than the other dmc games
user stop
It's dead, Jim. Con-Man greenlighted it, Capcom is making sure it's kill. DMC4 SE was damage control.
old dante had wittier and better jokes and he was also a better character with a better personality.
this dante just makes me laugh. i got used to him but the original is better. all he does is curse and the entire feeling of the game involving everything makes it feel like they really did not understand the original dmc at all. it is so western and it feels like a teen flick.
>which is more then what can be said about DmC
You definitely haven't played DmC
Dante at the beginning is exactly the same edgy dick you see in the trailers and for the first half of the game
But after a certain point you see that he worries about Kat, starts thinking what's fair and what's not and he even goes far enough to risk everything to save her when she's kidnapped by Mundus meanwhile Virgil just wanted to let her die there
Donte became better after Vergil annoted him to Royal Edgemaster of Limbo
actually I have
the closest thing to a character arc donte has in DmC is where he decides to fight for humans in the second level
The definitive edituon is like playing DMC 4 with shittier enemy design and poor controls so yeah, it's fun. The regular edition is garbage
i cant go back to normal mode after putting on turbo mode
No it was fucking bad like yhe redt of tge trilogy. You could argue it was the least bad, but still bad. That abortion of an """"""""""" action"""""""""""" RPG system doesn't salvage it.
I wonder what Max Landis thinks about the game, since apparently Chronicle was a huge """"inspiration"""" for the game.
Tw3 is shit
The combat was fun and the time system was fun. Everything about it was good except lightning really and I heard a rumour it was originally going to be a valkyrie profile game.
That's not just unpopular, it's full-retard.
The combat was an abortion and legitimately one of the worst action RPGs ever made.
Well. You're wrong and dumb but that's fine.
>Dumbed down combat system.
>boring overpowered secondary weapons.
>Shitty dialogue.
>Beat the game in 4 hours on the hardest difficulty with only one death.
>That one death didn't even really count because I had a gold orb.
>the demons, the DEMONS, the demons, the Demans, the DEmOns
>generic fight da power plot.
>He's half-angel half-demon now because Tam Tam went to the Gaia Online school of character creation.
>Fucks like you will still defend the game because Tammy said you're a hip cool guy for liking the new Dino.
But no, dude, totally because of the hair.
Fuck, I didn't even know urbansexual was still a fad.
lol. #4thehardcoregamers
but its a good game and its fun
I liked him better in the first trailer when he smoked and was absurdly edgy. The part where he stubs a cigarette out on an enemy was pretty cool. Shame he turned into some bland asshole that got overshadowed by his brother in the final game.
Sega Genesis has more worthwhile games than the SNES, which only gets fondly remembered because of brand recognizion.
not really
most people just owned a snes when they were kids
I actually love nexon
Go to bed, TamTam