What do you think it could possibly be?
>We quit, take Juri and Urien and play for a few more weeks.
Nah m8, they've said they want this game to lay 5 years.
Obviously August character (juri) update trailer
and purchasable colors
This beautiful motherfucker right here.
Also probably more costumes/confirmation of Urien and Juri's release date.
The announcement will be for something underwhelming like "we'll stream yuropoor amateur players playing full version Juri for you and let you watch them struggle figuring the simplest things out for 30 minutes before they close the stream! Isn't that EXCITING?!"
Elena is so cute
Too bad she's not popular enough to be in V unless it's a year before it dies like IV.
I know ok?
More DLC for their unfinished and broken game.
Costumes, stages and maybe, just maybe, a teaser of a new character not yet announced.
Sagat, it was leaked a while ago
Although i'm excited for these 2 characters, I honestly think making them playable in story mode was a mistake. Not only are Steam users already accessing the characters, but they're even able to use them online.
There is so much gameplay footage and breakdown of the 2 now that anything they show is going to be boring.
Probably solid release dates on Juri/Urien and any other content their updates could come with (like stages and costumes.)
Maybe a sneak peak at the next season of characters.
What's broken exactly?
I'm so fucking tired of Street Fighter I REALLY hope we don't see SF after 2017 for a while...
juri and urien out same month, teaser for season 2
dedicated twitch servers
Anime pedos really hate SF. It's been like this for over a decade now and it hasn't changed anything except make SF stronger.
That's....not what anyone was even implying or discussing at all. Most anime players also play SF as well, but not the other way around, so I don't know why you would think that anyways.
This, basically. Maybe concept art for upcoming costumes.
I really hope a tease for S2(with our boy Sagat). But they will probably keep that stuff for Capcom Cup.
On top of costumes/DLC char dates, I think timelines for addition modes and stages.
Here's your (you).
This is best case scenario and definitely not happening.
They're going to announce that Smash is a fighting game.
>Most anime players also play SF as well, but not the other way around
Maybe because they never run their own events unlike all the Capcom players
remember that tweet by ono with the two tiger beer cans?
>linking to SRK
>the people who think their forums are so important that they shield them from the rest of the net
SRK is basically NeoGAF for fighting games. Those faggots struggle with Silver League and yet believe they know everything.
Never link to SRK here again.
As much as I would hate for this to happen... it would probably be the funniest thing vidya related since the VGX 2013 awards
The worst part is going to be people bitching and moaning about them being "nerfed" when the characters arent even fucking done.
I dont mind Capcom to improve the core mechanics.
A 2nd CA for each characters? Another type of V-reversal?
>jury and urien playable at end of the month
>here is a teaser for next seasons characters
CA and Trigger select. Skills might be too integral for some characters to be changed, but who knows.
Do we know what characters are confirmed as of now?
They'll announce Juri and Urien will be released together at the end of August, and probably a few more new costumes and new stages. They won't announce new characters, I'm 100% sure they'll save that announcement for Capcom Cup.
They will probably tease season 2.
Nah, that will be on Capcom Cup.
Teasing it now with a proper reveal at CC makes sense.
It's too soon to tease anything, they'll tease at Capcom Cup and reveal the characters early next year.
It better be fucking Q
>Individual trailers for Urien and Juri with released dates
>Then a very brief season 2 teaser at the end
I don't know, it sounds plausible to me.
Why would they show a trailer at the fucking panel? It doesn't make much sense, if anything they would show it after the grand finals.
Probably that Juri and Urien will be out at the same time since PC players are using them anyway and they are already pretty balanced as is. I don't think we'll see something on season 2 already. That will probably be at Capcom Cup. Remember that the last character wasn't originally scheduled to launch until September. A season 2 reveal in early December would have made sense. AT THE MOST we'll get another silhouette teaser like before at EVO. But that is a HUGE stretch. It's probably just info on more game modes and the daily challenges that they promised or something.
>Another type of V-reversal
I don't see why anyone'd need this.
I'd love to see an alternate CA and trigger though.
>balrog is already in the game
>Q is essentially balrog with a command grab
It's over, user
Q and Dudley would be elder god tier. But I doubt Q would resemble his 3S form. We already have Balrog. If we ever get Q he would probably be very different. Which I am fine with as long as he keeps the command grab. If his V-skill is his taunt that fills 1 stock of his v-gauge and his v-trigger is his defense buff that would be sick. To balance it, he would probably have to not gain v-gauge from taking damage and only gain it through his v-skill and he only gets the defense buff on trigger activation. But it also changes his CA from whatever it is into Total Destruction.
Make his v-skill still the taunt but it buffs and still fills 1 stock (gain no gauge from damage) and the activation puts him in Total Destruction mode. That would also be sick.