Pokemon Go Feels

Post feels here, good or bad

>TFW didn't choose a team yet
>TFW Mystic is officially the majority in USA because of Famous YT celebs banning under blue
>TFW false flag trolling by mystic trying to rustle Instinct fags and Valor fags
>TFW Mystic single handedly trolled the entire fan base/two other teams and turned it against each other
>TFW while the other 2 teams are the butt of jokes, Mystic has taken over almost all of the east coast

Seriously fuck this. I don't want to be part of mystic to be a band wagon groupie but at the same time I don't know if I can join teams that refuse to cooperate with each other due to lack of coordination skills

>All this shit about mystic
I just like blue and articuno is my favorite of the bird trio.

Then join Valor like a man or stay a bitch.

I'm a part of Team Mystic because Articuno is my favourite Pokemon. I don't know or give a shit about e-celebs and I don't see why you should either.

Also they're just jokes, stop being so autistic.

I don't play this shitty game but Articuno>Zapdos>Moltres.

Zapdos is the best bird, so I'm not sure why Instinct isn't chosen more.

Articuno is best bird

Jolteon is best eeveelution


Normies dont know about the birds

Its probably as simple as everyones favourite color being blue


This or hey I remember Pokemon red & blue

Blue is the majority because it has the best benefits. Less candy to evolve is better than anything else.

Mystic gets discounts

My man, if you're really having that much trouble picking an IMAGINARY TEAM in a GAME where you catch IMAGINARY MONSTERS I truly pity you

fuck you faggot

this desu senpai

Woah wait a minute, there are perks attached to each team?

I just chose Blue/Mystic because I like the color.

There aren't. It's as meaningful as the Mass Effect endings.

Zapdos is best.

>want to pick Squirtle as the starter anyway
>like Articuno and think that Zapdos and Moltres look kinda lame
>Blue is cool

I'm guessing that most BRs will pick Valor, since a big team here in Brazil has red/black as their main colors.

Not out here yet, by the way.

There are no benefits.

alright cool, thanks.

>Blue is the majority because it has the best benefits. Less candy to evolve is better than anything else.
There's literally no benefits to any team though. At least not yet, not sure where this meme started but it isn't amusing

Except that Valor actually delivers pussy and money to your pokestops as you swag past them.

But aside from that, yeah.

articuno is the only legendary bird that augments the default party (3 starters + pikachu) with ice, the other elements are much easier to have already in a normal game.

could explain the trend here but more likely anons are right, random peoples favourite color happens to be blue.

you shills never stop do you.

Pokemon Go is a Pokemon Game for people who don't actually like Pokemon.

The real fight is Valor vs Mystic. Instinct is a joke and shouldn't even bother. They're the Hufflepuff of GO.

I fucking hate the circlejerk. Last night valorfags were trying to start shit yelling into crowds like "valor is best!" and "No other teams matter!"

It got to the point where I started yelling back "all teams are shit and none matter"

A mysticfag came up to my friends and I and said "you chose the right team, right?"
>"I don't understand"
>"You went mystic right"
>"what's that"
>"it's the teams for gyms"
>"Oh. I mean I control that gym over there"
>"so you ARE mystic!"
He left us alone after that.

this desu, plus i joined really early

>posting shitaku

kill yourself

your fact is wrong

That is the whole reason mystic is more popular, not some retarded meme shit.

Articuno has ALWAYS been the more popular bird.

>mystic is the kotaku team now
Feels good over here in Instinct

>join Mystic because my town is heavily Instinct and Valor
>half the town is now Mystic
>the other two are fighting over scraps
Don't know how to feel about this.

Moltres is my favorite, it's the only one I've bothered using competitively. I mean yeah it's pretty shit but you can make anything work with enough effort.

Instinct is officially reddit.

Valor is normalfags.

There's no fucking winning.

I'm not surprised. The favorite color amongst children is blue. I went instinct because my friend and girlfriend did. Feels good meng. Enjoy your team community though.

I chose Intrigue because yellow is the most superior color out of the three choices.

Red = Dead
Blue = You Lose
Yellow = Superior Fellow

I had a friend back in the days of red and blue who literally had a sexual obsession with Articuno and Vaporeon.

Somehow that motherfucker turned out to be the most normal of all of us.

>Doesn't even know his own team's name

>my friends all talk about it and I don't even play
>I feel left out

Welcome to social trends 101, just play it to talk about it with them.

Blue literally has no gyms in my area. They suck dick

Intrigue is the secret name you unlock once you conquer 5 gyms.

Fucking this, who gives a shit about the other teams when we have a Darwinist faction in the game?

Thank god the e-celebtards got all the children to join blue so we can have the manly faction we deserve,

Sup Forums was always reddit anyway, I'm fine with that.

Zapdos is actually the only bird of the trio who is pretty good in competitive. The other 2 are laughably bad, hence I went Instinct. Add the fact that Yellow is my uni colors.

Always fucking loved Articuno as a kid

Now everyone on Sup Forums is calling me a redditor

>tfw best bird


>Let's viability influence opinions.
How's high school going?

Which buirdo is the most competitively viable in the main games?

go away Sup Forums

>Can't leave my house for the next month or so
>Got lucky enough to have a pokemon spawn right on top of me

Anyone know if there's a specific amount of time until a spawn refreshes so I can optimize this until I inevitably run out of pokeballs?

I don't know anyone from 1st gen that actually used zapdos instead of pikachu except my friend who used all three birds.

some people like electabuzz for some reason, and I guess jolteon is an option too.

to each their own though, you get to choose what type of trainer you are after all.

Have fun petting a literal porcupine-cat.

Yeah Red and Blue having pokemon games really hurts yellow doesn't it?

It's just me and 2 other people in Valor in my area. We're surrounded by blues and yellows who control all 6 gyms, but ocassionally we'll take one and hold it for a few hours. I want to meet those redbros.

I just chose blue because I felt like I was betraying my nigga squirtle

>see zubat lurking near work
>Walk around where his bush is rattling for five minutes
>Nothing, have to go back into work
>Come out for lunch and take phone off lock
>Phone vibrates hurr durr zubat!
>Click him but nothing then he disappears

I also went a fucking ghastly bush and then it moved as soon as I got there. Fuck this shit.

Bushes are just effects; what matters is the paw prints 3 being far away, 1 being up your anus

I know that the little pokemon bar at the botton twinges when you're walking close, but it would be loads better if the compass directly showed where it was.

Zapdos and it's not even close

So how do you locate them then? Just walk randomly until they show up?

Essentially, yes; if the paw prints go up you're going in the wrong direction, adjust accordingly

>join Instinct because I like electric types
>have seen one (1) yellow gym since release

>server issues
fucking bullshit Niatic, you know how popular pokemon is and you dont have a contingency plan for overloaded servers.

I thought red was fuckin reddit I knew I should've picked something other than blue. Goddamnit

Who /yellow/ here

Also I got a Pikachu yesterday after 5 hours of driving around. How do I level up this fucker?


jump off a fucking cliff, faggot

I joined yellow but we really need to get our shit together because red and blue own every single gym I've seen.

Do I have to have the specific Pokemon selected in the bottom right?

hell yeah represent

I cared for 3 days. I think I'm done now. All gyms are full of 1000+ pokemons and i just dont give a shit to grind levels anymore. What should I play next?

The Toradora psp vn

All the juggalos in my town don't have jobs and they sit at the nearest gym all day. I don't want to be associated with them so I quit.

that didnt happen. i was out all night saturday and sunday and we had a huge party outside the police station. the cops were playing too.



Nintendo was supposed to die, they had no games and everyone agreed that their games were shit and for toddlers. Now I look out the window and even Chad and his 10/10 gf are catching Pokemon and giving money to the Nintenjew. STOP IT RIGHT NOW, SONY NEEDS TO RELEASE UNCHARTED GO.

i thought so too, but i found this tiny baptist church that had a blue lvl 6 gym full of cp 80-150 mons. wrecked their shit and put my 617 golbat and 525 starmie and its lasted 6 hours so far.

I did have to battle a pair or red koreans for the better part of an hour, they kept trying to put up their shitty red mons in the church but i was faster. they eventually got bored.

also yellow. You dont lvl it. You eventually find and catch a better one.

>city is a mgs1 map
>cones moving around like guards
>have to fulton materials
>build mother's see
>go on solo ops

Oh shit I want this. Is it crazy to think konami would do something like this? I mean theyre already raping the mgs corpse

>mother's see

Oops caught me phone posting. *Mother Base.

This bait is too old now, think of something new

lol maybe in 10 years when someone goes nostalgic for Uncharted
as if that were to ever happen


They bombed hard and quit mobile gaming. Tough luck cuck.

You can't have people literally sneaking around cities. People will get shot.

>Getting spotted


shit i am i complete normie but i have no idea what the fuck you're talking about! just play the fucking game!

Can someone post that damn comic where Valor is shitting everywhere