
There's the FINAL BOSS, a Heaven Smile and a Savage Deviljho all in your way!
Not sure about Albert Wesker though.
You also have KILLER QUEEN to help you

next 3 will decide what happens

Rage quit


Realize you are in an unwinnable situation, and call for the Elite Beat Agents to help you out.

The egg that Wesker was requesting happened to be a rotten egg and you chose threw it at the monster for 1000 damage.

Just end it

Kneel seductivly before monster and expose your anus. Invite it to penetrate you with it's thick veiny monster cock. Beg for it to make you it's bitch. Offer to suck Wesker off while you take the monster cock.


Become Kirito

summon phoenix wright and put the monster and Wesker in prison for robbery and assault

Have a Gay orgy with the monsters and wesker

Awaken your masters

Give wesker an egg and ask him to use "that"

Befriend the boss monster and make it fight the deviljo

you turn super saiyan

Make killer queen kill everything

The final boss kidnapped Asura's daughter and now he's there to help you

Cast HEALING WAVE on yourself and allies!

Can we PLEASE use



Masturbate furiously

You step on the shit pile.


What's the difference between these two?



I want anime fags to get back to their containment boards, seriously, I don't even dislike animes but you cretins are beyond liking

Summon Griffin Mount that adds 500 extra health and let’s us do the DEATH FROM ABOVE COMMAND

use another one bites the dust on them



Gay orgy is way better then whatever the fuck the other one means.

pillar men are TOTALLY NOT GAY AT ALL
watch or wryd part 2 again

Do both of these pls

I've already wryded part 2 though

And I want Sup Forums to leave, but we don't always get what we want faggot.

If it restores our health and buffs DEF, which we NEED, I'm all for it!

Having sex with monsters let's us very close to them and that should allow us to scan for weaknesses and maybe even strike at those said weaknesses. If we all coordinate together, we might be able to castrate the monsters next turn! LET'S DO THIS!!!


I remember this shit.


This. Just keep looping until they're all dead.

not even Sup Forums you inbred pedo fuck

Poor OP.

You tried to fuck all of them at once, but it didn't end well. The Heaven Smile looked like he wanted to, though.
Anyways, you are now in Heaven, and GOD is in front of you.

next 7 will decide

Use Gae Bolg on the monster as it pierces their heart and insta kills them

Summon THE GOBLIN SLAYER to assist you

Archaon the Everchosen brings about the end times

Call Satan

a muslim falls from the sky while shouting MAKE THE QURAN GREAT AGAIN

Ask him to make poses with you

Explore your anus for weapons, armor or potions that may help you defeat God.

Explode god with KQ

Ask nicely for resurrection.

he wasnt implying that you were, he wants them gone in general. i think you might be the inbred one

Play some evil heavy metal on a guitar made of skulls

start doing naruto hand signs rapidly until you create a supermassive black hole with watermelon and kfc

ask him nicely if you can respawn


It's okay team! I got a plan!
We go for castration attack next turn when their balls are visible!


Throw Grail of Memories at God


Go to hell and see if the devil can offer you better high reward quests.

Use the Vampiric Sword Of Edgyness by teleporting behind enemy and cut him for LOTS OF DRAINING DAMAGE

Strike him down

99% sure Killer Queen is a reference to a speed metal song.


Suck god off.


>Wesker has more HP than Deviljho


or the well known song Killer Queen by the influential British band known as Queen

>doesn't know Queen

i wish this won

You try to summon the GOBLIN SLAYER, but the only anime that is allowed in Heaven is Jojo.

next 6 will decide


Summon W.T Snacks to ban the monster for being a furry faggot

Summon another party member, female King Arthur

Are you trying to bait me?

A random guy who says "hoy" constantly casts a fire spell at God but it reflects back and hits you for 50 damage.

Demonbane defeats God

The other right thing to do other than genuflect

commit suicide after fucking companion

Summon coldsteel the god of edginess and the pillar men the aztec gods of fitness

have a dance-off

God kills OP for railroading

Thrall comes down, heals us and charges enemy yelling “FOR DOOMHAMMER!”


>Banning God

tusk act 4 spins the boss out of existence.


Call for Terran Dropship full with Terran Medics and one Siege Tank. The Siege tank fires a load on the enemy.


you should literally kill yourself, dont be a faggot

You call over W.T. to ban the final boss, but he has no power to ban people.
He is only a small angel in Heaven.

next 4 will decide

Summon 500 spess marines to your side

Summon Kirby

seduce him

Decapitate God