What is the last Nintendo game you paid for?

What is the last Nintendo game you paid for?

Honestly, Majoras Mask for the 3ds.

I hate buying Nintendo products not on sale, but they almost never go on sale, and if they do, it's only like 15%

Super paper mario

Pokemon Platinum for DSi

Super Mario Maker, planning on buying Kirby Planet Robobot though when I can.

Uh, Box Box Boy. It's good but feels a little too samey in the early levels.

Majora's Mask 3DS

Mostly just wanted the collector's edition statue

Robobot. Pretty short for $40 but it was fun.

Planet Robobot

Kirby Planet Robobot

Would play more but Im playing pokemon go

I can count them on one hand

From latest to earliest
>Mario Kart 3DS (lost)
>Pokemon X
>Ocarina of Time 3DS
>Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games

Special mention to Brain Age 2, which I didn't pay for but was a gift that I got with my DS.
And Kirby's Dreamland, which I bought on the 3DS eshop for some reason. Also gone since I hacked my 3DS.
Yep, played near every good title on the DS, Wii, and 3DS but those are the only Nintendo games I own.

TD was the honestly the first time I ever felt guilty over pirating a game because I had so much fun with it, and I'm also not really a poorfag anymore just cheap. So I might buy Robobot just because.

Pic related. Though i have barely played it. I really should though, and i need to finish replaying twilight princess wii on the wii u too.

Fuck, the last brand new Nintendo console I bought was the Super NES in 96/97, all the others were second hand products, including the games.

Tokyo Mirage Sessions. Kirby Planet Robobot before that.

FE Awakening

Have never paid for a single piece of Nintendo software or hardware. I've still played almost all of their games though. Honestly I almost feel bad about it.

Omega Ruby. Havent touched a nintendo console since

>preorder xenoblade x from amazon
>it doesn't arrive
>get a full refund
>mfw it arrives the very next day

Super Mario Maker.

Does bayonetta 2 count?

Box Box Boy

Nothing else even remotely interesting on Ninty's side this year.

Starfox Zero

Xenoblade Chronicles X. I got around 60 hours into it before getting bored. I'd say that's pretty good. That's about 0.66 cents per hour of gameplay. Maybe some day I'll finish the story.


twilight princess HD

I fell down into the water in the main city and didn't care enough to climb back up, so I stopped playing and haven't touched it since

Uhh...maybe HeartGold? Does that even count?

I actually do not remember.

Pokken I think.

Monies well spent, it's very fun.

The Mysterious Castle of Musarame.

Why would you climb back up
You can just fast travel.

Xenoblade Chronicles on N3DS.

Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn. I wanna say early 2007.

Fuck post Gamecube Nintendo.

Fire Emblem Fates. The ENGLISH version localized by NoA, along with the first set of dlc AND the birthright expansion. Which I preordered, btw.

Fire Emblem Fates

Just bought Tatsunoko vs Capcom if it counts.

Box Box Boy.

It's fucking great.


Skyward Sword
I'm still mad.

superstar soccer on nintendo 64

Xenoblade X and Mario Maker about a month ago. Good games. No regrets.

A SNES cartridge, don't remember much other than exploring some purple alien goo facilities or some shit.

I own 75 Amiibo. Does that count?


Fire Emblem Awakening

Pokémon Go

LBX around January.

Pokemon Y

I bought a 2DS just to play it

Donkey Kong Country for the Gameboy Colour.

Skyward Sword. Never again.

>barely play it
Same here. It was the first and last impulse buy I've made in a while.

Monster Hunter Generations.
Else Zelda TP HD


I really don't like the way the game controls.

Kirby Planet Robobot. I don't even regret it. Shit was short but smooth and sweet.