>it's a "you didn't pick the correct class at character creation so you have to wait 2 hours to get into a dungeon" episode
It's a "you didn't pick the correct class at character creation so you have to wait 2 hours to get into a dungeon"...
First mmo? tank/healers have always have had priority for groups
good luck with pvp
tfw blm main and just got smn to 60
mfw all this speelspeed cause shared gear and materia on that gear
Time to wake up and realise your dragoon is not a special snowflake
Stop being a pussy and level a tank / healer
>didn't pick the correct class at character creation
>you have access to every class in the game by lv10 on your first one
pussy classes that deal no damage
>conveniently forgetting to mention that the class you switch to is set at level 1
Artificial padding. Into the trash.
>ignoring the point
queues, try again
And you're ignoring the 50% xp boost you get leveling an alternate class, and the cross class skills which will require you to level another class anyway.
Hell I thought you would go for the low hanging fruit and say "nuh no, you can't play MCH DRK or AST"
>it's a 'i'm not helping in any way but i deserve to take up space' thread
god I wish they did this for online team shooters
I'm glad they don't so I can play the fun classes and leave the boring classes to someone else
its a problem in any tiered MMORPG that is not WoW. you can praise ARR's numbers all you want but the populace has a major activity upswing/downswing with content patches, and the population is pretty much hard-tiered, separating capped players from leveling players. there are only so many people still doing content gates or others willing to help, bonus queues only handle a portion of that problem.
at endgame the pattern repeats with ilvl and raid progression. at a certain point in time a raiding character has leveled everything and can essentially be removed from the world economy, broadly. he goes from home instance to raid instance and does his thing in raids, warps home, and perhaps does no more.
pretty much WoW is the only one that still brute forces through with active queues for most everything due to sheer volume.
>playing SCH to level SMN
>get to level 60 SMN which is what I wanted
>have no idea how to play the class because I never used it while leveling
>go back to playing WHM
I...I don't know.
>try to get pvp achievement gearset for 100 wins
>always time out over 2 hours
>always lose when I do get a match, cause people only care about "muh tomes"
>its a "someone from the enterprise gets mortally wounded and even though they should already be dead they arent and everything is fine at the end and also the enterprise was going to blow up for some reason but dont worry la forge and data did the thing" episode
>playing this game on console
>playing this game
Why is he so smug?
This game would be fun if I had another 6 friends or youtube wasn't a thing
>when you sell something worth millions of gil on the MB
>Not having tank/healer friends to help you.
>it's a pleb thinks tanking and healing is boring thread
You deserve to wait forever.
this game is suffering alone, do not play it alone
Always roll support you fucking dingus. Always!
>retainer brought back a kingly whisker
>sell it for almost 4 million
That was a good day
I transferred to Excalibur half a year ago, and I recently got ditched by my friend. Now I realise just how bad the community is. Something about this game attracts horrid people
Now this is loneliness
Any good places to level 37-45?
Coerthas central fates, join a party there is alwaya one on party finder
It's 100% bonus 1-50, 50% 51-60
Healers have longest wait time for anything on 60 in prime time, becayse they are too simpke and can get away simpky staying doing nothing (aka healing), so everyone and their mother plays them. DPS wait times rarely longer than 5 minutes and if you're good, you'll make run faster for everyone and yourself. Tanks never wait for roulettes on any level, but can spend considerable time waiting for alex, if you need it for some reason, and wiping city. You also have to deal with longest runs in history, whe you get average healer and shit dps, and that like 90% time and being good won't change things drastically, because tanks dps was nerfed hard. DPS is the best choice for most things you do in df. Everything I said applies if you play in prime time for your time zone/server
Cutter's cry, stone vigil.
I've been playing alone on Gilg after being ditched by my friend too. Man, it really sucks. At least I didn't have to pay for the server transfer.
do you want to do expert roulette
I'm leveling mch as my first dps class
did I make the right mistake
MCH is actually the hardest DPS class to play by an enourmous margin.
The second you reach 60 look up THE rotation and learn it. There are way too many MCH who are just playing the class because it looks cool.
I'm in a Nidhogg clear party right now. what's your ign though?
are you guys still up in PF? i can help
We were already filled up, sorry mang
post your initials. im probably in it lol
>friend used to play on balmung, payed for a server transfer for me so i can play there
>leave FC on cactuar (social FC, i just like having people to talk to while I play)
>be on balmung now, friend literally plays once for 5 mins
>cant find an FC to talk to people
This loneliness :(
>on balmung
>cant find people to talk to
>running Syrcus for fuck knows why
>some female cat in my alliance keeps hugging me without saying anything before every pull
>at the end she finally speaks up and compliments me for being the prettiest brown elf lady she has ever seen
I really wasn't expecting that.
>it's a you only get chains episode
J.C., you know who it is baby
He probably means normal people to talk to, not ERPfagotry.
Everyone you meet in that casual content is fucked in the head.
Just get to savage and extreme fights and stick to those communities if you don't feel like dealing with the paint sniffing retards.
I'm pretty sure that happened earlier in my run today. Took upskirts of those sluts. Maybe you too.
No this was a few days ago.
Miqo'tes are a proud and noble race.
Proud at ta(n)king cocks
Whores of the realm.
When i still played i mained WAR
10/10 Masterrace class.
Did they nerf its damage since then? Because you could rival some DPS classes in DMG stance and in Defensive stance you probably were the best of the 3 tank classes.
>this is what WARbabbys actually believe
But the class was really fucking good back then that was like a year ago.
I dont know if they changed anything in the meantime. Even the devs back then said they want to nerf the WAR dps and they probably did.
WAR has been a clown car of class design since HW launched. And WAR players are the worst in the game, even more than NINs and MNKs.
As a tank, they're shit. They literally only exist to bring a 5th DPS into 8 man content.
>MNK players
Maybe if you play on North Amerifat servers, sure.
Excalibur is a nice server though
>They literally only exist to bring a 5th DPS into 8 man content.
So that means they are the most sought after tank right? Because content at the moment is literally nothing but DPS checks. Why would you gimp yourself with a tank that does less DPS?
>calls other people fucked in the head
>is this much of an actual autist
This is why I'll never clear savage content, because you have to be statics with literal autists like this guy. I'm capable of clearing the fights but I'd rather not have to put up with anti-social assburger autists like this guy.
Look we cant all be BLM or SMN. We have to work for our DPS
I didnt ask about your opinion of the people who usually play that class, but rather what you think about its balance.
That people play it badly doesnt tell me if the class itself is strong or weak.
From my experience it was the best of the tank classes for any kind of content when HW launched.
Nothing lewd about taking a shit.
>best tank
>not DRK
drk is worse than the other two ever since they changed vit to also give damage
But atleast we can agree that PAL was always underpowered and rather bad
I disagree, when it happens to be a cute girl doing it.
The only way I'll touch tank if they make SAM a tank
Which I bet they will so I will be butthurt and still play
What part of "clown car class design" did you not understand?
I dont actually know if that implies that its good or bad
>tfw Svara is up
I can help if you're still at it.
>Play BLM thinking it will be a walk in the park
>Get to real content
>No sir, you have to MOVE
>having to work ever
All they do is ignore mechanics and cry when they can't hit positionals
>The Eyes Have It is up
I knew I wasn't the only one, but I also take upskirts of sluts in content whenever I can. I don't even fap to them, I just save them and maybe look at my collect once every few months. Lightning ass does nothing for my boner.
Has anyone here transferred to Balmung for reasons other than ERP? How did it go?
Gilgamesh is nice and populated but it still feels like barely anyone talks.
You just need to get in the right linkshells on Gilgamesh. All chat on Gilgamesh happens in Limsa, Idyllshire, or linkshells.
I did to play with some friends of mine. It's a populated server, but don't bother going there if you're wanting to raid or find decent players occasionally.
same I just do it cause I can. Those whores probably get off to it or something anyways.
I transferred from Gilgamesh to Balmung, not interested in ERP but thought maybe I'd make some friends
Been months, still zero friends, can't find a FC.
Dye the pig head and gloves white, and the suit green
>It's a still playing FFXIV episode
Have fun capping that lore every week while the hack man swims in your money.
>playing a Final Fantasy game on PC
>Get invited to a FC
>500 members
>WoW with chocobos, catgirls and iconic FF jobs butchered into generic, watered down classes
>Final Fantasy game
Warrior is the best tank, and tied for the best designed class with to Scholar
what's your name i want more friends that dont top sentences off with emoticons
I love this meme where people say something is well designed just because it has no competition for a spot in a party
>tfw Levi is the comfiest server but no one outside of Levi knows it
What's the party finder like, how many are up most of the time?
are there dps sluts
Somewhere around twenty to thirty parties recruiting at all times
I like Leviathan but it's hard to find people to do shit during the off hours.
Nah, only power couples like bard/caster, mch/melee, dragoon/ranged, monk/monk, war/nin, etc....
how autistic do you need to be to get into the game now? is heavensword necessary to buy?
>having fun and complimenting a player's character
>fucked in the head
>just do savage and be a statistics monkey in a game where the only thing lower than the skill ceiling is the "top" players' testosterone levels
You can get from level 1 to the current content during the free month with pretty light amounts of play.
The game makes it purposefully easy to catch up, for better or for worse.