I'm playing this for the first time. What should I expect?

I'm playing this for the first time. What should I expect?

Play the game and find out

The magic of horror games franchises is discovering the beauty of their first game by yourself.
It's ps1 don't bitch about the graphics, despite there's other ps1 games with better graphics.
It becomes genuinely scary at some point
Don't look the puzzles on the internet, you will feel better about yourself when you solve them.
Explore after you finish your first playthrough, there's no much worthy exploring on the first.

Getting stuck on a puzzle, probably.


A piano puzzle I couldn't solve.

>muh daughter
game really starts to get good when you get to the school

I loved the camera angles in the game. Over the shoulder camera just don't let the devs capture the scene in the most spooky way.

all doors are locked
shit gets rusty


Also prepare to re-start the entire game when you do something stupid and fuck up your file ;)

Good game, but unfortunately it peaks maybe 25% in at the school. The following area is also good, though not quite as good, and it only goes downhill from there.

What color were the birds?[\spoiler]

You should expe-

Did they fix the shit going on with the latest emulator?

>The following area is also good, though not quite as good, and it only goes downhill from there.
one could almost say it goes silently downhill

retarded puzzles

OP, learn how movement and camera control work. It will make your life easier.

That was a great puzzle.

OP, heres some real talk for you





Turn off the goddamn lights, turn up the sound (headphones pref), and play it in the dark.

This is one of the easiest puzzles in the game. I had way more trouble with others.

how is this a bad puzzle?

Git gud.

oh fuck off. you guys probably played it 10 years later after youtube came out and you just looked up what to do. In the 90s you had to figure shit out on your own

fucking this.

Always play with puzzles on hard in every SH game
Enemy difficulty is up to you

It wasn't hard. It didn't even require musical knowledge. I had heard about a piano puzzle beforehand and was terrified when I found the piano, and then figured it out within minutes.

>one of the most infamously hard puzzles in the entire franchise
>it wasnt hard guise i swear!!!

go fuck yourself

All the hard puzzles for me were in the final level.

Not any of them. But gamefaqs was a thing in 1999 with plenty of walk throughs. I remember bringing up an ascii map of that forest from Secret of Evermore a few years earlier.

Do you tipically spam about "the good old days without youtube and shit" while simultaneousley being the cause of games being dumbed down for slow people?

the blood on the keys was what threw me off with this puzzle

Just to make sure were on the same page, lemme post the puzzle here

>First flew the greedy Pelican,
>eager for the reward.
>White wings flailing.

>Then came a silent Dove,
>flying beyond the Pelican,
>as far as he could.

>A Raven flies in,
>flying higher than the Dove.
>Just to show he can.

>A Swan glides in to find a >peaceful spot
>next to another bird.

>Finally, out comes a Crow,
>coming quickly to a stop,
>yawning and then napping.

>Who will show the way?
>Who will be the key?
>Who will lead to the silver reward?

How the fuck are you gonna sit there and tell me a 8 year old kid could figure that shit out in a few minutes? it literally ruined my night because I couldnt progress, so I had to go to the library the next day, get on the computer, and go to fuckin gamefaqs

Theres so many red herrings and metaphors that a kid wouldn't even know which parts of the poem are the hints. I'm 25 now and its clear as day, but as a kid I had no fuckin idea

>Turn off the goddamn lights, turn up the sound (headphones pref), and play it in the dark.
No thank you I don't want a heart attack

nah go fuck yourself. That puzzle was clearly the odd one out, and much harder than the rest. Its infamous for a reason

At the most it should have been optional, for a secret weapon or something

>managed to somehow solve every puzzle in every SH game so far on hard
>reach this one
This shit broke me.
I had to admit defeat and look up the answer after almost 6 hours worth of attempts.

Man, the only time this game actually scared me was during that run through the sewer after the boat cutscene.

There's like 1 and a half jump scares and they're not that bad.

The game is atmospheric as fuck (for 1999)

If you're like 10 I could agree, but DESU its not that scary. You wont get a heart attack, as there are no jump-scenes or screamers. The whole time you'll think something is about to happen, but nothing ever does, which is the scary part.

LoL pussy, might aswell go play it on a bench inside a walmart with your samsung ching chong.


prepare your anus OP. prepare your anus.

iirc, the only way to solve it is if you had general knowledge of the Shakespeare stories that puzzle is referring to. Kind of unfair, IMO. Although it's not like it was in Normal mode, so that's fine.

nigga 8 year old kids shouldn't be playing silent hill

>playing fucking Silent Hill at 8 years old
You were a brave kid user.

as a kid I was scared to death at that part where you go through the clock tower tunnel and go to the hell version of the school.

That and the hospital. Jesus fuck, man.

Thats isn't how puzzles are supposed to be done and SH3 was a huge misstep in that department.

nah this puzzle is bullshit because your suppose to have knowledge on shakespeare plays

nah its cool. I played with my brother and he was 9.

RE2 was a lot scarier IMO. the fuckin licker encounter gave me nightmares for like 2 weeks. Damn I remember it clear as yesterday... you walk past the window and it crawls past. Then in the next room the window is broken and you can just hear dripping. God damn. I had to restart the game and play on rookie mode with the SMG just to beat it

I like that one jump scare in the hospital where you walk into this empty room, turn the camera around, and here this load bang coming from the window.

Bad voice acting and a puzzle involving you aviary knowledge.

well luckily the game had an option to choose the puzzle difficulty - easy/medium/hard. Just don't pick hard like a dumbass unless you actually want some hard ass puzzles

SH2 did something like that in one of the bathrooms too.

And you never really know what it was, which adds a lot to that moment.

I remember when my mom bought me this game. She bought it for me because I was sick and had to stay home from school and she had to go to work.
All alone in the big empty house and it was my first real horror game.
I got so scared I ran outside. 3rd grade was fun.

There was the girl crying in the school bathroom as well, but that shtick is so cliche I couldn't get scared by it.

Shit, I bought it at 6.

>buying m rated games for an 8 year old

i think your mom might be retarded

I was playing that shit in the 3rd grade and beat it.

The puzzle that got to me the most was not the piano, but that door where the answer was ALERT, gave up on that so many times because I couldnt figure it out.

What was your favorite puzzle guys?
Mine was the hospital one on SH2 (the code on the door). It makes you go "woah, that's what he meant!" Once you figured it out like no other.

Another thing, do you ever get to meet the demon making those noises in the prison on extra difficulty?

I dont think my mom even understood what the rating system was back then. Hell the cover and back didnt even show any real horror. Just a picture of a regular town and your daughter with some sort of phrase along the lines of "Going to silent hill to find your daughter"
She probably thought it was a adventure game.

Really? I thought the exact opposite as a kid, RE felt much more down to earth and kind of manageable where as SH was just nightmare fuel.


I don't know if you're american or not but it couldn't be any more fucking obvious.

"Black and white birds"."Birds without a voice." Black and white piano keys. There are keys that don't make a sound. Instant connection. The only hard part is knowing which DIRECTION the birds are going. That means the most times you have to try the puzzle is two if your IQ is above 40.

Well, they got the school monsters blowing you on the top right. But it's probably vague to people that haven't played it, so whatever.

Resident Evil's scariness wears out so fast when you replay the games as an adult - well, aside from REmake's, anyway. Aside from the obvious B-movie cheese, most of the games have no real sense of mystery. You pretty much know exactly what's going on and your only job is to survive and escape. In Silent Hill, you have no clue what's happening or why, and that sense of confusion ups the horror elements of the game way more... With that being said, I still think RE2's a way better game than SH1 for the mere fact that it's not a clunky fully 3D PS1 game with horrible frame drops and laggy controls.

I was always too scared to play horror games as a kid. I couldn't even play RE4 which really isn't scary at all. Well besides the Regenerators.

its still an infamously hard puzzle

*top left

It doesn't outright state "black and white birds" though.

You can expect THE best Silent Hill game, and one of the greatest survival-horror titels ever made.

didn't notice this thread, but in case someone's interested in that SH PC Guide + the DL links for SH1-4, look up the post at:

Solving that on my own was the best feeling ever.

>EZ as fuck puzzle u just need to find the solution
Wow, thanks a lot you muppet.

Likewise, SH's scariness wears away once you realize that theres nothing there. Its just a wide, mostly empty world, covered in darkness and/or mist, with enemies here and there. The music and the radio make great atmosphere, but once you realize theres nothing to be afraid of, the magic is gone.

You could say the same about RE, but that still has random jump scares, fast enemies, and forced isometric perspective. Aint NOTHING like when you get to the jail area and you hear the dog feet clicking on the concrete, but you cant actually see where they're coming from. Or when you know theres zombies in the room, but you cant look around because the camera is fixed.

Bullshit bubba, the sewers were the scariest part of the game and they didn't appear until 75% through the game.

I wouldn't call it obvious, but it does give you enough clues to solve it yourself with enough thought. I think the only part that's T&E with that puzzle is the placements of 2 birds.

i was playing this for the first time recently and i was on the puzzle for a minute, then my 13 year brother came and solved it immediately, it was amazing

interesting. I was 13 and had trouble with it. I was over thinking it. I was renting it from Blockbuster.

I played it around when it came out and even back then I didn't find it hard.
However, I struggled a bit with this fucker.

Bull. Shit.
17 years later, and SH1 still unnerves me to no end.

>finding RESI of all things more unnerving
wow, what a faggot.

>wow, what a faggot.

coming from the pussy who is scared of Nothing : The Game - Scary Sounds Edition.

Which brings me to my next point: RE actually had a story and a mission objective. You have to find umbrella and shut it down, and on the way you find short snippets of stories in papers and journals and stuff, and sometimes you get forboding dialogue too. Like when you go to the jail cell and find the guy who locked himself in, then later you come back and the cell is fucked up and the bars are bent. And throughout the playthough you sometimes hear the roar of the main boss, which you encounter several times throughout.

OH YEAH, you get to play as Claire on the 2nd disc. Goddamn, RE2 had so much more content than SH1. SH1 doesn't even feel like a finished game by comparison


>being scared of a game with less atmosphere than a postmodern painting
Of course dumb people are scared of quick monster that go zip zop on you.

>coming from the pussy who is scared of Nothing The Game - Scary Sounds Edition.
...just after I'd stated that SH1 is one of the scariest games ever made? Reading comprehension sure is tuff!

>Which brings me to my next point: RE actually had a story and a mission objective.
And lemme guess, you're trying to claim that SH does NOT have all that, and much more in fact?

>OH YEAH, you get to play as Claire on the 2nd disc
Only because lazy hacks developing it couldn't originally fit it on a single dics. The N64 port has both characters + brand new content, on a single 64 Mbyte cartridge.

And sorry bro, I was a huge RE fan back in the days, but SH1 managed to completely convert me. it is the FAR superior game.
Plus REmake > RE2.

>emulated SH: Origins
>reach the Hospital
>already spooked

Horror games aren't for me

Lemme put it this way. RE2 had everything SH1 had, but more.

SH Fans: crybaby neckbeards scared of the dark
RE2 Fans (other REs excluded) : Manly men with taste for the biggest zombie game of the 90s

>And lemme guess, you're trying to claim that SH does NOT have all that, and much more in fact?

No, it has zero story, except that you are trying to find your daughter and for some reason you traverse through a long linear maze for no fuckin reason. All the dialog is meaningless and poorly thought out, specifically designed to be vague and directionless, especially everything dahlia gillespie says.

People who liked RE2 are now successful businessmen with happy lives and good jobs, while SH fans are middle age virgin neckbeards who jack off to anime porn. Case closed

>No, it has zero story
I thought it was a bait, and whaddya know! It was!

>hurr, I have no argument, I'll just call him a troll

Resident Evil is just about jump scares. Once you know that licker is going to jump through the glass, it won't ever scare you the second time.

You didn't argue, either. You literally dodged the question and just said "RE2 had everything SH1 had, but more". And youre taking up the "no u" defense. Fuck off if you don't like SH.

>using all the memes, call names and blatant, obvious lies in the post
>asks for "arguments" against them

>Playing SH: Origins unironically

I'm sorry,user,you fell for the konami meme

Absolutely nothing in it will scare you and you are going to wonder why people on here always bitch about games not being horror anymore when they were never really scary to anybody but children.


don't get me wrong, SH was fun, but RE2 was better in every aspect. Thats all.

>Resident Evil is just about jump scares.
It had a small handful of tasteful jump scares on top of the same level of atmosphere as SH

>You literally dodged the question and just said "RE2 had everything SH1 had, but more"
I provided reasons too. Maybe you missed those.

Name 1 thing SH did better than RE2. Go.

I felt bad for the cat in the school

> tasteful jump scares on top of the same level of atmosphere as SH
You actually believe yourself?

This was well designed with the astrology mislead.

SH fans: keep to themselves, have nice threads about lore theories and facts with civil discussions all over the place

RE fans: ruin SH threads because of their inferiority complexes that make the world look like it's full of unexplored rivalries. When left to themselves they will often be seen murdering eachother over which title is the best (protip: they're all the same and the ones that aren't are actually what those games were trying to be from the start: action games).

>Name 1 thing SH did better than RE2. Go.
Everything you and I say is just subjective at this point, so why not? It had better music, atmosphere, lore, and characters.

I liked RE2, but the only part where the atmosphere even competes with SH is the police station which is only a small part of the game.

Why are we comparing the first SH to the best RE game in the series? I'm so used to SH2 vs RE2 shitposting.

I only used legitimate debating tactics in my post

>no counterargument

They were the same generation.
SH2 would be best compared to RE4, which was also superior in every aspect.

Only one?
Lore, puzzles, enemy placement, atmosphere, movability, secrets, story.

>SH2 would be best compared to RE4, which was also superior in every aspect.

Those games are hardly comparable. SH was still a survival horror franchise at that point while RE drifted into more combat oriented gameplay.

>No, it has zero story, except that you are trying to find your daughter and for some reason
>Le evil corporation unleashed a deadly plague and now everyone is the zombabe.

Face it,REcuck, the only good RE was 4 and it was not because of the story or character development.

DSP wrote a book?

A game with no good sequels

I couldn't get into 2 or 3, they seem really interesting up to shortly after the first boss, then i just get a feeling like I'm wandering around without purpose and all the characters are acting like idiots