Redpill me on pokemon go

redpill me on pokemon go

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Why don't you Pokemon Go fuck yourself


It's good.


What does red pill mean?

It crashes when launched.

He really likes the matrix

It makes you go outside, exposing you to violent negroes. There's a picture of it but I can't find it right now so instead I will provide a helpful visual aid.

You hunt Pokemon using 4G internet, finding them as you traverse town.

it's a political nightmare for gamers everywhere.

It would've gotten me laid if I didn't live in the middle of shitwhere

the biggest thing in gaming since years. even normies are in on it. I usually dont buy into the hype but this might actually change the way we live. In under a day this has had more impact on the health of kids in the US than Michelle Obama in her entire lifetime.

you take shits all over everyone elses gyms and put in a 10 cp ratata in its place because you know hes just going to get it back in 5 minutes anyway since he has severe Autism

>getting laid

you can't pick either

Flavor of the month garbage. It will pass, but not before Sup Forums loses it's mind over a fucking mobile game.

A simplistic game that doesn't require much in terms of skill or intelligence and so appeals to the general populous. Because of its simplistic nature, it can sell it's users on microtransactions while luring businesses into buying out "gym spots"

Try it yourself its free you dip

Driving a car is one of the most lethal things to do. Yet millions do it daily.

Even if you just hide in your bed or room all day you can die of natural causes.

Basically just breathing kills you.

Let people go outside and get stabbed and killed. It just another example of human nature and survival of the fittest.

At least this game makes people go outside. You may think it's silly that people need pokemonGO to go outside but if you don't go to the gym because you think it's a waste of time. Why do millions of people go to the gym? Because they have fun and like it.

It's ok to not like it.

Personally i've met a bunch of friendly people and it's not even released in my country yet.

We're all going to die. Live life as you want.

I never watched it. Looked stupid, like Hackers.

Succesful videogame or flavor of the week? How is it doing in japan nowdays?

It's freemium mobile garbage but since it's Nintendo it's okay to like it and you disagree you're a sonygger/microdick/pcuck

>Redpill me on x
I'm sick of this meme already. Sup Forums needs to fuck off. They're systematically trying to literally integrate their own memes on this board now.



Only took you a millennium

There's nothing wrong with going outside. There's something wrong with swimming with sharks.

designed to keep people in perpetual childhood. this game and many things in the world like it are detracting the populous from the real world. preventing you from achieving greatness thru natural laws.
birth rates are down, anxiety among millennials is sky high, adults living with parents are at all time highs.
too many of you live in fear because things like this keep you from growing as a person.
"quite an experience to live in fear isnt it? thats what it means to be a slave"

no freshfaggots like yourself need to realise this isnt tumbler and people here can be as abrasive as they fucking choose to be.

kill yourself safespacebluehairedhomokun

Hackers is a 90's cheese fest, the first Matrix movie is really good.

If you live in a rural area don't even bother trying to play it

>implying Pokemon isnt liked by almost everyone under 30, even normies.

>adults living with parents are at all time highs.
There is literally nothing wrong with this.

Prices of everything keep sky rocketing, yet wages haven't budged in fucking decades. Tuition costs and student debts through the fucking roof. Seriously, go fuck yourself.

I want Sup Forums to leave.

this has to be bait

Good for picking up nerdy chicks.

Post yfw Pokemon GO is triggering Sup Forums harder than anything has in the last five years.

live with a woman, or other people. be social. grow. achieve.
your parents can only teach you so much. you have to learn from your peers.

>Mr Truyen wrote: “You can’t f***ing catch Pokémon in this piece of f***ing shit country” on Facebook. Responding to comments from another Facebook user who told Mr Truyen to “get out of our country,” he responded with further comments about how Singapore is filled with “stupid people” and that the national IQ average would fall if he left.


Hehehe, perhaps my memes are more up your ally?

*jumps in front of you, slowly unsheathing Katana*
Where ya headed...kid?

Dying light is looking pretty good

Well, it's a wet dream for the government to track you with their GPS. Other than that, you guys should really see the app info. It allows them to record your conversations and "alter" your contacts whatever that means, among other things

lol, millennials

It's sliding stories about the reopening of the Clinton email case and the race war that Obama and Hillary supported the other day.


Alright. Open wide.

First off, there is no trainer battles or trading. That's right. 2 of the biggest aspects of pokemon are absent. You thought you'd be able to battle trainers you encounter? Nope. In fact, there's nothing to do if you encounter other trainers. Second off, the battle system is a joke. We could've had the typical strategic battle system we see in the RPG series, but instead we have this buggy mess of dodging and spamming movies. SO FUN!

So what about catching pokemon? That's fun right? Not really. It's the best part of the game, but it's still completely shallow. You walk around an maybe if you're lucky you'll get a Pokemon every 15 minutes. If your even luckier, that Pokemon will be something other than a pidgy or zubat.

Oh this is all if you actually live in a populated area, by the way. if you live in a small town or rural area, don't even bother. You won't have shit to do.

But why is it popular? I'm not sure. I think people just like walking around and catching the same 10 pokemon over and over. Maybe it's just nostalgia over seeing their precious charmander on the sidewalk. Who knows. Unless Niantic actually puts more content and features into the game, this fad is going to be over by the end of the month.

I like how millennials are basically a slave generation that is absolutely fucked by third-world outsourcing but everyone shits on them like it's their fault.

Are you implying that Pokemon GO is giving the government the newfound ability to track cell phones via GPS? As if phone carriers haven't been able to track cell phones via GPS since cell phones were first equipped with GPS receivers?

flock off, feather face.

>see that someone used confetti at a pokestop near my house at 3AM

Just learned about it a couple hours ago.
From what I can tell, it's a pokemon flavored safari game that uses a digital camera and google maps.
There are gyms and territories you can "battle" for by playing a game of tug-of-war, kind of like WoW's Arathi Basin.

The thing about this game is that because it is pokemon flavored, millions of nerds are coming outside or driving by, creating huge crowds and instilling pride between the three in-game factions

Unfortunately, this game would utterly flop if it was not pokemon flavored; there is no pokemon battles, tournaments, gym fights, or training involved, just a collection game.
Now, if they were to implement all that, then it has the potential to be the greatest pokemon game of all time.
Of course, that would actually require Nintendo to work, which is unlikely.

Pokemon red/blue was released 20 years ago. It extends into the 30's. Trust me, I'm over 30.

I already enjoyed being out and about so the limited amount of gameplay makes it easy to lose interest in. If the "more features will be added" theory becomes true I'd spend more time with it.

*unzips wakizashi*

No you fucking goy- I mean manchild- you need to be independent and take out a huge loan right now! It's for your own good!

>If you die in Pokemon GO you die in real life

it's legit user come play pokemon with us

t. cute girl not robber

that was sick dude

Someone call the burn ward

It's debatable.

And most of all....just bee urself ;)

What do you even do in this game? Do you just catch pokemon? There is no battles?


Heh, im not afraid of a little banter... "sheaths katana"

Stupid ugly cunt.

*re draw blade*

haha..I just augmented my blade with Zin'Ramas essence, seems like you are the perfect person to test its power on!

*dashes into the air and reveals the entire blade, flames begin erupting from the katana, a dragon begins to form from the fire*


*dragon flies down from the sky made of flames, consuming you.

Just as i thought...this blade is unstoppable.

Literally lol'd at this passive-aggressiveness

But honestly -- of course not.

Why do you ignore the fact that all your info is visible for them to see once you accept?

so how do you do this GPS spoofing shit? If you look it up it just comes up with click bait tier 'articles'

Probably death of handhelds.

Nintendo will go full mobile from now on.

Damn, it's convenient that the release of this app that's been in development for a year just happened to coincide with major events that DA JEWS don't want us to hear about. Just shows how they really do control everything. Really makes you think.

>everyone and their grandmother playing Pokemon Go

Holy mother of Science what the fuck is happening to our planet

It's only location data, exactly like it says. There's currently a bug in the iOS version that could potentially allow it to access other things.

*reappears behind you*
Heh, that was just...a hologram...

>redpill me

>Team Mystic

Some people are having fun, apparently. Fuckin' SJWs, am I right?

It's a jew conspiracy to get people to download the shitty game, enabling them to keep track of everyone because of the geolocation the game uses.
Then the game forces users to go outside, and in turn to get robbed by niggers. It will escalate to the point white people will be afraid to go outside or/and will start retaliating, causing a race war that will cost both sides greatly.
Then, when everyone is weakened, the jews will come out of the shadows and take control of the still free parts of the world, like America.

Oy vey it's not like the media can focus on pushing a mobile game to distract people from discussing BLM turning into a terrorist organization under progressive support or Clinton's criminal case going back on. Nobody ever uses things to their own advantage.

damn OP need some ointment

you catch little kids

Just a protip for all you Pokemon TM Go faggots. When you sign in with google, you're allowing them to view your emails, look through your google pics, access to anything in your account.

>red pill me on red pill

It means OP is a faggot

Basically, it's a spin-off of the Pokemon series without battling, trading, or anything remotely resembling Pokemon save the intellectual property itself. It's similar to Niantic's other game, Ingress, which collected GPS data for Google so that they could, say, map paths through parks, shopping centers, et cetera.
There are microtransactions for Pokeballs and items which spawn Pokemon or attract other players to your position, in case you're not in an urban center with an abundance of Pokestops - which replenish your items.

So, tl;dr:
>You're flicking your finger at AR Pokemon with little purpose other than to collect them and collect GPS data to be fed to Google
I wouldn't really recommend it except for the novelty. Maybe if it was, you know, a fucking game.

Jeff Gerstmann sums it up pretty well on the Bombcast, if you want to listen to that.

It's some gay meme that virgins, redditors and MRAs use to try and act as if they've been enlightened by some otherwise suppressed belief held by the ignorant masses.

Good thing I use the account I only use for games.

red pill me on how much of a faggot you are

>mfw ill never be a bumflusterd tumblerina crying about memes on a meme generator picture posting website

Flawed statistic reading. How many of those car drives has a successful turnout rate where nothing happend and it ended with no death?

is 8gag down or something

Sup Forums has been exceptionally bad today

Apparently calling a meme gay is crying about it. You sound like the tumblrina here user.

Needs updates.

It's popular because it REPRESENTS the game that everyone wants. But in reality it's pretty barebones.

Nintendo needs to wake the fuck up and deliver before their nostalgia factor literally dies of old age.

Careful you're violating his safe space

You don't want to trigger him

Why are you going to defend this in your next post?

It's Ingress

>going out of your way to cry about memes on a korean memeshare website
>not just using the filter system for the exact reason it was implemented
>calling others tumbler when youre clearly first day here

So it begins.
>White boi in the middle trying to act hard

It's an app for child molesters

*throws a pie in your face*
*starts dancing stage left with the rest of my barbershop quartet*

This tbqfh

gave up on this shit once my 10km egg finally hatched and I got another fucking zubat with 68cp, only to zoom out to the map and see 3 more zubats flying around, with the next pokestop a good 5kms away

Games a fucking joke if you're not in a city.


It's only "deadly" because people do it constantly so if you're not looking at a percentage chance of a fatality the number of deaths looks much scarier than it is

sick burn bro, totally got him xd
us oldfags amirite

epic falseflagging

Why do they want to keep us in check like this?

dank memes kid

youre a complete fucking retard that doesnt even know what false flagging means clearly

uhhh the company that made the game is owned by google so they have your data anyways already