ITT: Games Sup Forums recommended that ended up being good
ITT: Games Sup Forums recommended that ended up being good
fucking pokemon go threads all on top
Sup Forums never recommended that garbage. Sup Forums always hated it. I played it because muh resident evil. Sup Forums was right. It is shit.
Are you serious? So many people here have huge erections for gameplay.
I always recommend Resi 6 in these threads.
It was a great game with probably the best controls in any game ever. Sure, it wasn't Resi, but it was still a fantastic game with a ton of content that was made even better if you had a friendo to play with.
I'm tired of this it's a good game, just not a godd ____ game meme
If it's good, then it's good.
How do people like this game!?
>Sup Forums recommending RE6
When? What the fuck?
I thought everyone hated RE6
>Resi 1/2/3 for vita
Which one should I buy?
contrarians love em after the RE4 popularity
>"im tired of this______ meme" meme
Sup Forums is one person.
re 4,5,6 is like the best 3rd person games ever made and huge improvements over the previous games.
Its a good action shooter
Played the utter fuck out of the ps3 version, a lot of mercenaries. Recently got psquad edition and I still tear mercenaries up.
This nigger here gets it.
RESI 6 is shite solo but I played through this all with a friend and it was so fucking fun.
It's the right amount of over the top.
Horrible Resi game but it's great if you take it as its own thing
>tfw no friends to play it with
None of my friends like vidya, street fighter and nba 2k being the only exceptions. no they aren't basketball-americans
was this game considered bad, had never heard of it until a bunch of threads started popping up recently
Resident Evil 6 was actually pretty broken upon release. The fov was so low it was nearly unplayable, QTEs were horrible and intrusive and mercs, despite being the best part of the game, only came with 3 maps.
Now that you can play it in 60fps with all DLC and 10 Mercenaries Maps for $20 I'd say it's worth it, but the campaigns are still linear railroaded moviegame shit that squanders the perfect combat system and the tight controls.
RE6 is non ironically my fave RE game and I'm afraid to say it.
Remake is my 2nd and RE5 my 3rd in case you were wondering.
"not afraid to"
I don't hate the game. I had fun with it. But is it so wrong to want a new Resident Evil game to play like the original Resident Evil games?
I really like re6 but desu I wish it was a little more like re5. I miss being able to buy my own weapons and specializing so me and a bro could split up the ammo better. I miss only being able to carry one or two guns instead of the huge arsenal.
granted I've only played through Leon's campaign so I don't know if this changes, but I'm betting it doesn't.
nothing wrong with that fampai. It's just annoying seeing REMAKEfags bitching that this game is shit because it's not classic RE
I actually prefer RE5's inventory to 6 and even 4. It makes things a little more difficult because you need can only carry 9 items. I just wish that ammo wouldn't take up multiple slots.