Overwatch after 48 days

>Overwatch after 48 days
>Competitive mode released after more than a month of nothing
>Nothing else

>Splatoon after 48 days
>7 new weapons
>3 new loadouts of old weapons
>4 new maps
>2 new game modes
>Ranked was released 4 (FOUR) days after launch

Why does Blizzard get a free pass when Splatoon was shat upon every single thread for being weak on content, despite keeping their promise on consistent content updates?

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Did Overwatch have more starting content, I don't have a ps4/xbone so no idea

Splatoon has shit gameplay and is literally for babies and virgins

Overwatch is the MvC of FPS games. It's enjoyable to watch and has a high skill ceiling to keep the kids and blacks out.

All the Splatoon content was on disc.

>high skill ceiling

Splatoon's ink/squid mechanic is intuitive, new, and fun.

Overwatch is literally a dumbed down TF2 with characters that all look like they were pulled from different games to appeal to a specific demographic, making it all come off as a shitty stitched together mess of a quilt.

Splatoon released as an unfinished game, Overwatch didn't.

>high skill ceiling

>Blacks not playing MvC
What the fuck are you talking about you autistic faggot?

>Overwatch after 48 days
>has a playerbase

>blacks out

What the fuck, half the MvC scene is black

They try, but they're never good. Also, Noel Brown is in prison for molesting a girl.

Because Blizzard finished the game and started making more content after it was done. Nintendo on the other hand fell for the drip content meme like all other devs were doing and as such you had to wait through the summer to have content that should've been around at launch.

Splatoon released incomplete with everything already being created and in mind after release.

Nintendo released the dlc content over time to make people think they are releasing free dlc but really this was all the content in the game but removed.

Why label the fact you're shitposting?
Shitposting is only fun if you don't tell others you're doing it.

>not an unfinished game

user.. I..

It had four more stages, two more game modes (splatoon only launched with turf wars and even after ranked dropped it was only that and splat zones which is shit) and of course 21 characters compared to only one (though you could say the different weapons are their own "characters" there were maybe four or five types overall at launch.)

I love them both, they're both legit GOTY contenders of their years, but OW had far more info at launch.

overwatch is neither enjoyable to watch, or has a high skill ceiling

More content being added throghout its life =/= unfinished

By the fact that splatoon spat out content every week after release just showed it was purposefully done to keep autistis interested because OH LOOK SHINY NEW THING

Splatoon has a higher skill ceiling in every mode, simply because there is no voice chat.
You put a good Splatoon player, and a good Overwatch player in the same room, playing their games on a team side by side, and notice how one is screaming at everyone half of the time, while the other is silent most of the time, and only really cheers at the rare moments where you steamrolled the competition.
Splatoon requires more skill to play simply because of more limited options.

overwatch has no fucking content, most free to play games offer more shit. 2 shitty game modes, all of the maps are fucking retarded. Stupid as fuck designs and chars, gameplay feels montononous and gets boring after two seconds. Nevermind the fact that they are all shitty versionss of chars from other sources

So.. are you defending day 1 dlc?
Jesus Christ Nintendrones must have huge arms from all that goalpost moving.

Literally no one talks in Overwatch.

Which is actually another point in favor of Splatoon. I could not believe how much bitching there was over no voice chat in Splatoon when no one even fucking uses voice chat in-game anymore.

I know you're trolling but it's worrisome that somewhere outhere, someone unironically belives this

every girl from that chinese cartoon gave me such a boner

>Company releases content after game is released
>"Thank you based company for improving my game."
>Other company releases content after game is released
>"Why did they get away with releasing a unfinished game? This is terrible!"

Either both games came out unfinished, or both games came out and are being expanded on. You can't pick and choose here, unless you want to be a hypocrite of course.

Splatoon was good, I hope the sequel will be better.

The content that blizzard has already put out is buggy beyond shit.

Ranked is nowhere near in any state of form finished, in fact, they know for a fact its a buggy piece of shit because they wanted to rush it.

The bugs they had back in PTR were still in the Live server, that's no excuse for any company, even for the like of Blizzard.

Let's not even discuss how long it takes to actually balance out heroes, and if done, done properly.

>Nintendo tries out something completely new to them
>Everyone calls it shit because Nintendo

>Blizzard tries out something new to them
>Everyone praises it
There's just a Nintendo stigma in this age. It's really fucking dumb actually.

Team Marie

You're a real sick person.

>Everyone calls it shit because Nintendo
Except thats not what happened at all, Nintendo literally has the golden touch according to Sup Forums

>Have to talk through how the team will work
>Talk through switch ups
>Talk through people arguing and not wanting to switch
>Talk through who will switch for the same of the team
>Talk through what you will do depending on the map
>Learn the map
>Learn to tell by a glance at levels, names, and weapons, who will be a asset in the fight, and who is clearly dead weight
>No control over who you get teamed up with in casual mode
>No voice chat
>Have to see and notice the flaws in your own team and cover them
>In ranked, have to notice what your team may be doing wrong, and fill in the weakness yourself

Overwatch is a casual game compared to ranked in Splatoon. You have to depend more on your allies in casual Overwatch as well, while in casual Splatoon, a single great player can nearly win the whole match if he plays his cards right.
You can call ranked Splatoon casual, but its not as casual as Overwatch is. Not by a long shot.


No, you actually can for these things. You gonna tell me Morrowind released unfinished because it had expansion packs?

A better comparison is actually Halo 5 and Splatoon. Both released barebones, non existant split screen (no fuck you, splatoons shitty 1v1 is garbage, don't even try to consider it a plus), and short, dissapointing main campaign but both got more content each month in order to keep players interested.

A lot of the content in these games was already complete and held back for the purpose of having FREE DLC in flashy letters so the companies look like they're doing something different and are better than their competitors for not making you pay.

If something is free, you are the prodcut.

>they're both legit GOTY contenders of their years

Come on both are fun but not even close to GOTY.

>you are the prodcut.

I am the wat? What's a "prodcut"? Is that what you call Guile's haircut?

my dislexyia have fingers

>You gonna tell me Morrowind released unfinished because it had expansion packs?
Not that guy but Morrowind literally was released unfinished and somewhere after the halfway point of the development they had to scrap a ton of content in order reliably meet their release schedule.
And yes a lot of that content was indeed put into the expansion packs.

I absolutely love Morrowind but it's a pretty known fact that it was indeed released unfinished.
Tamriel Rebuilt any year now. Any year now. Surely.

It isn't getting a free pass. Plenty of people are complaining about the mechanics, map sizes, and the lack of updates. It's just a blizzard game people buy it and love it for a fans sake.

I never played splatoon myself because it didn't look interesting. I haven't played overwatch since the release day either, but I can say I have spent 40 dollars on worse things.

Just because you prefer a dead game doesn't mean you should ignore the criticism a game is getting and look on it with envy because your shit ass nintendo game will never be as good.


Splatoon is a console exclusive
Overwatch is not

One has potential waifus and the other doesn't.

Ouch, that sucks. Sorry yo.

You had such a nice post going there until you broke down into underage-tier shitposting for no reason.

>Overwatch does not have potential waifus
>Splatoon does not have potential waifus
Pretty sure both of these statements are wrong.

You forgot that Spaltoon had a full offline campaign and a (shitty) local 2 player mode.

>a dead game
Neither of the games are dead though. Splatoon is actually bigger now than when it launched, and Overwatch is still very fresh on the market and has had players have just kept getting into it.

They aren't dead.

>an hour romp through some basic platforming is now considered a full offline campaign


>People calling Splatoon a casual shitfest
>People calling Overwatch a casual shitfest
What a waste of time, when everybody knows that Team Fortress 2 is better then both of them.

>relevant for anything except shitty hat jokes for 6 years

>Splatoon has Callie, Marie, and Inklings
>Overwatch has Mei and maybe Mercy

>Splatoon "added" a bunch of shit that was on disc

Wowie bravo Nintendo

ive wanked to callie's soft tentacles more times than I can count

>overwatch doesn't even have that
But hey, it has the same offline as Evolve and Titanfall, which you guys loved.

More like 4 hours, and the use of the core mechanics are actually pretty nice if barebones.

That said, the final bossfight makes the campaign God tier. Boss fight of 2015 IMO.

Tons and tons of people were calling Evolve another tortanic way before it came out, and to this day, tons of people still refer to Titanfall as "CoD with mechs".

Splatoon after 1 year and 2 months
>has a playerbase

That's the fucking joke.
Neither have single player, and Overwatch doesn't either.

Closer to 4-5 hours. Come on, nigger, at least look into the game if you aren't going to play it. Lies are pretty easy to see through.

how about we compromise and call it 3

>Released in a console that no one buys

>Released in best-selling consoles and PC

Do you really need an explanation, OP?

offline doesn't matter for online centric games, console players willa t least need something when the plug is pulled. the issue was Titanfall had jack shit for content and Evlove as a DLCfest, but between the two at least Titanfall was pretty good.

4 hours if you go for 100% completion maybe. Also the finalboss was nothing special to be honest. Even The Taken King's fight with Oryx with a team of people who had no clue what to do a month after the raid was out was more enjoyable.

I own it nigger, it wasn't that long nor anything to write home about. I don't the obsession with splatoon. I played it for a month then dropped it because I was bored. I dont know how people can still play it.

>high skill ceiling
>press Q to win

>i'll hate on a game i never played!
christ, user

here's your (you), you deserve it

>High skill ceiling

Isn't that exactly what splatoon has as well?
>turn into an invicible kraken for free kills!

>it wasn't that long
But you lied about the length because you're a shitposter.

Regular squid form is faster so you can usually get away if you can react.

>you beat the game faster than me
>you're a shitposter!

Shut up retard.

Yeah that's why you're rank 30

>I dont know how people can still play it.
Not everyone has ADHD, user.

Seems even the most practiced, fastest players in the world can't get everything in under an hour after doing it hundreds of times. So for most, it will be at least thrice the time.

>enjoyable to watch
Mahvel is fucking ass cancer to spectate and I'm glad that Xrd and Melee are getting better Sunday slots at Evo.

You guys do realize that supers can be avoided and misused in both, right?

Has Splatoon been speedran at an SGDQ/AGDQ yet?

>splatoon is a shooter meme

when will it end

Splatoon doesn't have literal aimbot super or dumb press Q to win shit. Sorry but, it's the better game from a competitive/balancing standpoint.

But it is a shooter. Not a very good one, but still.

Yes, I remember watching it, don't remember which one though.

Because Splatoon was shit.

You can still kill him while he's aimbotting, and you can hide behind shit. Soldier's Q is pretty much mediocre, which is part of why you don't see him in comp level play a lot.

It's better than both TF2 and Overwatch.

Found it.


Overwatchfags are the fucking worst

That just makes it look like Splatoon was released unfinished.

it looks like fun

Woh there. Overwatch is pretty shitty at the moment with a broken tank system and set teams. Tf2 has at least balanced class and some sort of similarities between characters. If say overall tf2 come son top as unlike splatoon and overwatch some stuff is actually worked on and put through it's pace's

Overwatch isnt on the fucking Wii U

agdq this year. he got a pb iirc

Why are you so angry?

what the fuck are you saying

TF2 has 8 fucking years
still is playable and fun

>my casual shit is better than your casual shit

these bait threads are always great

Overwatch ranked system is shit and unfinished.
Tf2 is finished but still needs work.
Splatoon works but is unbalanced

TF2's matchmaking system is significantly worse than OW's.

Overwatch has placement matches yes that tf2 needs but tf2 has a higher tick rate and matches are decide on a fucking flip of a coin


What Overwatch needs most of all are new maps.

Heroes are hard to introduce with how overtuned every character is with their ults. It would be easy to balance if it wasn't for Ultimates that fuck everything up. So we aren't gonna get 'new weapons' or game modes any time soon. The 6v6 format is too limited for any sort of interesting 5 cp map because people will get separated, or high mobility Heroes like Tracer take the field. Same with Capture the flag. The game just needs more of what it has, because its already getting boring as fuck playing on the same maps over and over again. Thing is, they don't even have to have it be hard, they can just flex their current maps into extra maps. Have a random time zone for some maps that change the feel of it. Turn route 66 into koth where the point is on top and 2nd floor of the building, etc.

Overwatch is subsisting on casul value and the appeal of the characters alone. They should be keeping up the hype for their launch, not just releasing a glorified quick play with MMR shown and then doing nothing else for nearly a month.

post more jack