How do fix him? I'd prefer if they improve his mobility instead of just changing numbers.
How do fix him? I'd prefer if they improve his mobility instead of just changing numbers
>get killed
>Slowly putting my away across the map to save my team
>They're all dead by the time I get there only to die again by a gentle breeze
Every time..I'd also like his alt fire to be where he would continuously fire his spheres when you hold right click down instead of a stupid charge attack
Yep. A better ability to escape enemies.
If they were lazy and just gave him more health I really wouldn't give a fuck. He's fun to play as it is he just dies too quickly. They could make his orbs not disappear when there's no line of sight.
They could make it so you can give multiple orbs of discord. But make it so you actually have to aim and hit them manually. IDK there is a lot of stuff they could do I don't really mind which route they take because I still enjoy playing as him. He does need a buff though.
>I'd also like his alt fire to be where he would continuously fire his spheres when you hold right click down instead of a stupid charge attack
you can continuously fire his spheres if you hold left click though...
his ultimate also requires him to be in the middle of the action when he's supposed to away from it. A double jump and faster movement would help with this issue.
oh can you? I've been mashing the left mouse button like a moron.
>improve his mobility
>instead of just changing numbers
I know what you mean, but...
yea no. you can do this with all weapons I think. roadhog's shotgun, pharah's rockets, etc.
>They're all dead by the time I get there only to die again by a gentle breeze
iktfb. Or when your team doesn't push all at once and so your teammates trickle in two or three at a time and we never get anywhere.
adding double jump for example.
How about the genius idea of removing that fucking STUPID ASS "line of sight" SHIT they added to nerf him
A speed increase would be great.
Some people also suggested a small hover for short gaps and such (IE Hanamura left flank point B on Attack).
He needs fucking something. He's so much fun to play.
Or just a higher jump, since he already levitates in the first place.
>replace r-click with his discord orb
>discord orb doesn't auto hit but travels like a normal orb
>provide a hover ability similar to pharah's space bar
what does that have to do with anything.
>hover three feet off the ground
>traps and earthshatter can still hit you
Or a hover/flight ability similar to Pharah
How do you not follow what he is saying?
Double jump or higher jump height to add to zenyattas mobility
He's saying the character can already fly indefinitely, so a double/high jump wouldn't be ridiculous for what they've established.
>Leaf carried by gentle breeze brushes against me
>Explode into millions of fiery metal pieces
Discord orb needs to reveal the tagged enemy to the entire team, not just to Zenyatta. That's actually such a stupid flaw that I feel as though it was unintentionally implemented. It makes zero sense why an ability like that would not also allow for your team to see the enemy that is currently discorded.
>doing anything but changing numbers
Come on what do you expect them to actually think and come up with solutions to balance problems?
>how to fix him
reduce his life meter.
Meanwhile, Hanzo can reveal entire teams every ten seconds or so, and that's fine.
There are two ways to fix Zenyatta, and they both require Blizzard to make him a clearly defined class.
Right now he serves no purpose. Other supports do everything he does.
Zenyatta fix one
>Battle medic Zenyatta
>given 50 more shield
>alt fire can be held indefinitely, with a forced reload after firing. This way you can bombard someone more reliably. Probably buff the alt fire shots slightly.
>Add floatyness to his jumps so he has much more mobility. he floats, already so it can be justified. Holding space also slows his decent when falling, allowing you to hover and shoot briefly.
Zenyatta fix two
>Mage class Zenyatta (buff and debuff)
>both orbs last slightly longer when out of range, and can be seen through walls. They are still returned after roughly 3-5 seconds after the target goes out of range, but this way you can still track them/heal them.
>Healing orb heal rate is buffed to at least 40. either that or it heals at its normal rate and adds 25 armor on its target.
>Discord orb is much more obvious and can be identified by teammates easier when attached.
>possibly add Vampire effect to Discord orb that heals teammates and you when you hit them.
This. Stupidest shit in this stupid fucking game.
>deals the most damage of all the supports
>discord can shred through enemies
>150 hp
>lack of movement options compared to the other healers makes hp even more of an issue
>healing is only subpar, half as much as mercy
>orbs require you to keep line of sight with the target, completely destroying the advantage he has over mercy with healing, which is long range healing
>ultimate requires him to get in the fight next to his teammates, and has too low of a range
>lacks a way to help teamates get back into the fight faster, while Lucio (speedboost) and Mercy (resurrection) do.
>make him faster
>let him use two discord orbs and two harmony orbs, but you can't use more than two at a time
>upgrade his ult range in 25%, but turn it into a static ult. He can't be grabbed or pushed after this change
>make his right click attack 10% faster
I hope these are ok
>turn discord or into a proper projectile with a smal (but existent) cooldown and make it last for at least 30 seconds even without line of sight
>give him a teleport move instead of right click
>charged right click now tracks discorded opponents
>harmony does 30% more healing and slowly heals everyone around the target
>turn it into a static ult.
You made it worse
I think his ult is fundamentally flawed and needs to be entirely reworked. Right now, it serves as an emergency exit for you/your team or to push at a certain time. The problem is Lucio's ult does basically the same thing, and Mercy's ult is more useful more often.
I say make Tranquility a buffed state for him similar to Molten Core. Increase his fire rate, increase his healing rate, make discord due 75% instead of 50, etc, etc. That way he can a lot more versatile with his ult, and still be useful from the backlines when he pops it.
What if he could do a short instant teleport like Dhalsim
Zenyatta's ult is meant to be used as a last resort. It's like sound barrier, but for healing. The problem with his current ult is that if the enemy team has any characters that can push him, it's just useless. The current range is also terrible (yeah, because it was intended to move).
Turning it into a static ult would work a lot better in every mode. A bigger range instead of mobility would be like a "oh fuck, here comes the god mode". It would be a nice way of pushing enemies away from the point and giving your team a chance of countering ults.
The way it is right now is really useless because the only thing you can do is to hold a payload, a door or directly supporting a tank.
What about if tranquility does a similar effect, but he can put it on a teammate and its range is a bit smaller
Lucio is the only one who can speedboost
Zens Orb should also increase that characters speed constantly.
to get rid of a super fast aids character like Genji or roadhog or tracer, you have to kill the Zenyatta that has to keep LOS to his speedboosted target.
it would remove the need for lucio, because lucio apart from his bonkers AoE heal is also the best because of his speedboost.
make Zens orb like constant amped speedboost but for one target.
mercy is still good due to her rez and damage buff and fastest singletarget heal.
basically a zen + tracer with good teamwork could focus specific target by orbing the tracer and discord orb onto the target.
would be a fun dynamic IMO.
what if he had 2 ults on the same cooldown and to compliment his discord/harmony thing, one puts a discord orb on every member of the enemy team for say like, 10 seconds
I like your idea of giving discord an on hit lifesteal effect on the target.
Would the armor recharge so long as you had the harmony orb on you or would that need to be reapplied to the target?