rank em
Rank em
?, 9/10, 9/10, 8/10, 6/10, 7/10
SNES > GC> NES > Wii > Wii U > 64
GCN > SNES > N64 > Wii > NES > Wii U
NES 7/10
SNES 9/10
N64 8/10
GC 9/10
Wii 8/10
Wii U 6/10
good, great, SHIT, ok, SHIT, SHIT
SNES >>> N64 > GC > WII > WIIU
havent played enough nes games to rank it
SNES > GC > NES = N64 > Wii > Wii U
7/10, 9/10, 6/10, 5/10, 2/10, 4/10
GCN = SNES > N64 > Wii > NES > Wii U
NES was limited by the technology of the time and has aged like milk
Lots of good games
Basically level 2 of the last system, better in every way
Great games, not a great controller, favorite system.
Always felt it was left behind and had way more potential. Best controller I've ever held.
eh but it has the new zelda.
do spoilers work on Sup Forums?
imo gc wins
So you're a sony fanboy then?
>b-but Sony
He gave the snes a 9 out of 10 what else do you want from him?
Yurofag detected. Get out of here with your Super Famicom colored SNES.
GCN > SNES > WII U > N64 > NES > WII
My opinion is objectively the best.
you do realize that version of the snes was released everywhere except north america right?
>gamecube over the snes
end yourself
PS2 is the only 10/10 console ever; gamecube comes close but doesn't reach the same heights
GC > SNES > Wii > trash > Wii U > N64 > NES
Their release order is best ranking.
jump started the industry
technical marvel best 2D library ever
downfall begins. muh cartridges because faster than cds but the real reason is profit margins via patents
downfall continues. nintendo remains stubbornly against tech trends, instead introduces a console handle
downfall solidifies. strikes lightning with casuals but every developers abandons them
drowning in shit.
What's terrible is that the WiiU is a literal 10/10 console, but Nintendo fucked if up big time and no one wanted to develop clever games that use the gamepad
ps2 isnt 10/10 when it had dog shit hardware
I'll give you a bonus and rate the PlayStation systems.
And now Sega, including CD and 32X.
And Microsoft
Forgot Master System: 2/10, Phantasy Star was cool.
holy autism, put in the names of the consoles you lazy fuck
user, the better one eats the lower one (pretty sure) he rated gamecube as worst. (or am i totally off?)
Even as someone who didn't own a PlayStation, I am baffled any one would rank N64 as high as people ITT.
SNES > GC = N64 > Wii > NES > Wiiu
Really can't decide between GC and N64. GC has Metroid Prime but N64 has Banjo Kazooie.
really put the NES under the wii and a console you havent played wow
and GCN had terrible support for its hardware putting it on the same level as the PS2 for 9 multiplats out of 10
Xbox had a small library with only a few gems
PS2 is the true winner of the best console generation
SNES > N64 > GC > NES > Wii > WiiU
>that fucking tattoo
Oh god my sides
believe me, im not defending the gamecube, i just dont agree that the ps2 is 10/10
>and GCN had terrible support for its hardware putting it on the same level as the PS2 for 9 multiplats out of 10
Was your Gamecube broken? Because that's completely false.
Ocarina of Time
Majora's Mask
Mario 64
Star Fox 64
Super Smash Bros
Banjo Kazooie
Banjo Tooie
Mario Party 1 - 3
Mario Kart 64
How could you not rate it at least higher than the Wii, NES and WiiU?
other way around m8, the alligator always eats the bigger number
i.e. 6 > 3
>dog shit hardware
theoretically and incrementally weaker than the GC while -in effect- having a more graphically impressive library.
nintendo memes.
In terms of multiplay performance:
Xbox > GCN >= PS2
Exclusive library is subjective, but it is objective that the Xbox had the smallest library and the PS2 the largest. What isn't subjective about the PS2's exclusive library is that a lot of them were of low quality.
PS2 > PS3 > PS > Nintendo trash
only the ones Ive either owned or had regular access to:
>NES > N64 > WiiU
ranking all of them based on what Ive played on emulators, in terms of remakes, or just from hearsay:
>SNES > NES > N64 > WiiU > Wii > GC
altho GC has my favorite nintendo game of all time (wind waker) but it was remade/rereleased for WiiU, and WiiU is bc with Wii
Sonygger: The Post
I feel like the only one that absolutely loved NES.
everyone else thinks it was merely decent or shit.
>putting ps3 over original ps
Holy fucknuggets, what are you doing
Nintendoyearold: The butthurt
I notice PS4 is kindof conspicuously missing from that list e_e
some people have pleb taste
Who says this? Who's stupid enough to say this?
The peaked with SNES, everything else is a non stop fuck up
it was pretty great user but compared to the 64 and gamecube its hard to hold it as high.
a 10/10
fuck me DIO
>Better than the GameCube
Take your nostalgiagoggles off. The N64 was a pretty shitty console when you think about it.
>i just dont agree that the ps2 is 10/10
not him but it is. it has the best hardware/dollar ratio ever offered by a console.
the Gamecube was stronger theoretically. in reality the PS2 had more technically impressive games that the GC
Waggling is a plague on mankind.
why does the curve have another dip downwards there after the wiiu, nothing about the NX has been officially released or announced yet.
is there something your not telling us ...
>it has the best hardware/dollar ratio ever offered by a console.
this. the ps2 is literally 10/10 perfection
SNES > GC > NES > 64 > WIIU > stubbed toe > Wii
I think waggle is better than Gamepad, honestly.
PS2 had a ton of good exclusives
Jak series; Ratchet and Clank series (when it was still good); Dragonball Z Budokai (and Tenkaiichi); Tekken; Final Fantasy; pretty much the entirety of that generations weebshit; GTA
that's before you get to shovelware
the other thing to consider is that most of these titles had 2-4 releases on the platform and the 1st release was in the first year of the console
GCN had the 1st party nintendo rehashathon; though it did have the best rehashathon on a 3D platform and also resident evil 4
Xbox had Fable; belated GTA:SA; Halo and Ninja Gaiden
only the 1st party developers used the GCNs hardware well; all the other developers struggled with it bar a few notable examples
the gamecube being good is the biggest nostalgia tainted bullshit I've ever read.
and the sad part is that that opinion is based on a SLIGHT -theoretical for the most part- advantage over the PS2. GC was the time nintendo went full retard.
>People hating on the N64 despite games like pic related exist
Homebrew Wii>SNES>NES>GC>Wii>N64>WiiU
its not bad but it aged poorly
6/10, 9/10, 7/10, 7/10, 5/10, 2/10
N64 and PS1 era is to 3D games as NES is to 2D games
they have a lot of heart but aged like crap
No. It's just that the exclusives are way better than the N64. The N64 had awful framerates and controls for most of their games.
I still play my GC games. Best controller, awesome single player lineup (WW, Baten Kaitos, Skies of Arcadia, geist, Lost Kingdoms) with some multiplayer gems thrown in (F Zero, Kirby Air Ride, Custom Robo)
Actually, fuck it, I'm leaving this thread to play some TTYD. Later bro
N64: OoT, MM, mario64
GC: WW, sunshine
even though WW vs OoT/MM might be debatable for either single one of them, that's two excellent zelda games vs one and mario64 vs sunshine is not even a contest. so sorry, but I think N64 wins this one
N61 games aged worse in my opinion because of the texture filtering but it kinda comes down to the artstyle used in the games as well, some are timeless
never owned a NES
never owned a SNES
great games, pretty good, however the joystick hurt my thumb and one wrong motion would freeze my console
great games, pretty good, the controller's joystick didn't hurt my thumb, tiny discs were a retarded idea because I couldn't watch my Little Nicky DVD (Best movie of all time)
never owned a Wii
never owned a Wii U
Melee was also a great multiplayer game if you discount the newfound competitive autism for it
NES 7/10
SNES 9/10
N64 8/10
GCN 9/10
Wii 6/10
Wii U 4/10
Some are timeless yes, but less are timeless than other nintendo consoles due to hardware limitations
OoT/MM for example are ugly as hell and more difficult for someone without nostalgia goggles to enjoy than wind waker
5/5, exactly what was needed at the time with a huge library that included and pioneered some of the greatest games of all time.
3/5, Its heavy hitters are all time classics and it had colorful graphics, a decent sound chip and a good controller, but Nintendo skimped on the CPU which made it slower than the competition, harder to program for and meant that most of its games ran at a lower resolution.
3/5, a unique power house and one of Nintendo's most pioneering moments when it came to innovations in hardware and game design, but its expensive and hard to develop on dev kits, its experimental controller and the more expensive and inferior storage capacity of its storage medium meant they lost the advantage they once held.
4/5, brilliant system, awesome architecture, great controller, great exclusives. Too bad they fucked up the storage medium again, meaning that people were likelier to go with systems that doubled as DVD players. Too bad their-way-or-the-high-way developer and retailer policies finally caught up with them hard, meaning that 3rd party support was minimal.
2/5, a cheeper looking, badly dressed up GC masquerading a generation behind, with a gimmick controller and shovel ware library. Better experienced on an emulator.
>Wii U
3/5, would rate higher, it's a lovely system. However, just a tad underpowered, unsupported by third party developers because Nintendo can't seem to be able to learn how to appease them or not piss them off, and as much as I like the concept of the GamePad it's so far been under utilized and should never have been the default input method.
I actually was suprised at how comfortable the gamepad is. Granted, I've only played a few games and none of them used the touch screen, but it seemed fine. Being able to play without a TV is kinda nice too.
SNES > NES > N64 > GCN > WiiU > Wii
I love all of them outside of the Wii.
Wii has solid fucking games, I don't know why everyone bags on it
>le falseflag b8
Nice thread.
>The only thing really going on is an assload of games.
The good games it had were the sort that should have been backing up the Gamecube a whole generation before. The sort of games that didn't sell, because Wii became the system of choice for bowling grannies and Party Babyz toddlers, while almost every 3rd party developer and self respecting gamer moved on over to 360 and/or the PS3 where the real action was happening.
It's the only right answer.
>while almost every 3rd party developer and self respecting gamer moved on over to 360 and/or the PS3 where the real action was happening.
>Self respecting gamer.
Just end yourself...
Wii was great; many different titles for many different audiences.
Maybe not for your pretentious favorite audience which is understandable.
all shit except nes and snes
I'm sorry you were stuck with only a Wii during your childhood user, it did have some good games.
But both the 360 and PS3 where more powerful, less reliant on gimmicks, had a better quantity/quality ration, better 3rd party support and just better packages overall. Which is why people actually interested in gaming choose them over the Wii, the underpowered bowling simulator that got 3rd party publishers even more pissed off with Nintendo than before because their games weren't selling, essentially killing off the Wii U before it was even conceived.
A good first party support and a handful of exclusives isn't enough, you have to offer an attractive package to your business associates and core audience and avoid being to over reliant on gimmicks (the later a pitfall Microsoft also fell into with the Xbone) if you don't want your otherwise popular system to drown in shovelware and go underplayed.