How come after the Sands of Time, the Prince of Persia series got a lot darker?

How come after the Sands of Time, the Prince of Persia series got a lot darker?

Was anyone else annoyed by this back in the day? I missed the initial charm in the first game compared to Warrior Withing and Two Thrones.

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Hell no, I liked Warrior Within way more than Sands of Time. A dark tone was rather welcome.

that was the market my friend, teenagers want the edge

>Was anyone else annoyed by this back in the day?
Plenty of people were taking the piss out of it m8.

Yeah I got upset as well

But damn if it isn't fun. The combat still holds up today. Or my nostalgia goggles are acting up...

Farah was hot

Yeah the gameplay was great, I just think that game lost its charm.


Warrior Within is the only PoP game that is legitimately bordering on being a bad game.

The focus on shallow combat in a fucking platformer series
The 2dark4you setting
The forced backtracking multiple times
The god-fucking-awful boss fights (looking at you sand griffon and final Dhaka fight)

It was just... bad. The only good part was the Dahaka chase sequences. Two Thrones was slightly better but lacked a solid identity, and The Forgotten sands, while having good mechanics, was completely forgettable.

Sands of Time will always be the best by a VERY large margin.

I didn't like the turn it took with the story, but it was nice for combat to stop being garbage for one game, at least.

>accidentally backtrack and save game
>Reload game, the save bugged and I'm a weird ghost thing and am constantly losing health (I latter learned this was the "sandwraith" form)
>Hours later, I can't progress because certain platforms don't function because of the save bug
>Start over

>Play through whole game again
>Save at final boss room
>load save
>portal to final boss doesn't load

>look it up online, both of these bugs are well-documented and common
>Sell game and watch ending on youtube

I don't think I've ever played a more broken AAA game. Ubisoft is shite.

I don't know how PoP fans can like WW. The only positive point I ever hear is "the combat was better" but "better than Sands of Time" doesn't make it good by any stretch of the imagination. The combat in WW was still dogshit, and people only liked it because it was high on animation. It was barebones in terms of substance, and it occurred entirely too often. The combat WAY overstayed its welcome.

There was a handful of combos which were all pretty much the same, a handful of side weapons which were all pretty much the same, and couple of powers which were mostly either the same as in the first game, or just boring.

It came out during a small period of time when edgelords were in style.

Shadow the Hedgehog came out around the same time IIRC

So you preferred the Sands of Time

I remember wanting the second one so bad, but i never got to play it.


It was the shitty part of the 2000's where post grunge and nu-metal was still on the radio and marketing geniuses through the best way to sell stuff to kids was to make everything look like Spawn and give it a soundtrack by Godsmack.

This was the era of mall ninjas in leather trenchcoats and finger-less gloves listening to The Matrix soundtrack on their Sony Discman.

Basically, the 90's cynicism of Generation-X had long since played out and become passe, but out of touch creative directors and ubisoft still though that the juvenile afterbirth of that era was cool. This is more or less also how Emo got started.

>stop being garbage for one game
WW combat was like a poor mans God of War, which plays like a poor mans DMC. The combat in WW was dogshit, it was just slightly less dogshit than Sands, but it balances out in terms of shit because WW throws combat encounters at you like you actually WANT them, which in a game with combat as shitty as WW, you don't.

My nigga

I didn't care, I enjoyed Shadee's ass immensely and I did enjoy the Dahaka chases and the whole "you were the mask guy all along!" and T3 does bring a lot of the charm back, not all of it, but it does.

They're all great games in their own right, SoT probably the best of the 3, but that says a lot.

because Ubisoft sucks cock

They released Sands of Time competing with another adventure game from themselves called Beyond Good & Evil, which despite being more action adventure while the former is more of a platformer, are still competitors in the whole lighthearted adventure games.

Sands of Time will always be the best of the series.

Ahh my good old sony discman with obligatory nirvana cd.

As someone who's played through every PoP game at least 3 times (every difficulty for every game), WW is by far the series low point. Even PoP 3D was better in its own way. At least PoP 3D didn't have so much god damn linear backtracking.

You should play Last of Us, within 10 minutes of the game I had character models teleporting around in the car, Tommy straight up despawn from the world, an audio desync by about 5 seconds, and all sorts of shit going on. Tried multiple patches, tvs, consoles, hdmi chords, discs, etc. None of it worked, worked just fine for my cousin, but not for me apparently, it was destined to just not work even though we tested the exact same setup in the same house, it just would not work. I eventually dealt with it, played through the game best I could, got to cannibal level and the level was just white space that refused to load, eventually it fried one of our consoles completely. This same console that was just playing MGSV just fine and a variety of games a few days prior.

>The Forgotten sands
>having good mechanics

Charming, young prince > Dark, gritty, edgelord Prince

same i didn't even bother to finish the other 2

Which is your favorite game?

It did though. The combat was better (yes, it was better, play both games again and you'll see), and the platforming mechanics were more involved.

I think saying that the mechanics weren't better just says you didn't play it, because it had all the same mechanics as WW, but more, so it's literally impossible to WW to have better mechanics.

Gay opinion.


Actually I realize I just lied. I never actually played PoP II now that I think of it.

Sands > PoP > 2008 > TT > TFS > PoP 3D > WW

PoP 3D > PoP > 2008 (Even though you couldn't die the 1v1 combat is more PoP than the later series, and it's really the direction PoP should have gone) > TFS > TT > WW > Sands

TFS > TT > WW > Sands > 2008 > PoP > PoP 3D

Sands > WW > TT > 2008 > PoP > TFS > PoP 3D

How about you do the same?
Combat was fucking garbage. It's played more like diablo-clone the PoP game because of how little variety there was.
>more involved
Nice buzzword. Freezing water puzzles were kinda interesting, but that's all.

And what did WW have over TFS?
You say it had little variety, but what did WW have? A handful of combos which, while looking slightly different, all did the same fucking thing, and most were useless compared to the two or three best, which everyone spammed because spongey enemies encouraged you to spam the best combo until they died.

TFS's 4 powers were a lot more distinct than the whole of WW's combo system. You had the vault, and the wall jump, and that was it. The rest were just generic "hit and THEN vault" or "hit hit and THEN vault". Finding a pole made you all happy, because there was that one move you could do. WW's combat was all animation and no substance.

>This was the era of mall ninjas in leather trenchcoats and finger-less gloves listening to The Matrix soundtrack on their Sony Discman.


I'm dying

I've never seen someone say anything about PoP 3D, and when I looked up gameplay of it it looked like early 3D garbage. Would you say it's worth playing, and what is good about the combat?

The combat is the best part about it in my opinion. The combat is very original, and much more like PoP 1.

As for how it plays, it's pretty much the same as the first 4 Tomb Raider games, so if you can play those you can play PoP 3D. It's just as tanky and hard to control, but you can get used to it.

It's certainly not a game that everyone will appreciate, but it had a nice sense of adventure to it, and for the style of game it is (an early 3D game) it plays as well as the others (Tomb Raider is the best comparison), and then of course the combat, which is still quite unique.

It's not for everyone, but overall I enjoyed playing it.

The Edge Within's combat is better but it also introduced QTE cancer

No way TFS has the best platforming, Sands of Time reigns supreme.

Farah was QT

Is PoP 2008 worth playing?
I've owned it for a while but never actually bothered Installing it on my PC

I mean, that one is hard because Sands definitely has more thought and love put into the platforming sections, but TFS has more to do in each given section. So I don't necessarily disagree with you, but I don't think that's entirely true either.

Sands platforming works with the game as a whole, while TFS felt like little mini puzzles, so overall I like Sands more, but if everything from the game was stripped EXCEPT for the platforming, I would pick TFS.

It's worth playing, but it's a polarizing game. A lot of people and PoP fans really liked it and wanted sequels, a lot hated it. Personally I thought it was a decent reboot, and I felt that a sequel would have fixed the flaws it had (the DLC already stepped in the direction of fixing those flaws)

Tons of people were annoyed .

I remember Lamb of God doing the theme and everyone making fun of it.

Game was still fun Prince was just a edge lord .

it's okay at best, combat is way worse than any Ubisoft 3D PoP, there are qtes in the combat, and the game rewards you for getting around quickly by allowing you to kill enemies before they spawn, platforming is okay, but still worse than the trilogy. At least the animation is better than in Forgotten Sands, FS has some awful animations for some reason

New PoP release when?

Once Assassin's creed stops selling they'll reboot PoP again. Trust me. But not until that happens.

Will it suck? Will it be an AC clone?

Will it feature the edgelord Prince or the Sands of Time Prince?

These are the important questions.

>mfw trying to be a strong independent woman

I just remembered that Assassin's Creed 1 was pitched as a PoP spinoff.
Makes me think that Ubisoft would have a tough time making a new PoP without making Assassin's Creed with a new coat of paint over it

PoP Sands of Time only happened because of a man called Patrice Desilets who took the head of Ubi Montreal at its time. The man is long gone from Ubisoft by now.

He also created the AssCreed IP, which was originally "next gen Prince of Persia", but he was getting into more violent themes and he had to fight Ubisoft to spin it into a new IP, due to the lighthearted nature of PoP games.

Patrice is making a game with his newly formed studio

I guess Quebec is good for something.

he and his team even take pot shots at ubisoft
>It's time for something new

So you play as a proto caveman in the jungle?

I guess, something evolution something, I remember reading that by the end of the game it's the beginning of civilization or something like that. Also that it could be an episodic game

Did you play the PC version or the Dreamcast version?

>I remember reading that by the end of the game it's the beginning of civilization or something like that

that 5 million year timeline

>tfw feels

>Game was still fun Prince was just a edge lord .
Okay let's be serious here; how was Prince an Edgelord? Because he wasn't cracking jokes and making amusing observations? He was alone on an island, being hunted by 2 eternal demons from separate timelines, trying desperately to change the flow of reality.

The truth is this is just the kind of guy Prince is when's he not lugging around a sidekick like Farah to keep him together anyway, I found his "change in behavior" completely justified. I know I won't suddenly change the world's view on the game but can we at least clear the air?

Edgelord story line.

He was definitely an edgelord user.

and tons of cringe edgy dialog

It really caught me off gaurd when the Prince said the n-word.

Bold move by the developers.