>is a "gamer"
>only listens to metal and/or rap
Every time.
>is a "gamer"
>only listens to metal and/or rap
Every time.
Other urls found in this thread:
when has that ever happened
>is a "gamer"
>doesn't listen to taytay
But I listen to all type of music
That's make no sense...
come on dude you know this just makes everyone involved feel bad
>is a fishing enthusiast
>only watches comedy/action movies
dude what
rap is objectively the best genre
Both aren't related to each other
Your point?
Gamer is code for autistic.
True gaming patricians will call themselves many things but never "gamer"
I prefer Game Connoisseur
I'm a gamer and only listen to video game music. Top that.
Yeah, metal is sick, it's just metal fans are repulsive
>is a "gamer"
>listens to indieshit
>not "playa"
I only listen to classical music.
Sup, Sup Forums? Why don't you like good music?
>someone asks you what kind of music you listen to
>can't easily answer because you don't really like any bands in particular, just 1 or 2 songs from various bands and none of it can really be sorted into a single genre of music.
>or I could cop out and say I like International music that is mostly german french korean and japanese
>tfw most of the english music I listen to is from small Canadian bands
Only the fedora-tier autist
But yeah, metal is GOAT
>is a human bean
>doesn't listen to classical music
Can we all agree that the two guys in the top right and top left corners are not nu-males?
>Game Connoisseur
>Yeah I only listen to underground shit like Powerwolf and Slayer. You'd have to be a true metalhead to enjoy those.
I know what you mean buddy
how so? all it does is steal from other artists through sampling.
and they whine how white artists "stole" from the black man.
>Be gamer
>only listen to cock music
I enjoy calm love songs.
Just because it makes it easier to pretend someone will some day love me.
I don't listen to black people rap
Well a few artists I guess Chris Travis is pretty good
Jazz is better
>someone asks you what kind of music you listen to
>can't answer "classic country" because I live in California and people look at me like I just skinned a cat in front of them
lounge is the best
Game croissant? You're making me hungry.
>I'm a normie
Get out.
>is a "woodworker"
>his middle name is Michael
Your post makes this much sense.
Every time what? What happens every time someone who claims to be a gamer reveals that they only listen to metal or rap?
95% of electronic music is done through sampling, retard
Even "crunkcore"?
>black people rap
what other kind is there? vanilla ice?
Dude every fucking woodworker has Michael as their middle name. The fuck is up with that?
OP rolls his eyes and crosses his arms, sighing disappointedly.
I don't call myself a "gamer" but I listen to good music.
Yeah I'm a gamer and a metalhead.
Mostly metalcore. I always listened to daft punk though.
Beastie Boys?
wow, rude.
you need to eat something. your blood sugar is low.
Teenage high energy pop punk is the only thing to listen to while you play games with your friends
I wish I was
Probably not.
so? music taste doesn't affect whether you're a gamer.
dumb frogposter
Why the fuck do you stupid faggots insist on coming to this particular board to shitpost?
There are plenty of others.
Progs alright. I got over it after listening to a couple of artists a lot.
second most popular board. that should tell you all you need to know.
What the fuck is wrong with metal?
Naw, I like industrial a lot. Just wish 95% of it wasn't crawling in my skin tier.
>listens to video game music
>128kbps soundtrack rip from YouTube to MP3 web converter
>calls himself "gamer"
>says he "listens to good music"
>people ask what I listen to
>tell them country
>get shit on
Why is it that country is one of the most popular genres but I never find anyone who doesn't hate it with a passion?
Can we fucking stop with the Sup Forums threads? for fucks sake janitors do you jobs.
just move to the south loser
it's cool to hate on it now
mob mentality nerd