Redpill me on Tsubasa's game

Redpill me on Tsubasa's game.

she has big titters

It's vastly superior to Persona 4 and SMT IV.

Her rack is way too big and unrealistic.

The one in North America is Treehouse's game. Not Tsubasa's.

user you are a fag

What, really?

Treehouse didn't touch the game. Keep lying.

Yes, those games have quite a few flaws and #FE is by the director of Strange Journey.

well you already have a picture of her

>he actually bought the game

Well. Fuck me sideways. I was interested but now I'm committed.

it's not great and full of censorship, either pirate it and uncensor, or play star ocean instead

dont fall for his half truths

this. it shouldn't be so high.

Not enough Maiko

keep being delusional about your shit, gutted, soulless game.

The story and characters are complete ass and the battle system is only slightly less retarded than Strange Journey's
It's ok but it's not this flawless masterpiece he's making it out to be

I didn't expect it to be a flawless masterpiece. A solid, 4/5 JRPG is what I want

>play star ocean instead
wew lad

why didnt you buy Mamori's game?

Cry more

>tfw didnt buy Mamori's game

iso where

same as finding 3ds isos on 3dsiso

It gets me excited for persona 5, I like this game but I wish there were more mirages that you could use.

It's shit and also embarrassing.

>Play garbage instead of a good game with no bikinis


How did SOV turn out?

Then you won't be disappointed.

too cute

>those fingernails
the attention to detail in this game is just beautiful

tsubasa is beautiful too

its a shitload of fuck. even taking a shit on it would be too good for it.

>star ocean

not even the green bitch could save the game from being torn to shreds in japan

why is he so perfect

why did this game do so poorly in japan when it's actually a solid JRPG? do they really care about story in their JRPGs that much?

People who want Idolshit will buy real, better games like Idolm@ster. People who don't like idols tend to not buy things with idols in them.

Even in Japan this game had no audience from its inception.

The game is actually really good and still had lewd outfits and boob shots every 5 minutes

I'm pissed I listened to all the censorship fedoralords and waited so long to get the game

Touma is best character. Tokusatsu >>>>>>>>>>>>> Idolshit

>it's not great and full of censorship, either pirate it and uncensor, or play another shitty censored JRPG

>using the word Idolshit
opinion discarded.

but you're right, people who want an idol game would buy im@s, whereas people who want a great JRPG would buy #FE.

Wii U exclusive

7.5/10 it's alright. one of the best JRPGs on the system

Just because I use the term Idolshit doesn't mean I hate idols. I love Idols, Makoto is my one true waifu. But that doesn't make this game or Idolm@ster not idolshit.

The fact you reacted so negatively to someone calling it Idolshit makes it pretty obvious you're a shill, though. Go back to Nintendo, faggot.

>great JRPG
its not even the best JRPG on Wii U and Wii U's library is small as fuck.

>idolshit something something shill


Its literally the only worth jrpg on the WiiU, not that it says much.
They took Persona gameplay, mixed with Idolmaster plot and SMT/FE references.
I dont know how it ended up being the decent game it is though. I guess thats Atlus magic for you.

You know a game is shit and unpopular when it has little to no porn in Japan.

Here's the redpill
It's a good game but it could have been a fantastic game had it not been censored by NoA, pirate it, don't sent the wrong signal to them by supporting their erroneous decision.





>being this retarded

No wonder you're shilling this game for free.

>another SMT game that sells like shit
it's not fucking fair, SMT is better than final faggotry or fagon quest

The fact you got triggered by the term "idolshit" shows that you don't understand common Sup Forums name norms in which anykind of grouping is given an inherently negatives name (idolshit, newfag, dotards) regardless of its actual quality and thus are likely not a regular user of this forum.

>no sales
>guess nobody cares about JRPGs
>guess we stop making them
Nintendo doesn't know you pirated it to play the uncensored version, all they see are sales numbers.
This sends even worse signals.

Also adding 3 bikini oufits doesn't make a good game a fantastic game.

>one out of two JRPGs on the system
No fucking shit, you dumb Nintendrone


While, it's censored, for one.


1. It's GOTY 2015 AND 2016
2. It's the only AAA traditional JRPG in a market dominated by mindless action games
3. Better combat and story than SMT, more in-depth strategy than FE
4. It's on the Wii U, so it runs at 1080p/60FPS unlike PS4 games
5. Tsubasa is a girl!
6. Tsubasa is cute!
7. Cute!

Waiting for the final edition with all the dlc and content

Here ya go OP.

Xenoblade shits all over it.

And Xenoblade was pretty shit.

Fuck off Operation Kowashitai, you failed.

>it's another "WiiU fans will cling to and praise any piece of shit that's released on their system" thread


easy smt game, boring that you cant start on lunatic hard is too easy

pirate it very easy to do on wii u and uncensor

remember three weeks ago when all the #FE shitters were saying this would sell well?

It was the highest selling Japanese game in the UK last month, and I'm sure the US sales figures will be even better so no, we won. #FE outsold all of the following games:
>Zero Time Dilemma, a terrible sequel to the most overrated visual novels of all time and part of a franchise that betrayed Nintendo
>Star Ocean, a censored brainless action game on Sony consoles
>Odin Sphere, a Sony exclusive* """"remaster"""" of a PS2 action game

Xenoblade X was putrid shit though.
At least TMS has a plot.


>I'm a fucking casual and didn't do any side quests or affinity missions in XCX
>I'm a shitter who just used Elma and Lin the whole time and didn't learn anyone else's stories

Operation Kowashitai, how do you explain what's happening with SMTIV Apocalypse? Atlus isn't censoring anything and even keeping YHVH. Isn't that proof that #FE was censored by NoA's influence and not Atlus? You #FEfags can't keep pinning this on Atlus.

>It was the highest selling Japanese game in the UK last month

Holy shit, this spin. Yes, it was the highest selling Japanese game its WEEK of release in June.
HOWEVER, it debuted at fucking 16th. Behind games that have been out for half a year. It sold like garbage mate.

>that betrayed Nintendo

This explains kowashitaifags autism, they're Nintendrones.

They probably don't even like the game, they just need it to sell because of Nintendo-sama

SMT sells pretty respectably
This is just the bombiest bomb in the series' history by a very wide margin

That's the joke


Just watched some game play videos. Looks fun. Just ordered.

The gameplay is fun, although there is an assload of dialogue. I'm still not quite sure how to check which requests I've accepted and not completed yet.

Remember how there's not enough Alura amazonian ayylmao snusnu porn because everyone's too busy paladinshipping and shitposting about Pidge to draw best girl?

>I was promised scrolling portraits of old artwork

>was promised generic fantasy and edgelord shit
>got cute girls instead

An improvement desu.

Why is everyone so autistic in this game?

Atlus USA doesn't have a bias against SMT because it doesn't contain lewd or otherwise SJW-unfriendly content, SMT is very popular amongst Tumblr and SJWs.
For a Japanese game exclusive to a Nintendo system in a country known for not caring about Japanese or Nintendo games, 16th is fantastic. If that's garbage to you, then what does that make your precious Sony exclusives?

>SMT doesn't have cute demonfu girls because it's edgy

Fuck off shitter

Why does the Kowashitai shitposting always have pictures of Tsubasa when Reincarnation is Kiria's song? If I'm going to have to look at shitposts I'd rather get to see Kiria at least.

Itsuki's autism is transmitted through bodily fluids.

I've never played SMT Nocturne and never will because the character designs are not only edgy but they look fucking garbage.

That tron rip off whatever the fuck from Nocturne has got to be the worst designed character I've seen in my life. Every time I see a screenshot of that game it looks like a total fucking eyesore. Like fucking Battleborn but worse.

>Atlus USA doesn't have a bias against SMT because it doesn't contain lewd or otherwise SJW-unfriendly content, SMT is very popular amongst Tumblr and SJWs.
There are literally demons made of boobs and testicles


Because Reincarnation played in the very first trailer for the game and Tsubasa is the main character
>b-but Itsuki
The self-insert is never the true main character, look at Toradora or Zero no Tsukaima or Shakugan no Shana
That doesn't bother them because they're not human, therefore it's acceptable to them, not to mention Satan was actually censored by Atlus.

>There are literally demons made of boobs and testicles

Well, yeah. That's what they can relate to.

Her children will never go hungry

I'm so glad this game bombed.

My precious sony exclusives? I'm a member of the PC mustard race, you delusional shill. And no, UK is just as weeb as the US and games like Persona and Xenoblade sold a lot better than 16th in the UK

Is she actually autistic in the story? Alot about her would make sense if that's true.

>edgy shit and western pandering open world garbage
Haha no

That scene and Barry telling Ellie to shut the fuck up for been a flat board were fucking amazing.

Yes, if you read her profile under the "Artists" tab it says that her parents opted to get her vaccinated as a child in one of the blurbs.

Kind of tragic, really.

I want her to step on my dick and tell me I'm unworthy of being a paladin.

Why the absolute fuck is he not a party member?