How the fuck do I play wraith?
I do hit and run shit and can easily get to stage 3 but once I'm there I do fuckall damage and get bursted down instantly, what the fuck gives?
How the fuck do I play wraith?
I do hit and run shit and can easily get to stage 3 but once I'm there I do fuckall damage and get bursted down instantly, what the fuck gives?
Also why don't I go invisible when I use Decoy as wraith? Every gameplay video I see shows people going invisible, but I've never gone invisible once
I've never lost as wraith, my strategy is to only fight the hunters when they dome me. I start off with 2 points in warp and decoy, perks chosen are for quick mobilty. I spend the entire game avoiding the hunters as best I can, usually on the edge of the map, going in a circle around the edge of the map feeding and then evolving when I feel its safe to, I then put 1 more point into warp and decoy, completing those and one more into super nova. By then you should be able to handle most hunter teams, or you can try and get to stage 3 evolution.
They changed that, people complained too much about the wraith getting invisibility.
Pretty sure you cant go invisble when using decoy. Think of decoy as a extra copy of you that deals good damage for you.
how do you survive as medic? Just how? It's borderline unfair.
>monster immediately targets medic the second dome is up
>have no way to protect medic because medic can only heal others, which is useless since medic is the only obvious target
>the second they're down, the rest of the team is immediately lost
game is just frustrating by design.
the current free medic (claire) is just shit. That's what I've concluded.
>main Abe
>don't even fight the monster most of the time
>just stand on the ledge and spam stasis grenades
>spam tracker darts too as soon as the dome goes away
>sometimes keep tossing stasis grenades in front of him while he tries to make his escape
apparently this was prevented before all hunters were given the ability to dome to the monster.
A monster had to choose between taking down the medic first, for obvious reasons or the trapper so that he could bring down the dome and escape, but that doesn't happen anymore
Is there anyway to reset my profile or make a new one?
I thought getting 3 regen perks would be good and now I'm disappointed.
What is the most stupid thing they've done with the game except for the pricing on release? My vote goes to giving the dome to everybody.
play Rogue Val, she's slightly tankier
Medic survives by having a competent support. Hank, sunny especially
>Play Griffin
>Beacon everywhere, eventually pick up the monster
>Pinging and directing everyone toward where I think it will go
>Manage to cut it off
>Harpoon it and try to start a fight without doming since we should be able to hold on for a good while before it tries to flee, then dome so it doesn't get away
>Some other guy domes right away
Giving dome to everyone was a mistake.
I am playing rogue val, actually. Its not the tankiness that's the problem, its that the medic is an inert class just by design: can heal anyone else except herself, only she's the only worthwhile target until she's down.
when medic is focused, your support should be dumping everything to keep you up. your trapper should be ccing. you should be using your jet fuel wisely to dodge. never waste it in a fight
you'll realize with a good team how the classes work together to make it difficult for the monster to just tunnel you... unfortunately most people are shit, and one bad player really gimps the team
she and rouge val are the only good medics. emet can be good.
>tfw you're a Medic and no Hank while the Tracker does nothing to slow the beast down
So what perks should I focus on as a Medic since I'm going to get focused about 70% of the time and nobody is going to help?
I'm astounded how they managed to make what's pprobably the most important class in the game feel redundant.
rocket man or bionic legs. whatever you can do to give yourself more time to heal and take less burst damage.
you're not going to get far without hank or sunny though.
Rogue Val's class ability, the healing burst, ONLY heals herself when activated
then at least explain what i'm doing wrong, i'm here to git gud i'm not trying to complain
i'm aware of that, but the huge cooldown and single heal doesn't effectively stop the monster from fucking me up, it just makes me stay alive a moment or two longer.
What am I supposed to do with bugboy? I get that leeching the monster makes my heal burst charge faster but outside of healing I feel like I'm useless in a fight. Val and Laz have their snipers and Caira has her grenades. I dunno about EMET. I know he also has his cloud thing, should I just keep spamming that and leeching him to constantly pop off heals?
the metagame in evolve has gone to being about trading. if the monster knows what they're doing you are going to go down, its about staying up as much as you can.
staying up as a medic comes down to having a decent support and being able to self heal. i still think caira is the best medic because of this. if you have a hank, get a shield at half health.heal to full, jetpack dodge big abilities( goliaths rock throw/leap slam, wraiths wrapblast, krakens lightning bolt, chain lightning, etc.) and pray to god your trapper can help secure you somt time to get that extra heal off.
i dont focus rouge vals. they're a waste of my time because they effectively have two life bars. she was made to be focused but cant heal others for shit, caira is a medium between not being able to heal yourself and heal others. emet is useful if you are co-ordinated.
you dont play him. slim is underpowered as fuck and i fucking lvoe seeing the medic play laz or slim. its an easy as fuck win unless everyone builds around them. if you really want to win you play rouge val, caira, or emet. laz is worthless unless the monster is braindead, val is outclassed, and slim cant heal himself or others.
What medic should i buy?
rouge val, caira, or emet. rouge val for healing yourself by 70% when being focused, caira for being able to heal others and yourself effectively, emet for fighting in a specific area and healing everyone.
i forgot to add. when it comes to dealing damage as a medic you want to play emet because of how he works. i would advise against trying to do damage if the monster is focusing someone and its just a scared asshat running away in a dome. you're there to heal, not damage. damage when no one is under threat.
>playing this shitty game
>at all
I'm not sure what else I can suggest outside of learning to kite better. If the monster is targeting only you, your team most likely wont need heals so just concentrate on just kiting.
Take all jetpack perks if it helps you get better.
Also use the environment, practice Roaching, which is repeatedly going up and down the side of a cliff (wall climbing no longer uses fuel).
>Wraith is supposed to be stealth monster
>They just completely fucking remove it's goddamn stealth.
Well fuck you 2k.
not an argument
>caira and rouge val are the only good medics
Do you even Lazarus?