Is there a video game genre more autistic than bullet hell/shmups?

Is there a video game genre more autistic than bullet hell/shmups?

Literally all manager sims

How are those autistic?

Elaborate, why do you bait with/think that?

>video game genre literally based upon watching numbers go up
>all of the frame analysis and memorization of fighting games only without the inherently competitive nature of them
>most of them are plagued with otaku/weeb shit with half naked little girls serving as the MC's
>whoa look at the colors XD
>you can beat every shmup by quarter feeding anyways so they take it one step further by measuring autistic things such as who can beat it without dying, who can achieve the highest "score", who can do it with no bombs, etc.
>mind numbingly simple and stale controls that carry over across the entire genre; if you've played one shmup, you've played them all

Your favorite video game genre is more autistic.

This post is more autistic.

He is right though. Instead of callinh him autistic, dish up some counterarguments.

grand strategy

How are self imposed challenges autistic?
They actually add more replay value and fun, and are also common in other genres as well. See rhythm games.

all his arguments involve grand generalizations and shouldn't be taken seriously

>you can beat every shmup by quarter feeding anyways so they take it one step further by measuring autistic things such as who can beat it without dying, who can achieve the highest "score", who can do it with no bombs, etc.
gr8 b8 m8

I bet you think half A presses are real, too.

I'm glad I finally found today's touhou thread!


Watch the video. It's called a half-press because it wouldn't be an A press in a hypothetical full run with no A presses, but you still need to press and hold A if you're only doing that level.

>oh shit I'm wrong better meme

>oh shit, I just realized I'm no better than the autistic speedrunning Mario 64 trannies, better green text my way out of this!

>Starring the attention-seeking underage retard from the Furi thread.

I literally have never played Furi and have tried my hardest to ignore the threads about it the past few days because as soon as I heard it had "bullet hell elements", I knew instantaneously that it was a meme game not worthy of my attention. Please don't try to derail my threads with discussion of your flavor of the month indie bullshit, thank you.


As if there was any other contender, have you watched a stream of these faggots or played a game holy fuck its bad on all angles.

OP of furi thread here

ayyyyyyy i see what you did there

refer to I don't care about Furi nor have I stepped foot in any of it's threads, I'm just sick of seeing this genre listed along with Fighting Games and RTS as "competitive" and "difficult" when the truth is it's one of the most casual genres out there, hence it's popularity in the 90s. It's just dated and supremely autistic by nature. No one feels like playing shmups, that's the only reason it's top players appear "hardcore".

I'm mostly with you though I think it's likely that Furi is probably still a good game.

However, I have zero desire to go back to play it now that I know each boss doesn't end in their most powerful form, but rather a tacky tribute to a different type of genre that i have literally zero interest in.

>"People who like this are autistic"
>"No you're autistic for calling other people autistic"
>"HOLY SHIT instead of CALLING OTHER PEOPLE autistic, how about you get a REAL ARGUMENT"