Which video game girls would you marry?

Which video game girls would you marry?

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Don't you get bored from making the same fucking threads daily?

>manly legs

think of the [spoilers]femanons[/spoilers]

I have some bad news, user...


Is that a girl(male)?

I know, right?






m8 I think you might wanna get your facts straightened out

Nina is best Tekken girl


Muh dicku

Bridget is overrated as hell.




sauce me baby


literally looks exactly like my gf and the faces she makes

I need to cum, Sup Forums


It's mostly /ss/, you wouldn't like it.


Anyways. In a heartbeat.

Literally made for anal.

Cutest girl of any vidya


>wouldn't like it

>girl (male)

this one



I'm gonna need sauce on that one lil nigga

>It's mostly /ss/, you wouldn't like it.
>wouldn't like it
This is the first time in a while that a post made me angry. How about giving the sauce, please?

Is Sup Forums the gayest board?


Touhou would have been a much better franchise if all the characters were traps. Fact.

She can suck me dry so we can be together forever.

>this post

>TFW you find a nearly complete Miss MissaX collection and jerk yourself into a frothy mess while downloading it

Oh my, what a coincidence, me too.


>bad news

I recognize that artist

/ss/ with traps is fucking worthless

Might as well be fucking futa.


Just fuck already so we can watch.

I'm here for you, anons


tfw no qt user to ravage my boypussy


I'd probably have a harem of of Super Robot Wars girls and Valkyria Chronicles girls.

But I only need one girl.

nah is Sup Forums, but Sup Forums tries it best

Why are Sup Forums and Sup Forums filled with chill gays but /lgbt/ is filled with whining faggots?

Best CCC
Best Sakura

I can't stand other gays. This is easier since it's just shitposting.

>chill gays

Every board is worst at discussing their own topic. This is true of every board.

i'm shit with cropped images. pls sauce me sempai.

Palutena, Lyndis, and Aqua come to mind.

Alexis too if you count yugioh gx games.


>tfw no handsome Sup Forums bf


/lgbt/ is the tranny board

everyone knows this

You know you've been here too long when you've already seen these

more please?

>/lgbt/ is the mental illness board
For fuck's sake, it's a blue board too. All the crazy with none of the porn.

I would happily marry Mistress Morrigan.

Let it be a good one, user.


>A thread on Sup Forums turns gay

currently, I'm quite infatuated by Curly Brace and Misery.

Misery thanks to pic related.

post faggy gay talk so I can fap again

It even started with a girl. What the fuck homos

nigga the OP had bridget it was gay from the start

Literally draw a girl call it a boy

literally NO ONE cares

why is d@i so great
anyone who willingly goes to /lgbt/ has issues
also, Sup Forums isn't filled with gays

it's just filled with people who are at the point where they'd fuck a boy dressed like a girl

you really dont want to see nudes of the kinds that post on /lgbt/

sauce me, my friend.

Sup Forums is just bi

>not enjoying boipucchi threads AND thick women threads

I'm fapping to this and the Cammy thread right now get on my level

youmu looks like a boy in that doujin
flan fucking doesn't though, other than the outfit being made boyish

yea I've fucked girls. Kinda tired of them. Plus cock is so aesthetically pleasing to me. I don't really care for the male body, just small, skinny boys.

I'm willing to bet every online community is bi.

Also thicc and cute boys are the best. It's why /ss/ is so gold.

>It even started with a girl.



I love slutty perverted user.


Thats it user.

Same, cocks are great. Thick boys are better though

What was the artist thinking when he drew his butt.

>Plus cock is so aesthetically pleasing to me. I don't really care for the male body
that's why I fap to futa

d@i draws boys and calls them boys though
honestly he is one of the few remaining touhou artists i still fap to


>chill gays

>fapping to futa is really boring
>fapping to trap is incredibly hot
I've crossed the line.

Artist is powfooo


just post the full pic