Looking for a friend...

Looking for a friend...my only friend I talk to and play with regularly is my SO and its starting to become a serious problem :<


Other urls found in this thread:


>21 friends
>VAC ban

Kill yourself.


Is 21 too many? I don't really talk to any of them but I'd feel bad removing them because they might wanna talk one day

>tfw no steam gf


muh dick.

well someone add me dont just post


I appreciate the you

you just gave me another you reddit

Not him but don't listen to Sup Forums when it comes to friend count. I have 50-ish people on my list and never go more than a couple weeks without a conversation with all of them. Yet I've been called a friend collector.

>No animu girl avatar

It's like you don't even want to erp.

add me up losers


Pokemon go fags near/close to pomona California 91766 add me to find Pokemons together

>i want to have friends and to socialize
>its too much effort to actually have a conversation with someone
I wish I wasnt socially retarded

I hate videogames

no weird people with mental disorders unless you're super hot
no ugly people


Always fun to have people to play Diablo 2, Dawn of War, Fistful of Frags, and CS:GO to play with.

These threads are awful, you guys think you're really funny but you ain't and your ERP skills are even lower than facebook Sonic OC RP.

>implying you dont erp

>he isn't european

why even bother posting

>implying I do erp


My favorite Shindol doujin.

>tfw all I want is a nice friend to chat with and occasionally play video games with.
>tfw all the people here are either way too normie or just ERP'rs.

are you gay

I can't add you you fucking piece of shit


add me up loser


I'm not a normie and I don't ERP. Add me if you're male and over 21!


shindol can do no wrong, I don't even like dog shit but that doujin made me nut buckets.

idk if it's even worth trying anymore, user. Becoming friends takes too much effort and in the end they always turn bizarre and reveal some mental illness and shit personality.

>Private profile.

It's set to friends only. Never understood why this is an issue, you can just remove them if they accept and turn out to be shit.