6GB of content repeated for 5 billion years
Where were you when no man's sky fags got btfo ?
6GB of content repeated for 5 billion years
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Skyrim had 8 for comparison
This was obvious from the beginning. The only people who had any hype for this are 12 year olds who haven't yet known what it feels like to be burned by obviously lying game devs.
>Sup Forums suddenly thinks that 50GB file sizes are desirable
>Sup Forums doesn't realize bloated games are mostly uncompressed audio
it's mighty number 9 all over again. m'gonna pop some corn
I can tell just by that size that there will be a shitton of reused assets.
The initial reveal was cool but that's about it. Game has shown itself to be a shallow loop of samey gameplay on pallet-swap worlds.
>Mighty No 9
>No Man's Sky
What will end up being the biggest disaster this year?
the entire thing is procedurally generated idiot.
It'll be hard to beat a game that was literally a scam.
Guys im noticing a pattern
>Spore promises massive universe with procedural generation
>Starbound promises massive universe with procedural generation
>No Mans Sky promises massive universe with procedural generation.
Is the space game idea the ultimate cash grab choice for the patrician dev?
What even takes up space in games? All I can think of is audio and images for textures/materials. I know different engines store things like maps differently, but surely the rest is mostly just code
Nobody's saying that, but if you want your planets and wildlife to actually be varied and not recolors, you might want to put a few more gigs of data into your game.
It's a dicey thing to do that type of game because nobody will take you again seriously if you fail and it's highly likely you will.
>250Mb of game.
>i cant into proceduraly generate audio
>Please procedurally generated
A crutch for shitty debs who don't want to create many assets or have to put thought into level design
I know retard. That just mean you will be seeing the same assets being reused in different places.
>Sup Forums bitches when a game file is too big
>Sup Forums bitches when a game file is small
You faggots will cry about anything
>t.Someone who has no fucking clue about programming
Uncompressed larger assets mostly.
Uncompressed audio and prerendered video files are usually the main culprits.
If the file size is the only glaring problem for you you're not looking at the most obvious thing: the gameplay looks shallow as fuck
Whatever fag
It's going to have like 80 trillion planets. There's no way they'd be able to actually fill out each individual one.
Not defending the procedural generation, just saying.
Can someone list 10 things to do in this game other than gather resources, upgrade your ship, interact with indigenous life, trade, and interplanetary travel? I know Sup Forums keeps meming that there's nothing to do but I'm sure it isn't just a walking simulator.
i.e. Gearbox
the """""assets"""""" you're referring to are essentially randomly assorted and recombined with the other elements put together to make a plant, animal, or geographic feature.
>Mostly audio
Do these faggots not know about compression?
theres a middle ground that hasnt been explored yet, they need to find the balance. Procedural can be good but you have to give it a lot of rules so the output is worthwhile.
>procedural generation
the is a big downside to that if you build your entire game on that premise
play 10-20 hours and you seen the entire content
>a few more gigs of data into your game.
You sounds like a 50 year old grandma talking about computer for the first time
Shit doesn't work like that
>t. Someone who thinks programming has anything to do with this
Do it 50 quintillion times on a differently names planet
Uncompressed data is better. They're faster to load and stream since you're not wasting CPU time decompressing them or memory holding the whole decompressed data while it's being used.
more assests doesn't equal more space being taken up apparently.
>Add more data = better game
fucking what
Spelunk actually does this, the level is split into section and each section is a hand designed layout, then the sections are semi randomly picked. It's pretty cool, they did a talk on it
>literally just copy paste the persons message in all caps with random reddit shit thrown in, as a counterargument when you can't respond to something
i've said it before, and i'll say it again, the game isn't even out, and the fanbase is are already some of the worst shitposters sense bloodborne goldface spam.
>programming has nothing to do with how a game is programmed
I bet they just added some gimmick mechanics like gathering pointless shit and killing animals
meanwhile the whole premise of the game is that everything is so endless and big
a whole lot of pointless endlessness
More space for an actual variety of terrain, you clown.
And how will that fix the shallow gather resource, fly to planet shitty gameplay loop?
>procedurally generated game
>file size is still 6 GB
Are they even trying?
>This nigga doesn't know anything about modern games
It takes over precious CPU power, which modern consoles lack so much.
I also feel so bad for this dev. They'll get rich no doubt about it but completely destroy their credibility as first timers thanks to Sony. They seemed like nice guys desu.
This is just an indie game but got blown up to stupid proportions and to a stupid price tag. Thanks Sony.
Oh fuck please stop posting and leave, you're embarrassing yourself.
>Nu-Male's Sky
50gb titles are basically an anti piracy measure
They're not first timers, they made the Joe Danger games.
>Look mom I posted it again! xDDD
>>Mighty No 9
I htought it was out and was an above average game. What have I missed?
He's not wrong.
Joe who?
its out, and its one of the few times when players and critics have a consensus.
the consensus being that M9 is shit
>doesn't understand the advantages of procedural generation
Im fucking tired of devs who cant compress shit right like FromSoft
>screencaping your own post
>Mighty Number 9
It's still technically a Megaman game, and its worst crime is just being boring and doing nothing innovative whatsoever. The disaster came from the idiots running the development team, and the whole kickstarter fiasco. Still, because Inafune was behind it, they already got their money plus interest.
>No Man's Sky
It doesn't have any brand recognition, or gameplay potential, or a popular game developer backing it. Sony is technically backing it, but I said "game" developer. hehe.
Overall, NMS is the biggest blunder that will happen.
I think this will sell decently. It's Final Fantasy, and we even have people who defend FF13 as a "masterpiece". If you don't believe me, all you have to do is mention "armpit" in any given FF thread, and it becomes a porn dump of Lightning images. Worst case scenario, they break even with no extra profit.
>No Man's Sky
Can something be considered disaster of the year if it never gets released?
it's kind of cringeworthy when Sup Forums wants to talk about actual game development and says shit like "you gotta add in a couple more gigs to have varied plants!"
get me out of here desu
>uncompressed is faster to load
Games with a requirement of a small file size use compressed audio and play it just the same.
Most engines will happily decode MP3s in real-time in lieu of raw PCM because the engines have those features built-in. Cryengine and Unreal are two such engines with practically built-in support for suites like FMOD, which support realtime decoding of compressed formats with basically no buffer overhead, as has been the standard for audio middleware since the freaking 90's.
The real reason audio devs push large files is because they don't have the time to convert their archival data to something smaller, as compressing audio can cause artifacts, which leads to more mandatory QC time for every single file. Considering how audio content is smashed to the ceiling for loudness to complement the "defaults" most people use for their audio systems, compression is the last thing you want to deal with in addition to creeping deadlines.
>this house has people in it
>not compressing audio
must be like 5mbps FLAC or something equally retarded
It's a game literally created by nu-male cucks
of course it was gonna be disappointing
>yfw you knew this was some faggot bullshit from the start
Thats not how game design works you absolute fucking moron
They are using a procedural system for the sound as well, in order to have variety in animal noises and music
Thats why its uncompressed, they need it to be uncompressed to work faster.
Congratulations, out-fagged the whiny anti-pol bird that gets spammed all over the place. Nobody's going to immortalize you though, the bird was in the right place at the right time, this post just feels generic. Kys
Spore has ruined Sup Forums when it comes to procedural generation, by default anything that uses it is deemed shit even though this system is far better than what Spore ever did.
I saw a NMS reddit thread entitled "Stupidity on steam discussions" which was an album of stupid image topics -- one of the topics this genius singled out as "stupid" was someone who noted "I wont pre-order this game because I'm worried it will be like Spore". The reddit delusion is hilarious.
oh my god Sup Forums is so fucking retarded
>"stupid" was someone who noted "I wont pre-order this game because I'm worried it will be like Spore".
That is a stupid post though. Spore was bad for entirely different reasons, it had nothing to do with the procedural nature of monsters.
Fantastic, shitloads of planets being made up of copy pasted assets confirmed
All non Japanese games today are created by nu-males you idiot. Face it video games aren't made for you anymore.
Hell even Japanese nu-males are starting to pop up here and there.
Can't wait to visit many unique planets with different colors for the plants gonna be so rad
Should I just get dangerous elite if I want a space sim?
>this game has less variety and content than skyrim
This got me thinking. How is a game that is procedurally supposed to be the same between multiple players online? They had that bullshit about first one to the planet gets to name it, so I assume that means that the universe is mapped the same for all players online.
Am I missing something, thinking this through incorrectly, or does this not make sense to anyone else?
>creatures are just lego blocks put together and recolored
>implying more lego pieces (more data) wont make it more varied
Hell fucking no
how is it stupid? Spore was hyped to the moon, just like this game is. When it released it was a letdown on a scale that had never been seen before.
It uses an algorithm to generate each planet that is unique to that planet
So Planet Shitpost will forever be identical for all other players who visit Planet Shitpost, there is no RNG.
It could be a always online sorta deal.
>worlds are found(created) by players
>those in turn get thrown into a ever expanding universe(server)
>Spore was bad for entirely different reasons
Spore was bad because the final product differed highly from what was hyped and promised. Kind of like the company with people saying to the press "it will take 5 billion years for you to explore it all," despite having a track record consisting solely of Joe Danger, and a "6gb" game they had to put on a blu-ray disc for some odd reason. To stop you before you even mention Sony, i'll do it for you: they are the only reason these hacks have enough money to lie this much, might be why they went gold there first and not PC. They wouldn't have survived the office flood on just Joe Danger profits, for the record.
Picture related; you can't actually do anything.
This game is no were near the hype levels of Spore. Sup Forums is just acting like it is to create another Tortanic.
probably seeded like if you create a minecraft level with the seed "shit" it will be somewhat identical
The seed will just be stored on the server
>Spore was hyped to the moon
Jesus fucking Christ this is the second time some moron in a NMS thread had made this totally baseless claim
Spore was a disappointment for its features that were shown and cut. Thats why it was a piece of shit, it has absolutely fucking nothing to do with hype.
Educate yourself moron
Procedural does not mean random. In NMS's case, if you give the procedural algorithm the same input every time (which is probably just the player's location data) then it will always produce the same result. A very complex result, but a consistent one.
>When it released it was a letdown
Because EA cut features that were shown, it had absolutely nothing to do with hype.
Because if you give the algorithm the same input it will produce the same result.
>a computer can't output something truly random
thanks captain obvious
>calling someone a moron when you are completely wrong
I get that you were too young to experience the spore hype but you dont have to start spouting falsehoods
More data DOES NOT EQUAL better game. this is mostly because of uncompressed audio problems that we 'use' to blast games about and now suddenly is the benchmark for a good game.
I want memes to leave.
>Spore was bad because the final product differed highly from what was hyped and promised.
>Kind of like the company with people saying to the press "it will take 5 billion years for you to explore it all,"
Not at all related. Everyone who is actually getting NMS knows exactly what they are getting into. It is literally just Sup Forums shitposting endlessly that thinks the number of planets is relevant. ED advertised its number of systems as well and no one thought "WELL GOLLY GONNA BUY THE GAME JUST FOR THAT" and no one sane thinks that now for NMS either.
You're missing the point. It's not even pseudorandom. It's deterministic.
And it wasn't obvious to the guy who asked the question.
Please, do explain how EA forcing Maxis to cut out features that were advertised as being in the game is not the reason why Spore was hyped.
People were excited about it because of its precut content. You are right in your regard, but people genuinely wanted what was first shown.
>ended in nothing
I was there. I was disappointed.
Who /gonnabecomfyandexplore/ here?
>>calling someone a moron when you are completely wrong
Hes entirely right though, you're the underage moron. spore.wikia.com
Skyrim isn't really much to brag about. It's all empty lands and copy-pasted "dungeons".
6 gigs, where most of it is music..that's not very impressive.