Outdated game that did not age well. Sorry Sup Forums but this game is utter shit. Try and convince me to play it.
Outdated game that did not age well. Sorry Sup Forums but this game is utter shit. Try and convince me to play it
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If it's shit, why would we try and convince you to play it? Is this some kind of domination fetish thing?
Yes, daddy. I haven't came in ages.
pls play it's cooler than it first looks pls ;_;
morrowind is fucking comfy
Pretty weak bait.
>implying morrowind isn't outdated
I gave this game an honest try with mods and everything. Unfortunately I couldn't get into it with how different it was from Oblivion (started with that)
Why should I you casual pile of shit.
Live with the fact that you're to much of a retard to enjoy an actual RPG from Bethesda.
Sup Forums is more cancerous than it's usual self
>how different it was from Oblivion (started with that)
Morrowind is only outdated if you refuse to mod it, and if you aren't modding it there's literally no reason to play it vanilla nowadays.
How i something more cancerous than malignant cancer?
get a mod that adds fast travel, magicka regen, and makes the level system less shit and then you might actually like it
>played Morrowind for the first time in 2014
>actually enjoyed it
Everything you suggested takes away from the experience and makes it more like the shit heap of oblivion and skyrim.
If someone's to casual to play older games they should realize their limitations and move on.
>not watching our guy DansGaming literally stream this right now on Twitch
How ? I modded it to death it just look ugly as fuck, im not a muh graphics guy but this is unbearable
i spent 10 hours modding it, played for 10min and uninstalled
>Try and convince me to play it.
Playing through if for the first time now.
I haven't even installed any mods yet and, while its aggravating at times, I'm enjoying it. Its full on comfy mode adventuring, no hand holding, no rushing you from objective to objective - just you, your journal, your spells, and your sword.
No they don't, you are implying the only reason morrowind is better than oblivion and skyrim is because it wastes your time more than they do. Morrowind is better because it is a game with an immense amount of depth, an interesting setting, detailed world building, a complex magic system, and the freedom to do almost anything you want in the world. The leveling system in the game is terrible and the overworld doesn't have enough in it to justify making the player walk through the same locations over and over again, not using a fast travel mod just punishes you for not using the boots of blinding speed or jumping across the map.
I could never get into Morrowind until I installed mods. That's when it became pretty fuckin' good.
Wasn't a big fan of the Bloodmoon expansion though for some reason. Feels bad man.
>im a casual
Skywind is your answer
Sure you dont like 2d games also.
Is that even out?
I remember when I even cared about TES that was in development.
Just like beyond skyrim
Dont make me say it.
Miss. Miss. Miss. Miss. Miss. Miss.
Hey guys, taking over.
About to start up my first Morrowind playthrough since I was like 12.
Tell me how to completely break magic and alchemy, please.
Did I just pirate a movie?
>make potion that increases intelligence
>drink it
>make another
>its stronger because higher intelligence
>repeat until intelligence is in the thousands
>make potions worth millions that last forever
hey dan
If you hate it then why do you want someone to convince you to play it?
>make potion that drain x
>drink it
>train X for coins
>repeat until X is in the thousands
get the fuck out.
I am too lazy to search for a b8 image so just imagine it.
>outdated game
>did not age well
>utter shit
>hasn't played it
You are a >muh graphics guy because they stopped you from playing a game, you attempted pedantic fuck.
I know this question is asked constnatly but what are the essential mods in your opinoin?
It hasn't aged well, yes, but that does not mean its a bad game. You just need to be more open minded instead of giving in to your catered baby retard mentality.
Now i get why you show up in that retarded webm of that kid dying.
Praise you vivec.
What do you want from the game?
Better graphics, there is an overhaul wich lets you chose wich mods to install.
Change the combat system?
there is a mod for that too.
The essencial are fixes, and some sound immersion mods for better nature sounds, the rest is more than ok.
>he fell for the "Morrowind is dated" meme
Please just don't fucking bother with RPGs you pleb, go back to your graphic jack-off FPS games or Sonygger interactive movies or whatever the fuck you play
Honestly, as I grow older, I almost don't even care about graphics and find myself preferring the older, heavily foggy and ugly version. I've been finding myself enjoying the aesthetic of eq1999 and daoc uthgard much more than I do these new games. Maybe it's because I grew up with it but I like the quirky surrealism of the dated graphics as opposed to this weird juxtaposition of nicer graphics ontop of bad ones. I almost find the older graphics more immersive.
I always say it, but Morrowind with Combat Enhanced has the best combat of any TES game.
Not saying much there, but it is really fun in my opinion.
Learning how to travel the map properly is part of the game. Between spells and the various fast travel methods you don't need to shit up the game with casual mods. It's not the only part of what made the game great but if you're already going down that road you're part of the problem.
Morrowind is a timeless triumph.
Then just bug fixes, and the sound mods if you want a comfy nature sounds.
The rest is already ingame, even to kill with 1 hit, and put his divine help into his dead ass.
>jumping across the map.
But you're supposed to do that at higher levels.
Rude t b h
One use does it minutes after starting the game, and thats how it reaches dagoth ur to do a speedrun, you need to learn how aim and how to land.
>Be me in cancerous thread on Sup Forums
>Playing TESO
What about combat overhauls like said.. is that mod worth it?
and balancing and stuff. I tend to play pacifistic, sneaky illusionist/alchemist/poisoners and alchemy is always so OP in TES
Is anyone gracious enough to give me a quick, concise list of essential mods to make it a balanced, cohesive, bugfree and immersive experience? Like 5-10 mods.
Start talking, how is it?
You cant balance it that easy, the vanilla cost more at lower levels, but everything becomes OP at medium-high levels, you have to cripple yourself to keep some sort of balance, and mods will make it easier and lower levels, but wont stop you from being OP.
Take your time, and read this, some might help.
Not him but I picked it up after lurking the thread on /vg/ and it feels like taking the mechanics of skyrim and putting then into an MMO. It's nothing great but it's been a good time filler and the Dunmer questing with Mournhold has been like a little nostalgia trip.
Thank you user
My favorite Combat Mod for Morrowind is the old Combat Enhanced. It uses an odd script extender and is a bit unstable with the finishing moves but outside of them it works perfectly and really spices up the combat, making it my favorite of the series.
It works by using the Slash, Chop and Thrust mechanics of weapons by allowing you to pull off combo attacks with different weapons if you Slash, Chop and Thrust and specific orders with the different weapon skill types. Each weapon type has 5 different combos to use, ranging from 3 actions to 5 and you unlock access to the combos as you raise your skill level, unlocking at 10, 30, 50, 70 and finally 90 skill in the weapon. The combos can do everything from speeding up your attacks for a little while, to disarming enemies, to knocking off their armor, you knocking them back or down, to blinding or silencing them to even area of effect damage with your strikes. Each weapon skill also gets a final combo that unlocks at 90 skill that instantly kills the enemy if they are at low enough HP.
The best part of it is that the combinations of slash, thrust and chop link into each other, allowing you to daisy-chain the attacks from one to another fluidly. So rather than just standing there during combat, you'll be moving back and side to side to pull off the various attacks on the enemy.
>Dunmer questing
It's an outdated game that did not age well, but it's still a fun game
Does the enemy utilize that shit or is it player only?
aged like shit
>Autism: The Post
>Knocking off the armor with a sword slash.
Who the fuck thought that would be a good idea?
I mean im not a realism fag, but theres certain limits you dont cross.
Stripping a man butt naked with a sword slash is one of those limits
MMMNIEH... its a small video.
Its a video and its small, but he wont have any argument to say its not. HA.
Just the player, so it does make the game a bit easier, although not like abusing magic or alchemy or something. It's nice to have a reason to use attack styles other than the strongest one.
Eh, I just copied a post from the archive rather than bother to type it up again. Even left the typos in. I guess I shouldn't seem to be enthusiastic about vidya on Sup Forums.
Honestly I haven't played Morrowind in about 4 years. But iirc, Morrowind Code Patch was pretty nice and probably worth installing. Huge amounts of fixes and lots of optional stuff if you want them. Might want to look into the 4GB Patch as well.
Aside from that, the only other thing besides graphics mods that I had was Atmosphere Sound Effects. Not sure if I'd call it essential but you might like it.
The one thing that I can't get around is the combat.
The shitty animations I can handle, but having a combat system based on dice rolls is moronic. Don't get me wrong, if I'd expect a good rpg to handle a weapon system like
>put points into daggers
>do more damage with daggers, less damage with other weapons
but Morrowind handles that horribly. Also don't interpret this as me single the praise of Skyrim's "combat". The fact that I can become a jack of all trades with little to no effort equally annoys me.
I've also played it
I agree with the other user that it feels like they took the mechanics of skyrim and put them in an MMO
But TESO also has come of the mechanics from previous games in it as well, like medium armor existing, having shoulder pads and pants, but it's mostly like skyrim.
I haven't played too much as of yet, but from my experience you can use whatever weapon and armor you want for any class, but there are some limitations to what you're allowed to do.
For example though everyone can sneak, only bosmer and khajiit can get close to people without invisibility because they have a passive that reduces detection range, without it people easily detect you as you sneak up on them.
>finishing moves
>really spices up the combat,
Nice try todd
I agree with you user, but it's not like there's a good easy way to do meele combat in vidya. I mean warband was pretty good but then if you add magic it would be probably weird.
None of the sword combos remove armor, although the level 70 one does attempt to disarm the enemy of their weapon.
The blunt weapon level 50 combo lets you knock a shield out of the enemy's hands.
The one you might be thinking of is the Axe Cleave ability, which disarms gauntlets, pauldrons and helmets. It won't remove cuirass, boots or greaves though.
it sounds like a cool mod though makes me want to maybe dust off my copy of morrowind
The only finishing moves I condone are the stealth ones
Warband's combat system would work so well in single player RPGS. Simple to use but difficult to master and no style is horribly broken like kicking was in Dark Messiah.
The weapon specialization would obviously still apply, and would work just as will with Warband combat.
The finishing moves are buggy for me, I don't recommend using them.
They require 90 in the skill and the enemy to be under 25% health so it doesn't come up much.
Impaling someone on your spear so it stays stuck in their body as they keel over sounds nice, but it's mostly just a spectacle.
What about enchanting?
I asume that the cloth and armor is the same as skyrim, and not as morrowind, when you can wear various layers of enchanted clothing.
Does have the same shit limits?
I really hated that shit.
Its overrated, but its still a good time with the right mods
I really wanted to get into ESO but my autism requires me to steal everything in sight which is impossible with the very limited inventory space. Feels bad man.
The problem is, it still wouldn't fix the main problems of enemy being sponges and just cheesing it by jumping on tables.
I think this is a hurdle for a lot of people with Morrowind. I'd say the most important thing a person can do is look at one combat ability and specialize like fuck when they create their character. Starting with 45 or more points in Long Blade really negates the tedium of missing and after a couple hours it'll be high enough that you'd rarely miss.
I haven't found out how to enchant yet but I know it's in the game, and yes it is like skyrim, no layers
Yeah its probably outdated by this point. It would be really hard for somebody to pick it up and play it if they've never experienced it before. Its not even just nostalgia goggles, its just most people probably expect a little bit more out of the combat system, which is basically the biggest complaint against the game. If you're somebody who can handle a little clunkier fighting system, then you'd have no problem with it. The exploration and the risk/reward factor is 100x better than Oblivion or Skyrim, and thats not even debatable. You can find some of the greatest things in the game if you keep your eyes open and stick your head in places you wouldn't expect something to be. Also the quests are rewarding, there are multiple questlines for multiple factions. None of this bullshit "companions guild" crap that you beat after like 6 quests. You also have to choose certain factions over others. None of this "master of all" bullshit. Idk OP, if you can handle some clunky fighting, you'll have a much better time with this than Skyrim if you actually give it a shot.
Every ES game is bad, but Morrowind had the best ideas (and fucking spears).
Everything can have an enchant and a smiting perk for lack of knowing the proper term. The perk is designed on the item when it's crafted or looted and the enchants can be swapped out whenever.
As far as equipment you can wear shoulders, helm, chest, gloves, belt, boots, legs and then rings/amulets. It's not like morrowind where you could wear full plate with a shitload of clothing also equipped.
The graphix and the combat are outdated and terrible. However every single other aspect of the game is extremely well done especially the story, quests, exploration, lore and dialogue. You have to be able to stomach the terrible look and clunky combat, otherwise you won't get to enjoy the meat at the center.
Fuck I wish the next TES builds some mounted combat into it. Warband makes being calvary fun as fuck and I just get sad booting up skyrim using that excuse for a horse.
What are some good adventuring mods? Stuff like new questlines and dungeons.
>Start skyrim as a wimpy ass faggoty bosmer because stealth archer
>Beginning of the game, I'm fighting bare handed because I ran out of arrows and I don't have any backup plan yet
>Cuts to a third person view of my faggot toothpick midget hoisting a giant buff ass nord bandit over his head and breaking his fucking spine on the ground
Thanks, Todd!
B-b-but mods will fix it!
I mean they literally do
>want to enjoy an TES game because they sound cool in concept
>play Oblivion
>Intro took me out of the experience and the game is hard to look at
>Tried playing Daggerfall
>sounded cool, but setup was obnoxious and couldn't get invested
Call me a baby bitch for my complaints, but I cant see to find enjoyment from those titles.
I do like the look of Morrowind and it seems cool, as does Skyrim, but I'm afraid that I'm just wasting my time with a series I just can't get into. All I wanna to is have a game I can drop in with a custom character and have adventures, looking for fights, exploring dungeons and caves, and enjoy the landscape.
So its still choped, too bad, really hated swtiching between different sets of armors for different situations (needed to carry 5 complete sets and a bunch of rings and amulets all the time (hated more with the shit quickmenu it had)), and also being limited by a specific set of enchants to specific armor or cloth pieces, still liked the dual effect.
Skyrim is basically that. Morrowind will be harder to look at than Oblivion.
I think the Skyrim world was pretty decent but I think the quests were mostly generic shit.
Count yourself lucky. You are going into the series blind so you'll not being looking at each game as a comparison to the games that proceed it.
Trouble for many first time Morrowind (and for some reason Oblivion players), is that Skyrim was their first TES, so being presented with an actual RPG confuses them.
If graphics are an issue, fix them with mods. You can't fix crappy combat or lackluster RPG features with mods.
although really if you graphics are an issue when playing a game, you really do need to grow up
Combat system is the essence of Morrowind.
Agility and skill in using a weapon are very easy to setup in character creation.
Amulet that restores stamina is easy to find and the cheapest restore fatigue potions you can make with like no skill in alchemy.
You just described Dark Souls. If you can get past the lack of story and quests, it has everything you're looking for. Just straight up dungeon crawling. Ignore the shit "gid gud LOLOL" community and just enjoy it for what it is.