What Overwatch char does Sup Forums main? Bastion bro here...

What Overwatch char does Sup Forums main? Bastion bro here. I used to get my ass handed to me as every other character then I discovered the glory of camping and mowing down enemies in sentry mode.

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I bet you play bastion on KOTH maps right?

wow what an amazing secret strategy, i smell a new meta forming.

Hanzo. Every. Game. I'm not changing for you, Sup Forums.

D. Va

I main Karin.

I main Bastion but want to try a hero that is funner to play. What is a hero with a high skill cap who I can still jump into and get the gist of a newb?


lucio! super satisfying to get kills with and is a great support.

soldier 76

bastion gunpla when?

he's fun but his health seems ridiculously low, combine that with his low mobility and he is easy prey for half the characters. Blizz needs to buff him because otherwise he is really cool

tracer, because I got high mouse sensitivity and adhd

every dude I mained got nerfed into insult
guess I made some plebeians mad.


>Just wanna play my boy
>forced to play Mercy 90% of the time because everyone thinks we can win without her

I pick Hanzo often too because I used to love playing as huntsman on DeGroot Keep

Issue with Zenyatta is that his low health and no mobility was because his Orbs used to stick indefinitely, allowing him to be a passive support for allied flankers like Tracer who would go it alone behind enemy lines, and to Discord a sniper, enemy flanker or some other high value target and keep track of them.

They massively crippled him by having the orbs break off when losing line of sight. He just needs to get that back.

Phara for life Yuri shitters fuck off


youre the hero we dont deserve. god bless you.

I used to be like you
then i stopped giving a fuck
most of those edge lords cant even play a dps class well
still lose
shit team
cant heal stupid
I just pick what ever the fuck i want now
not my fucking problem

We're all Soldiers (stuck playing Support) now.

Phara main here and nothing is worst then having a Mercy Yuri fag follow you around.

I have most playtime as Zen, he's most fun to play in my opinion.

Reinhardt, because he is the all-purpose hero, doenst matter the situation, he is most of the time necessary

dis nigga gets it. spamrat is so fucking fun to play

I hate playing as rein but I end up having to because otherwise no one will stand next to the fucking payload

I don't play Overshit.

Mercy because someone has to and I'm a healslut

Bastion because bird. And it pisses like 80% of the community off.

My nigga

The best iv done is a 19 killstreak and 34 kills in one match as him.

do that in competitive mode

in quick play just play whatever man


Constantly shielding my allies, flinging waves of fire but if I see another Reinhardt, you'd better believe I'm dropping everything to charge his ass.

6 Bastions for the win

>Arriving at Illios
>pick Toblerone
>everyone like "the fuck noob"
>put up turret it gets destroyed by Tracer
>basically put up lvl 1 turrets on CD
>sometimes get a lvl 2 turret going
>Enemy Tracer is on my ass whole match cant do anything but kill lvl 1 turrets
>freshly forged +75 hp to all my team mates
>we win 3-0

Hard work does indeed pay off.

Lucio trivializes all weakness in the game.
-keep speed boost up and the teams attack and movement speed wrecks the other team.
-Switch to heal, boost, wait 10 seconds and you can do it again if you want to.
-Wall Riding all day everyday
-pushing people off the map
-Pushing people away and making them panic
-Making all tanks unkillable with his ultimate

Then there's Soldier 76:
-Great rate of fire
-Missile launcher mows through people
-Heal the team in case they need it
-Aiming? Fuck you here's a bullet in your face. And if I die right after in activate it I STILL HAVE IT.

I loved bastion at first during the beta when noobs didn't know how to counter him.

Now I main D.Va and Pharah, depending on the situation. Also play Winston, Reinhardt, and Roadhog less frequently. Yay tanks.

Who /HOG/ here?



Mei all the way.

what is the trick with mei? i can't seem to find the best way to play her.

1 on 1 encounters are her bread and butter against squishier classes. Freeze, then icicle to the head. I try to single out healers or flankers since she is a defense character.
Her ice heal is good for contesting points, but I wouldn't use it in front of others because as soon as you get out of it, you'll get raped.
I mainly use Ice walls for escape, but it can also be used to block some ults like D.va's Phara's and Roadhog's.

Reaper main here

Mei's are my niggers

Winston, Junkrat, Reinhardt main here

Offense: Soldier 76
Defense: Torj or Junkrat
Tank: Zarya
Support: Lucio

I play Support>>>Tank>>DPS>>>>>>>>>>>Defense usually

single someone out, wall them off from escapes/their team, M1 till frozen, M2 to head.
Easiest character to play after your 3rd game with her.

oh shit, and mercy

Really because all I can seem to remember is catching you people after wraith and sending an icicle into your edgy mask.

You freeze em up, I knock em down:^)

Offense: Reaper
Defense: Junkrat
Tank: Roadhog
Support: I don't help others

My nigga

>when you airbag flank and drop a trap behind the enemy team
>when you kill a low health tracer with a random trap
>concussion mining yourself into the enemy team and then concussion mining yourself out just before you die
>whenever you kill somebody with your passive skill
>punching pharah mid flight or whenever you land a direct hit


You freeze them. I pork them

1. Ice Wall in the MIDDLE of the enemy team, not in front of them.
Blocking the whole enemy team just allows them to group up and fuck you over. You have to drop that wall right between the lot of them, dividing the enemy. In doing so, your team can gang up on the few separated from the rest of the group and then follow up on hitting the rest once the ice wall breaks down.

2. Hunt down any stragglers, loners and deter flankers. Freeze them, put a shard of ice through their head. While Tracer and Reaper are likely to be able to escape before you kill them, that at least means that they aren't killing your dudes.

3. In the event of a control point brawl, be a nuisance and contest the point for as long as possible by slowing everyone ever so slightly with sweeping frost blasts, Cryo-Freeze for the whole duration and dropping a wall somewhere that will block their primary route into the control point for a few precious seconds. Mei is not going to be effective at singling out, freezing and killing anyone when there is more than one enemy nearby ready to knock her around.

I mostly play Mercy/Lucio. Winston or Zarya if we need a tank. Soldier 76 or Pharah if we need attackers. Reaper if we need a flanker. Torb or Junkrat for defense. Roadhog if we just need a distraction.

If you "main" anyone in Overwatch, you're almost certainly awful, and only good in games where you have an ideal team composition.

I always go with Hanzo. If someone complains, I make sure to remind them that I paid for the game, I get to decide how I play it.

Pharah. Easy to play but lots of creative ways to play her. Not very many good counters either. Easy to switch between flanking and watching objective.

Have you mastered the art of simple geometry?

Reinhardt all day every day. Shielding motherfuckers, blasting motherfuckers. Attack or defense doesn't matter, Reinhardt crushes through as long as he's got a little backup.
Also, I duel any other Reinhardt I see

Why are people so clinically retarded in this game.

>Playing ranked for the first time level 25
>Healers playing like legit retards only healing the Reinhardt who is using a shield while DPS are low
>Tanks act like fucking pussy's and wont soak up some damage for the team so DPS do there job
>DPS will fight off the objective with separate fights
>People will listen to the one guy who is using his mic even though he is a low elo 30 and proceed to get shitted on
>Meanwhile I'm standing on the objectives and always receive a gold medal
>Ask them what the fuck they are doing
>Lol your bad
>Match end

I played a game today where everything I just listed happened in one game while others were spread across games

This game doesn't even require skill blizzard made it piss fucking easy and people still cant seem to use there damn brains

Just going to find something else to play. I'm not doing this shit again after today.

Pharah, D.Va, and Reinhardt for me. Pharah is just fun and I love her mobility and rocket launcher (Used to love Quake/UT), Reinhardt because I love big tank-y knights, and it is easy to make a big difference/contribute with him, D.Va. D.Va is kind of tricky to play as, I have great games with her and horrible games, I understand how to play as her (flanker) but I haven't gotten it down yet. I think she needs a buff but a relatively small one.

I wish I was good as Reaper I ironically love his edginess

>Get mechaqueen skin for Pharah
>Change my account name to Setsuna
>join game
>ore was gandamu da.....
>make a really good play, get play of the game

And that was the end of that story.



>tfw there's no good hog skins

A biker roadhog would be nice.

Does playing a healer make you a sissy?

that is his normal skin dum dum

Pigpen is one of the best skins in the game the fuck?

>not liking Maori warrior
>not liking street sharks

In order it would be something like Rein, Lucio, S76, Road/Reaper/Junk
1st 3 are go-tos while the other 3 are my for "fun"/flex picks
Rein still has like 10+ Hours over every other character

I usually play Reinhardt. Shielding, charging, hammer smashing, it's fun until a Roadhog appears with his infinite fucking health

Maori skin is pretty gud


No, you're risking your life to heal whoever and possibly being a bigger target.

My two favourite heroes in the same picture. Thanks friend!

The shark ones are the definition of overdesigned, and the rope hook on the islander skins making a chain sound effect triggers me

>all these people who have "mains"

what in the fuck

you retards know its a game where you change classes constantly to counterpick right?

>those games you actually get to play S76
>the enemy team has a Roadhog

thanks for the ult, mr big target


>enemy team has two genjifags
>give them the hot monkey dick for 2 rounds in a row
>they just refuse to switch and instead complain in match chat
kek get fucked

I main this guy

>maining anybody in Overwatch
You need to be at least 18 to post here.

>enemy team has pharrah or junkrat

Torn, and I play him every fucking map and game tyype. Koth, cp, payload, attack or defense and if my team dislikes it theycan suck my 4 gold medals

Stop being retarded, you main someone as well

Fuck I love Reinhardt vs Reinhardt fights so much. It's especially fun to charge right into a team made out of mostly squishies and start reking ass

>Be on Hollywood defense
>Pick Reinhardt
>Attacking team has 5 Lucios
>Constantly charge right into the herd and take 2 or 3 of them out before I eventually get swarmed in glorious battle

>he thinks Sup Forums is good at video games
>he thinks Sup Forums would ever understand a game even as simple as overwatch
they main a hero and complain how broken their counter is and talk as if they were professionals on that hero even though they suck

this might come as a surprise to you but Sup Forums is extremely casual and bad at video games

I main nobody. I have a couple characters I play a lot, but I don't have a "main"

I adapt to whatever the team needs. I think in ranked my most played characters are Mercy, Zarya, Lucio, S76, and Pharah, And they're all around 4 hours.

Only in MMORPGs where you have pure healers and whatnot.

Not in this game. It's a shooter, you're a fucking combat medic. Even Mercy is in the thick of battle, risking her life to make sure fuckers don't die, there's no pussy ass "aggro" that is easily managed to keep her safe.

Anyone else had their hook accuracy drop overall?
Used to be so easy to hook people, now it seems much harder

Nigga when people say they main someone they mean their favorite character they default to when they can, not that they play one character only


i have characters i gravitate towards in each class, but who i play as will always (ALWAYS) be dictated by
1.) what class my team needs
2.)who the other team has in their current lineup

if you play it any other way, take note of the fact that you ruin it for everyone else and grow up.

>Even Mercy is in the thick of battle, risking her life to make sure fuckers don't die

Are you rank 34? Her beam goes around corners, she can rez through walls, she's invulnerable during the start of her rez, she can Shift to dead people allah light lord revive her team.

As someone who's forced to pick healer a lot, if you pick healer, you're my hero.

I sometimes have matches where I get a great amount of hooks and then get another I miss a good amount of times.

Dunno if it might be tickrate or not (and i'm sure quick play is 20 and competitive is 60)

But why would you "default" to a character?

Why wouldn't you wait and see what the rest of the team likes and build around it for the optimal composition?

Because this game isn't a job and I play whatever is fun

Fuck it, dude. If you're in ELO hell the way I am the only way up is to become the ultimate DPS carrying power. Just git gud.

If everyone did that, no one would pick a character.