Sup Forums is it normal to have almost no emotions?

Sup Forums is it normal to have almost no emotions?
Past few years i have felt almost nothing no joy,sadness,excitement,anxiety. Life has been pretty ok i would say plenty of friends a couple of relationships body in good shape, in good standing with family, decent job, no enemies but life just feels pointless.
Its not like im depressed or anything just i have noticed that i dont really have any emotions, closest thing i have ever gotten to is a grin.
it was not like this shit was fine when i was around 16 years old but around its like i died inside the weird thing is there is no reason for it, anyone have similar experience? should i go see a psychiatrist or something.

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You're just crying out for attention, you feel like you lack something in life and only thing you can think of is how your not like any body else, everyone else is laughing or crying while you don't give any shits. You feel alone. It's normal.

Nigga that's depression. Go see a psychiatrist

That is depression you idiot. Go make friends or take happy pills.

never had an issue with depression or envied other people, wanted to ask if seeing a doctor for this is worth it dont want to have to go there just for him to give me some pills which would fuck me up even more, also are psychiatrist worth it?

A psychiatrist is a fucking doctor. They're licensed physicians with an MD.

You might be suffering from a chemical imbalance. This is why they give you pills.

you're inundated with too much entertainment/overly stimulated.

pretty normal.

i didnt have very strong emotions until i started getting treated for depression and to be quite honest i'm not sure i like having them. you sound like you're depressed op but if it doesnt really bother you then who cares really.

Not sure if you have left your house and go to the doctor other than to take your shots but they arent a fuckign psychiatric, you will walk into his office state your issue and he will simply give you some random pills to cope with the problem. I just really dont want to spend my money and time on some fucking xanax which will most definitely not solve my issue


no, this is just what life is, OP.

I became the same way at around 16 too.

This. Welcome to 2016 in an area of the world well off enough to allow you to browse Sup Forums. We're all dying here.

typical response.

when did the American dream become so mediocre?

Video games

psychiatrists are doctors that specialize in mental health. doctors of other specialties can prescribe psychoactive drugs but they usually prefer to not take the liability unless you already have a proven condition. benzos are probably the hardest drug to get from a doctor these days. you can get shit like adderall (which is technically a more controlled substance) more easily than fucken xanax. psychs will overprescribe SSRI shit like zoloft though and that shit can fuck with your brain even worse.

Schopenhauer sums it up nicely.

Life is either the struggle of the poor, or the boredom of the rich.

Meaning, as a human if you're not faced with adversities you inevitably feel there's no point in living.

His solution to combat this boredom was to develop time sink habits.

It's simply the nature of our being user. In just a few years we have gained unparalelled access to an unlimited amount of entertainment. Any book, movie, tv show, forum, video and audio can all be accessed with our fucking phones.

And we still get bored.

Also here's the entire essay if you feel inclined to read it. Lots of wisdom in it.

tfw no gf: the post

Yes, it is normal. The sense of abnormality is what makes it into a problem, if you accept your situation and just move on you'll be fine.

One of my friends from school wrapped himself around a telephone pole a few weeks ago. I felt nothing. Didn't even interrupt my day. But the fact that I felt nothing made me feel really bad, and there lies the problem.

We are taught from an early age that feelings are important and we grew up in a culture that cartoonizes people to an absurd degree. That is an effeminate and ridiculous trait of our society, and you should not buy into it, it isn't healthy to force yourself to feel emotion for things. You shouldn't close yourself off either, but if you don't feel anything you don't feel anything. That's just how it is.

That just means you're a man and you're growing up, user. You'll go to work because it gives you something to do, collect money that you don't spend, and eventually a woman will attach herself to you to spend your money and if she's good, make social excuses for you to avoid as much human contact as possible. It's what happens.

It sounds like you have some mild form of distimia.

nah. we need another world war.

I know the third is usually the worst, but I got a good feeling about this.
doubt anything will top hitler though.

i was with someone for 7 years and breaking up with them made me start having emotions so your mileage may vary user.