Remember all that hype leading up to Twilight Princess' release?

Remember all that hype leading up to Twilight Princess' release?

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Sure do. TP being a gigantic turd, coupled with the atrocious waggle of the Wii, was why I went master race.

One of the most disappointing games ever for me.

>There are people who get hyped for zelda, of all things
Why? Zelda games are so mediocre. The combat system is always pretty half-baked and in terms of the puzzles, if you've played one zelda you've basically seen every puzzle on offer. The open worlds are usually empty when they even have one. The story is consistently non-existent (which isn't a bad thing in this case).

Don't get me wrong - they're entirely serviceable games. I like the world and the music, and I enjoy solving the puzzles even if they are samey, but I don't get why anyone would be hyped. You just can't wait to do those same puzzles again and explore an empty over world?


Nope, which is why I wasn't disappointed when it released. It's actually my favorite Zelda. Living under a rock is nice sometimes.

It's funny because if anything, I ended up feeling like the game deserved a lower score.


Because he was stupid enough to get hyped, dummy

I love how the game got ridiculously delayed and turned out to be nothing like this.

Also man, I forgot how much LOTR influenced everything in the previous decade.

>I love how the game got ridiculously delayed

BotW is worse.

Getting hyped for anything just sets yourself up for disappointment

If you're legitimately hyped for anything at this point I'll tell you why you shouldn't be

Zelda is really hit and miss with me so I'm definitely not losing sleep over it, but the good ones are just comfy games. I know that's an almost meaningless buzzword around here but I think it describes Zelda if it describes anything. The story is light, the action is light, the puzzles are light. Everything is easy and manageable, so you can just relax and enjoy. I think that's fairly rare in a polished experience

Greatest trailer music ever, maybe even greatest videogame music ever. So good. How can you hear that and not be hyped to hell and back?

All those MGS5 trailers were better tbqh

>Zelda games are so mediocre
I sometimes forget we're on NeoGA/v/

don't speak for him/her/it, faggot.

they are. they do so much, yet everything is thoroughly bland. funny how Zelda fans act as though Zelda invented dungeons/bombs, etc.

calling okami a zeldalike does it a disservice. it's a much better game than any zeda has been in ages. even if it was inspired.

>Zelda 2000 Spaceworld demo comes out
>hyped as shit for the gritty next gen Zelda OoT 2.0
>surprise! Wind Waker releases two years later
>throw a hissyfit because of the art style and everything being ruined forever
>decide to play it anyway
>still my favorite Zelda of all time
>Twilight Princess, the gritty Zelda I actually wanted releases 4 years later
>loathe every second of it

Neo Ga slash vee slash?

>they are

Because I expected a good game.

Fuck off, faggot.

>Also man, I forgot how much LOTR influenced everything in the previous decade.
Everything is STILL influenced by LotR these days. Although it's not quite as bad, I guess.

I have a sneaking suspicion that game is going to be amazing though.

>Getting hyped for anything just sets yourself up for disappointment
Maybe but I've been hyped for games before and felt like they lived up to the hype when I finally played them. It happens.

There's an actual reason for it though, they're trying to make a good game so they don't collapse under their own retardation.

TP was messed up, they delayed it but it still wasn't finished.

I'm hyped for Styx 2 because 1 was ace.

Based on their current track record, BotW will be just as disappointing as SS. The long wait time is probably due to simple incompetence.

I'm quite the opposite. I was never offput by WW's artstyle, I think it's one of the things it did right, but it is handily my least favorite of the 3D Zeldas. Meanwhile, I was only excited for TP in that it was a new Zelda game to play and to this day it's still my favorite in the series.

>Based on their current track record
Well meme'd

The track record they had going has been nullified by the gameplay we've seen of this new game. We know now that all these years they were actually trying to improve the gameplay by adding in innovative mechanics that are well polished.

Name another game where you can cut down trees and use gravity guns on them for platforming purposes. I'll wait. Mechanics like this take a long time to get working especially in a big game. This is literally top tier game development.

The only things that could go wrong with the new game is a dead feeling open world and a shitty story. Gameplay side is utterly solid.

And I don't think the open world will feel dead because the only time that's happened was in TP. WW did a decent job of placing landmarks in an open space and alluding the players into thinking the world was lived in.

That issue was from later even but the first trailer for it was fucking breathtaking. I remember being a little kid on the internet and waiting ages for it to load.

I also remember being Nintendo-obsessed, and the cover of that magazine is far more familiar to me than family pictures. I remember their loose coverage of the first three revealed hunters from Metroid Prime Hunters, the stories on Peter Jackson's King Kong and how Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire was gonna have drop-in-drop-out co-op and plenty of easter eggs. I remember the fucking page formats for the Killer 7 coverage, how much I learned about that game despite only playing it just this year. Man I used to get lost in those magazines, I wonder how much time I spent poring over them.

I have the second trailer's music on my iPod. It's so fucking good and I consider it one of the greatest Zelda songs ever. Still ended up hating the game though. Both trailers make the game look so much better than it ended up being.

I also never did like much how they kept on trying to sell Zelda as some kind of big, epic LotR-style fantasy. Sure like all high fantasy it takes its roots from that sort of thing but Zelda is pretty distinct from LotR, I'd say, both in terms of universe and in 'feel'. It feels smaller, more personal, and it's more the archetypal video game action-adventure.

I'd like to feel hyped for BotW, but I can't feel optimistic for any of Nintendo's stuff anymore. TP looked amazing too in the trailers, and we know how that turned out. My prediction is that BotW will be an adequate entry in the series, but nothing too memorable and nowhere near the level of what the series used to be. Who knows, maybe they'll prove me wrong, but I doubt it.

I'm not really hyped because I fundamentally dislike open world games. The only thing keeping me from raising my pitchfork is that I did legitimately enjoy Zelda 1. Well, that and the mechanical end of this game looks pretty damn inspired. But I'd really like to see a slice of main dungeon design, that's what would really get my blood pumping.

TP was just trailers though, BotW has put out hours and hours of raw gameplay footage.

I can't fathom how the new mechanics can be seen as "nothing too memorable" when literally no other game has tried to implement even a small fraction of them separately, let alone combined.

What Zelda games are you implying were at this ultra high level? Because BotW gameplay wise is much better than all of them by default. I just worry about the story and lack of music plus the seemingly removed Zelda charm of exploration.

I'm not hyped for the game, I mean I plan to wait to emulate it, but it looks great.

We get it Sex Genie, Pii U etc.


More like gameplay footage
The trailer is underwhelming

>lack of music
This is what worries me the most. Zelda games NEED music. I hope they don't just follow the open-world meme to a T. There had better been some good ass music in there to set the mood. Maybe as you progress through the story more and more, music starts filling in the empty noise.

>plus the seemingly removed Zelda charm of exploration.
But that's still there. Exploring places thoroughly will net you lots of sweet items and such, like the Fire Rod. There's still tons of secrets to find.

>Name another game where you can cut down trees and use gravity guns on them for platforming purposes. I'll wait. Mechanics like this take a long time to get working especially in a big game. This is literally top tier game development.
Seriously. I don't like open-world games much usually, because they just tend to plop you into a big open-world but with fuck all for actual gameplay mechanics aside from the usual generic shooting, crafting, vehicle-stealing bullshit. If BotW manages to be an open-world game with actual well-implemented mechanics, good level design, good puzzle design, and so on, then I'm hype as fuck.

Not to mention finally improving the combat mechanics and inserting a bit of depth in there as well.

I notice its level of interactivity transitions into the town visits, where there's a lot of things you can do inside of it.

And a big thing about Zelda in the NPCs. I hope the standard remains or evolves even farther.

>le bait

oh, you don't want to discuss things. might as well fuck off to Sup Forums then.

There's music but yeah I like looping tracks to be honest and they said they have went away from that style of music. I get it since it's open world but they better not fuck that up.

I don't like how opening chests and picking stuff up doesn't have that comfy fan fare, every time. I truly despise it in fact and feel like my heart breaks.

After all the years of being conditioned to that jingle to the point I'm annoyed, removing it is like a stab in the dick. My brain might not survive not being gratified for collecting items.

The combat mechanisc look the same but are flashier so that's fine by me, Zelda games aren't meant to be difficult or full of depth.

But yeah, I really hope there's a TON of attention to the environment to make all the new platforming tools worth implementing. I have faith though because Nintendo makes Mario games which have all those collectable stars. If this game had some autism reward like those which are hard to get, the playability could skyrocket.

I'm hoping for Fable tier towns.

>I don't like how opening chests and picking stuff up doesn't have that comfy fan fare, every time. I truly despise it in fact and feel like my heart breaks.

I hate you and every thing you stand for.

le epic contrarian opinion!

>There's music but yeah I like looping tracks to be honest and they said they have went away from that style of music. I get it since it's open world but they better not fuck that up.
I hope there's looping music somewhere in the game.

>I don't like how opening chests and picking stuff up doesn't have that comfy fan fare, every time. I truly despise it in fact and feel like my heart breaks.
It'll probably be there for bigger, important items.

>The combat mechanisc look the same but are flashier so that's fine by me, Zelda games aren't meant to be difficult or full of depth.
No, there's definitely enough changes there for it to definitely be an essential rehaul of the combat mechanics. Or expansion, whatever. We're now getting different weapon types, all with their own unique moves, some weapons will have their own unique effects, different combo strings for weapons, actual cancels, which might effect gameplay, and who knows what else.

>But yeah, I really hope there's a TON of attention to the environment to make all the new platforming tools worth implementing
I have faith.

>influenced by LotR
>music is from Conan the Barbarian
>thinking it was influenced by hobbit bullshit

Sure is summer

>It scored well so I have to like it!
No, TP is probably one of the worst 'technically good' games I've ever played.

I don't understand what people were expecting when they say TP ended up being "nothing like" its trailers. That first trailer has almost no substance, and everything from E3 2005 on is in the game, albeit with some superficial changes.
For instance, that debut trailer everyone loves was made without the development team's input. It was slapped together last minute by NoA using literally whatever test build assets they could get access to at the time, which is why most of the environments shown are just wide, empty beta fields and forests, and why it includes unused and unfinished enemy models.

Kinda hilarious to remember how much hate that one fat guy got for giving it an 8.6 when in reality it's closer to like a 7.6.

It totally lacked the character, charm, originality or anything the previous 3D Zeldas had. It was just a bland ass game.

>it's shit cuz I say so!


You mean the previous two N64 Zeldas. Wind Waker was lacking character, charm, and originality just as much as TP was.

Since you realize its "technically" good, what parts do you think are good?

>I'm not really hyped because I fundamentally dislike open world games.
you must have hated zelda 1, LttP, ALBW, OoT, and MM then.

>Implying it wasn't at the least original and charming

It lacked any challenge or length, but it was a far different game from MM and OoT in both style and general mood.

I felt totally the same, dude. TP is the first game I ever refused to finish halfway

The horseback combat was fun and theres been nothing like it since; it's a shame there was only a few sections against organized groups of mounted enemies.


Wind Waker is the most charming and original with some of the most fucking character? Thats its strong points, it fucks up pretty hard in a lot of other regards and its my favorite.

>literally no other game has tried to implement even a small fraction of them separately, let alone combined
Literally everything shown has been done before, and arguably better.

>when in reality it's closer to like a 7.6.
Speaking of, I felt like SS didn't deserve that score either. I thought it was much better than TP. If anything, that game deserved an 8.8. I'd give TP more like a 6.7 or so.

See the above post. It was also way too easy, had way too much tedious filler everywhere, had a boring story, shit art style, overworld was bland as fuck, and so on.

I remember Nintendo Power shilling it as being almost as good as OoT, or "too different to compare to OoT".
I do miss them, but their only job were to be marketers, after all.

>Zelda 2000 Spaceworld demo comes out
>hyped as shit for the gritty next gen Zelda OoT 2.0
>surprise! Wind Waker releases two years later
>throw a hissyfit because of the art style and everything being ruined forever
>decide to play it anyway
>It's Zelda.... FOR BABIES!
>Twilight Princess, the gritty Zelda I actually wanted releases 4 years later
>It's still Zelda.... FOR BABIES!, but now it's pretending it's mature in the most hamfisted ways possible.

Fixed for accuracy.

>It was also way too easy, had way too much tedious filler everywhere, had a boring story, shit art style, overworld was bland as fuck, and so on.

We're talking about TP, not WW

The open world is something I'm wary about as well. Maybe it's because of playing Xenoblade Chronicles X, I'm worried that the good parts of the game will be bogged down by a bunch of meaningless, boring side quests.

I mean, it's not a broken-ass game, at least. But just because it's not broken doesn't mean it's actually good. Other M isn't technically a broken mess as well and I think we can all agree that game fucking sucked.

I liked it.

>We're talking about TP, not WW
WW was at least fun, somehow still not as easy as TP was, had a great story, great art style, had a lot of personality and atmosphere, and great dungeons.

Reviews mean nothing. I saw EGM giving them a perfect score. It was some of the stuff that got me hyped as fuck but then I played that slow as fuck paced game and hated every bit of it. Really hated. It felt like a backstab

>great dungeons
>Wind Waker

And you tilted your hand.

>insta win QTE button
>it wasn't easier

>great story
Rehash of OoT
>great artstyle
Woo cel-shaded shit, muh comfy blah blah
Oh wow a sea with fuckall to do but rotate the C-stick like a dumbass.
Literally OoT but in water. Even less personality than TP.
>Great dungeons
see pic

>TP will be 10 years old in November
>2006 was a decade ago
>Last year where social media had little relevance and smartphones didn't exist
>Youtube was still good
>Internet culture was still good
>Video games hadn't completely gone downhill yet
>Time still moved normally

It hurts Sup Forums.

Dude, I love Wind Waker, but replaying it recently, I can't help but notice that its dungeons are kind of a joke. They're short, they're easy, the later ones are full of tedious escort filler, and there's not many of them.

>insta win QTE button
Still was harder than TP, which isn't saying much, but that game, for how serious it tried to present itself as, was a fucking joke difficulty-wise.

>Rehash of OoT
It had some familiar story beats but used those same beats to flip it on its head at some parts. Also don't accuse WW of being a rehash of OoT when defending TP, since TP was even worse about it. At least WW actually tried to be different for the most part.

>Woo cel-shaded shit, muh comfy blah blah
Art style was great, still looks just fine today. Probably one of the best, most expressive art styles in vidya. The HD version looks fantastic too.

>Oh wow a sea with fuckall to do but rotate the C-stick like a dumbass.
They could've handled sailing better but it did give the game an adventurous, Age of Exploration vibe to it.

>Literally OoT but in water. Even less personality than TP.
Haha, less personalty than TP. That's funny. Because all TP ever wanted to be was a more grimdark OoT.

>see pic
I still don't get the hate for WW's dungeons.

A lot of The 2D Zelda games are legitimately great. Awakening and the Oracle games are a blast and I have fond memories of Spirit Tracks.

>I hope there's looping music somewhere in the game.
Towns probably still have it.

>It'll probably be there for bigger, important items.
I hope so but it's still gone for smaller stuff which really bothers me.

>No, there's definitely enough changes there for it to definitely be an essential rehaul of the combat mechanics.
It's still mash buttons at retarded AI though. It's flashier due to variety and what not but the core is still casual Zelda.


When has Zelda not mash buttons?

It's not that bad. You just have to find channels that have worthwhile content. As for everything else, no one's forcing you to use a smartphone.

Just stop whining already about the past

In what way are TP and OoT's plots even remotely similar?
I mean, Zora's domain gets frozen in both, I guess.

Yep, it was a good game too.

>In what way are TP and OoT's plots even remotely similar?
Maybe not so much in the way of plot, but the entire game is otherwise a rehash of OoT. It's probably the least original 3D Zelda game.

A lot of classic tunes are subtle and hidden in the game. The jingle plays when you collect a rune.

You mean because it uses locations from ALttP?
Or because Link rides a horse?

WW is literally OoT: sailing edition

fuck off babby

Yeah, I totally remember that time OoT Link turned into a wolf and then went snowboarding with Yetis.
That flying city in the sky? Classic OoT.
And who could forget OoT's dark world with heavy use of abstract geometic symbols and digitally distorted audio design?

>when literally no other game has tried to implement even a small fraction of them separately, let alone combined.

The jingle just isn't the same man and this guy isn't addressing that this is the first Zelda that is devoid of music frequently.

It's literal objective fact that 3D Zeldas have gotten progressively worse to date. SS is the worst, TP is the second worst, ect.

Be glad. It means we're finally free of modern Zelda's weird obsessive habit of explaining to you how a key works every time you pick one up.

Good argument.

WW was garbage, nostalgiafag.

I swear, Sup Forums is more and more infested with GCbabbies everyday whose first Zelda was WW

What's Link's secret identity?

He's an interloper

Look man, if you're unironically going to claim that WW was somehow worse than either TP or SS, you're either a blatant shitposter or a person suffering with some atrocious opinions. Or maybe you're just a furry.

I'd say it's on par with them.

I'm not glad because that popup is still present but without the nice music and most importantly the accompanying animation.

I enjoyed TP more than WW. Get over yourself, fag.

>there are people in this thread that played the Wii version of TP instead of the superior GC version

Let's see

WW has worse gameplay than TP
WW has worse dungeons than TP
WW has worse overworld than TP
WW has worse items than TP
WW has worse combat than TP

>b--but muh colors and muh comfy!!
Fuck you.

Exactly, less waiting, streamlines. And then every key after that doesn't even get that useless text box.

It's sad it took over 20 years for them to figure this out.

WW had music and sailing and lots of exploration, making it objectively better than TP and SS.

WW's gameplay, combat, and items were better than TP.
Deku leaf shits on anything in TP and sailing is better than epona.

WW's combat is also objectively harder that TP which was just brain dead.

WW has a way better atmosphere and character, face the facts.

Nintendo power wasnt afraid to put exclusives in their places though. I recall some games getting really hammered

>QTE to win is better than TP's combat


Man, I didn't know TP didn't have music. That's pretty crazy that I've never noticed that. Wow.