This is literally the best total war to date, prove me wrong

This is literally the best total war to date, prove me wrong.


>waaahhh i cant get games for free

4 factions, 1 DLC.


It's an unbalanced mess

>Vampire Counts and Chaos don't have ranged shitters and can easily be kited
>Bretonnia is a mess and is clearly inferior to all the other races
>Empire and Dorfs are the same except Dorfs have higher quality units at the expense of unit size and the lack of cavalry
>Orks have a bunch of useless and redundant units

>4 extreme different factions with varied units and lords vs 100 of the same faction with the same units

Bretonnia is half a faction right now.
Armor needs a nerf.

I'd rather have these 5 factions than 20 of Shogun 2's factions where you have the exact same roster except some people get some earlier. Same thing with cultures in Rome 2 and Attila. Everyone within a culture has the same shit, and overall everything is very samey.

>getting kited as vamps
You must be shit at Total War
One point i will agree with, but Bretonnia is for cucks anyway
>Empire and Dorfs are the same
>Orks have a bunch of useless units
Such as?

While having 4 varied factions isn't necessarily bad. It needs fucking more options than starting at the same point or location every game. Unit variety is great but you need quantity too.

it's pretty good so far, have to admit.

>kiting the two most mobile factions in the game
sorry to hear you suck

>Bretonnia is a mess and is clearly inferior to all the other races
No shit, it's unfinished. It's coming out as FreeLC.

>Empire and Dorfs are the same except Dorfs

>Orks have a bunch of useless and redundant units

There's mods for that, senpai.


>you need quantity too.
There is mods that add units
>more options
there are two lords per faction allowing for slightly different playstyles. Also im pretty sure there are mods that let you start at different locations.

There is a mod for that but its sometimes buggy. When you start in an alternative location, make sure to check if victory conditions are updating or else you might not be able to get a legit finish.

That mod should be made official and polished up because I want to do co-op Chaos and have more Empire-units starting factions.

Where are these mods?

Ah, that sucks.

>I want to do co-op Chaos and have more Empire-units starting factions.
Kislev soon, user. I hope ;_;

On the Steam Workshop, tard.

This is a retarded reason, i do not own the game nor do i intend on buying it but saying the game is bad because i cant pirate it is not right.

Game seems good but i dont like Total War so my opinion does not matter, Dwarves are cool though.


Literally who gives a fucking shit about Bretonnia? It took Games Workshop 14 fucking years for Bretcucks to get an actual edition update of their own. Once they were given that, they had to come to the realization and find out that their faction got anally fucking raped and annihilated by the Skaven on the same edition that took more than a decade to be released.

You should be glad CA even gave that faction some credence.

Fuck the steam workshop I hate using that.

>Bretonnia is for cucks anyway

Steam Workshop, its call the Legendary Lord Starting Position. It splits the 4 factions into 8 locations. Each lord has their own starting position.

Might find it on the TW Center forums then

Sorry you have autism, user.


Lore of Death nerf when?

So what race do you think they will add next?
>Tomb Kings
>Wood Elves

when wood elves get added this will not only be the best total war game ever, but the best game overall

First game I ever refunded on steam or anywhere.

Vamp-chan will never raise you from the dead and make you do her every bidding. That's why.

I'm so fucking bad at those games, it's not even funny anymore despite playing them ever since Shogun. I know how the mechanics work in theory, but for some reason I can't work with them properly. In every campaign I start, there's always some bullshit. Either I run out of money, or some random faction shows up at my doorstep with five stacked armies and declares war. I can't wrap my head around how to play this shit.

Is there an idiot-proof way to make money and maintain control in this game?

>those tits
no thanks


Bretonnia is unfinished

VC has a fuckload of fliers to balance out the lack of ranged, KAYOSS has outriders which are great

>Empire and Dorfs are the same except for this very important difference

Goblins are cheaper, Orks don't break as easily, it's a tradeoff

Full Bretonnia is next

Other races will come in expansions. Elves are probably next

Got a question about the gameplay.

When you do a research, or make a building, either of which provide a bonus to a type of unit, do units of that type already out in the field get that benefit?

I remember in Shogun 2, if you built something like a master armorer or weaponsmith, only units built at that province *after* the building had been built would get the upgrades, so any units you'd made beforehand could never get the bonus. It always annoyed me and I'm wondering if it carried over for this game. So far I haven't taken the chance to compare two units of the same type built before and after such a research or building, so I can't tell.

If its a rank bonus no, but any other benefit such as +melee damage or whatever is applied instantly iirc

>warhammer game
>blood is dlc

What else where you expecting from Sega/CA

You can retrain your troops in that area to get any new bonuses

What's better, Spearmen or Halberds?
They both serve the same purpose of killing cav and monsters, although Halberds have armor piercing and Spearmen have shields

>all this poorfag butthurt

spearmen have higher defense and charge

Shield spears are better against unarmored, Halberds against armored.

I go for a mix unless I know exactly what the army will be fighting. In pure dps the spears are better.

Gyrocopter's are shit, are they ever going to be buffed?

They got slightly buffed in that last patch.

Still shit, though.

it's easier than ever in this game, you can leave provinces unhappy for a long time before any rebellions happen and there's no food to worry about

you can just focus on growth and gold buildings in all provinces except the capital which is where you want your unit production happening

I hope they add more legendary units for the factions at some point. I can't get my Empire fix without a Marienburg landship.

How do you do that?

>Bretonnia is a mess and is clearly inferior to all the other races

sounds like its true to the TT then

why is that a thing?

Because Marienburg is fucking crazy and has more money than they know what to do with.

I haven't played in a while, but I remember the heroes were way too tanky and spells didn't scale to unit size

Did they fix either of these problems?

I just want muh Squig DLC pack with Skarsnik and all the crazy variants

Also I hope they eventually add the forgeworld monsters to the game like pic related and the Dread Saurian

We need more interesting factions for DLC first.

Wood elves (I want Dark Elves, but everyone points out they aren't even on that continent) would be a start.

I'm waiting for third age mod version of this. the game is really unbalanced.

>Full campaign modpacks

Pick one user. This game suffers from what DOOM 4 is suffering with.

Medieval 1 still exists so no

Honestly I'd be happy if they just gave alternate end game scenarios to the chaos stacks

Like chaos armies still come down every onces in a while but getting to also end up with Mannfred leading a great host to reikland or Grimgor starting a proper waagh to kill everyone

Beastmen confirmed

Denuvo only restricts exe modification, and TheThird Age didn't modify the exe, now did it?

I like the online in total war and this one looks to have a really bad one. It's just sniping generals with magic the game.

It has nothing to do with Denuvo, fag.

It's shitty publishers pushing their shitty practices by withholding proper mod support.

If you can make custom races and custom DOOM maps why would you buy the DLC?

Vampire counts are the most OP faction in the game right now.


Or creating and releasing the tools required simply isn't worth investing the large amount of resources required. CA released a proper map editor in Shogun 2 and how many mods utilized it? One. Did that one mod bring in loads of customers to offset the cost of developing the map editor. Absolutely fucking not.

gotta go fast

You can literally BTFO them if you have good missile units. Killing their lord lowers their morale so much that they begging to crumble. VC is strong but kill their lord and its only a matter of time before they get wiped out due to crumbling. This is why VC lords have passive healing and healing magic.

>muh denuvo boggeyman

total war hasn't been fully modable since medieval 2

A few good missile units wont save your from a vampire deathstar.

What are archers going to do when they're getting fucked by spooky undead hounds and bats? Whos going to kill your Vampire Lord when he's the best Lord killer, can regenerate, can heal, and can summon a wall of zombies to stop any flank or charge on him?

VC is incredibly good if you aren't some retard trying to hammer and anvil like it's M2

The only fault I could find was when besieging an enemy settlement and trying to starve them out, the enemy and their allie's agents would come and assault my army each turn causing an unreasonable amount of damage to my army.
Even if I broke the siege and fled, the agents would pursue and obliterate my army in a matter of turns.

I thought, fair enough, I'll just counter their agents with my own. Nope. Even with a 70% chance or higher my agents never succeeded with enough reliability to make it worthwhile.

So I decided that I wouldn't suffer such a retarded gameplay glaw and promptly edited the base files to remove agents abilities entirely. They still exist and run around the map, but they can't do anything. I've never been happier.

>Want to put my lord on a dragon
>this is an invitation for super sniper artillery to take off half his health instantly

I hate that this game punishes you for riding monsters when you aren't named Karl

>The best lord killer
>Not a duelist

Nice one, vampire fag.

>implying your duelist will stand a chance after losing half of their health to spirit leech before even making contact

I want more factions. Beat it as dwarves and humans, and those were relatively fun, but the other factions are meh. Vampires feel like they have a ton of redundant units and magic seems meh. I don't have much interest in orcs period, same with chaos. More factions WHEN?

We'll find out in 3 days

>Spirit leech does half health before they engage
>They engage
>Mannfred isn't a duelist so despite even the full half-health bar advantage, he still gets curb stomped

Thanks for playing, better luck next time!

I've been limiting agents to 3 a faction since Rome 2.

It's the most tedious and antifun mechanic ever added to a fucking game.

>Whos going to kill your Vampire Lord when he's the best Lord killer,

Balthasar Gelt

also X2 Luminarch literally 1 shot any lord. As VC you basically fight without your lord because the moment he gets close he dies and your whole army crumbles.

>spirit leech
>turn around
>wait 10 seconds
>spirit leech again
>any Lord in the game is now dead
Wow it's so hard playing VC. You can't just attack move and watch the game play itself. What a stupid shit faction.

>Mannfred isn't a duelist so despite even the full half-health bar advantage, he still gets curb stomped

Actually Mannfred with leech kills every legendary lord except Gelt, Azhag, and Archaon.

Mainly because those 3 can throw DOT spells right back.


What units are good? Their lack of missile units confuses me.

Grave Guard and Wight Kings, flanked by dire wolves and fell bats for anti arty and ranged. Toss in Vargeists and Vargulfs for heavy hitters.

Any leader spells that should be focused on, or should I focus mostly on enhancing my army?

>actually using Luminarchs

lol wut

That depends. I run a Blood Knight army with super heavy Vampires that wade into combat against entire units while Grave Guard soak up pressure, then run skeletons arouns the main line to flank. This is all while Bats and Dogs run deep and destroy arty systems and pester ranged units. When I see a weak point in the enemy line I rush in my Vargulf who clobbers the enemy line and panics them. I dont like spells, personally, and mostly just have Nehek going

Crypt Horrors are beastly. They fuck shit up.

Are those black coaches or whatever useless then?

Luminarchs are breddy gud now.

each shot does something like 4000 damage to monsterous creatures. You kill Vargulfs in one shot.

2 luminarchs will salvo any single unit in the game, giant, terrorgheist, whatever.

I think the only 2 units that can survive 3 Luminarch shots are Franz and Archaon

Siege battles are ass.

Awful. Skeleton Warriors charge would do more damage than a Black Coach charge. They were buffed in the last patch, but I'm still hesitant.

Kinda surprised how auto resolve can carry you through most shit.

Kind of silly the toppest top end super unit for several factions are ass. Empire has the same problem with their lumis.

Huntsmarshal hero actually senpai

As the FreeLC to coincide with the beastmen perhaps. CA said that the next DLC was significantly larger in scope than the blood DLC, and a single hero certainly does not match that description.

Lumis were buffed and their other top end units are good to OP. Demigriffs were nerfed because of how OP they were. Both variants could 1v1 any unit and win outside of lords/heroes before the patch. I don't know if they can still do that now, but they're still good.

Less tactics more micro. Battles are fast as fuck and over in 3 minutes.

Health bars for units are shit in ttw. Seing your guys repeatedly get up after being hit by a canon ball is ridiculous.

Bland as fuck campaign.

i can't play it because im poor as fuck and refuse to get a job so it's bad because i say so

on Rome 1 I always went for auto-resolve unless I was totally outnumbered and I could get through my whole campaign just fine
It isn't even that hard to turtle in a map, and while you lose, you can do x2 the number of casualties you get

I'd say that's the case for most of the TW games I've played extensively (RTW, RTW2 and NTW)

I love TW, don't get me wrong, but once you get the hang of it, it starts to get kinda boring imo

Demigryphs can't 1v1 blood knights, and they couldn't 1v1 high end halberd/anti armor units to begin with (chosen with halberd, hammerer).

They still massacre all monstrous, all cav except blood knights, and all infantry without charge defense/halberds.

>4 factions
This meme, I swear to god.
It's actually 4 RACES, warhammer games always had 1 race, the human race.
There is actual difference this time.

>We want the base game to be PEGI18