2 crooked cops are aiming their gun at you from 5 ft away. They're telling you to stop resisting although you dindu nuffin.
You are the last character that you played.
How fucked are you?
2 crooked cops are aiming their gun at you from 5 ft away. They're telling you to stop resisting although you dindu nuffin.
You are the last character that you played.
How fucked are you?
Other urls found in this thread:
Doomguy. Pretty much fucked.
>although you dindu nuffin
It's a sin to tell a lie.
>john marston
odds are pretty high that I did do something if cops are aiming their guns at me, guess I'll do what any normal person should do and respect my local law enforcement
my nelf resto drood
i shadowmeld and blink away
get fucked lmao
John Marston
Stop using that word
>pursued by an aroused dog
What the fuck kind of game is this
Phantom Pain
Not using reflex mode since I'm not s filthy casual.
Not wearing armor.
Venom can take some hits so I could probably rubber bullet their faces in before I get put down.
Better plan might be to have DDog maul one of the pigs then shoot the other when they panic.
Battlefield 4 Russian Assault. I'm good.
I'm fucking dead
I have no idea but we should all probably preorder the remaster
So I guess I'd be the Commander. I guess my only way out is to hope that my squad can actually hit their fucking 95% shots.
>Played as DIO in MUGEN
I can take 'em.
My glistening katana will slice through those filthy Nanban traders like a fish through water.
I'm Adolf Hitler. Once they realize it's me, they will kneel.
>literally fucked
>posts porn
Are you fucking autistic?
I'm fucked
Dark souls. Am I fucked?
those poor cops.
this is probably the dumbest scenario one can come up with, if you're a black guy and you decide to chimp out when a cop pulls you over after you stole from the local store, you will most likely get killed.
I think I was...Fredrick and Maribelle. I think we'll be alright.
Also, kill white cops.
Yeah I think a couple of bullets would be no sweat
As my beginner F&S char I'm fucked
I chug my Bonk and wananana out of there
>played Devil Daggers
Well I'm going to die as soon as a light breeze touches me, so I may as well shoot them with my fingers.
Dude, just fucking right click to send them sprawling through the air.
My character in ARMA 3 Life.
I come across this situation in game quite often. I would just run in a serpentine fashion and it would be quite impossible to hit me, as usual.
Thanks ARMA hit detection!
>Plague Knight
I'm good.
They can't do anything.
I think i'll be okay
* they are
>playing hearthstone
>sap guns
>teleport behind them
>Back stab them
>Nothin personnel kid
What caliber is a cop's handgun, again?
Yeah, I'll probably be fine.
yo me too
>Female Pandaren Rogue
I think I'll be fine.
>5 man rez
>Kill Assist: Trayvon Martin
>Kill Assist: Alton Sterling
Is that Saitama
who would've thought that violated heroine would be reborn through bethesda games?
What's going on here
>Lucas Kane
I'm pretty much the matrix, I'll be fine.
>Culter Dei operative
I can't break the cycles, but i sure as hell can break their legs.
salty coins and milk
I'll be fine. I know a decent defense attorney.
Why the fuck are you playing Indigo Prophecy?
I thought I had some pictures of hotsuma around here somewhere but I don't
I can just literally "teleports behind u and instantly kills u with my superior nipponese katana" them so I'm basically fine
however i'd probably die shortly thereafter because of the sword eating my life away
Decked out hammerdin on D3. I'm basically a God that can't die.. at least by gunfire. I would shield glare and then tie em up. Probably mess with em for awhile before deciding if I should kill em or not.
Because I never played it before it's fucking hilarious
The dragon from Peggle. I've got my special. I shoot a fireball at one, it banks off a pillar and hits the other, then Beethoven starts playing triumphantly.
It's the "So bad it's good" of videogames amirite?
Earth Defense Force 2.
Police can't stop the Air Raider Master Race.
I'm OK.
>Brad, from Lisa
I figure I'll end up killing at least 20 of them before finally succumbing to my wounds
My fallout 4 character. I'm at that point where I'm already as strong as a natural disaster so I'm not fucked at all.
suka blyat!
Depends on whose writing
>Xcom 2 Rookie.
I make a break for it and hope they miss their overwatch reaction shots.
You'll then turn into a blob and continue your murder spree, unable to feel any pain
except the pain on the inside
>Don't Touch Anything, Please
So I don't do anything for a few minutes and I succeed?
[Privilege checking intensifies]
>the president of the united states
ill be fine i think
theyre cops, you should kill them. not a hard choice
I'd just axii them and tell them I dindu nuffin
I'm good.
You should be fine, they'll only have a 5% chance of hitting.