"SFV is a masterfully crafted game. I sincerely enjoy it." - Daigo "The Beast" Umehara

>"SFV is a masterfully crafted game. I sincerely enjoy it." - Daigo "The Beast" Umehara

What did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


Daigo's a sellout

Though I like the game, the guy hasnt been relevant in years. He's like Pelé talking about soccer nowadays.

>I like SF5 because Ryu is top tier and capcom dumped a bunch of money into tournaments

>500000 bison bucks have been transfered to your account

was imagining him chugging a Pitch Black after that quote.

People need to get over his SF3 parries.

Guy is a has been.

With SF5 the genre gets drawn back into abyss it was in pre 09.

SF4 despite its flaws was actually a very good game.
SF5 absolutely isnt.

All you doubters will repent when Lord Daigo wins EVO on Sunday.

Daigo is still Daigo. Every athletes has their peak moment. No one can remain the king for so long.
He still has a fuckton of experience in this domain, even if he's not the champ anymore.

Top 8?
Very likely

Winning it all?

Wanted to quote

he is saying such things to sell his book

source on that quote?
Also check my 9

>Guy is a has been.
-anonymous never-beens on a chinese cartoon image board

The whole series is garbage. Every other fighter is better.

>the guy hasnt been relevant in years
Nigga, he was in the grand finals of Capcom Cup 2015.

Daigo is cute!!

>it's like real money!
>It just works!

This. He was also what, top 5 at CEO?

I like how just because he hasn't been getting in first recently people automatically call him a has-been. He's still one of the best players in the world.

The base game is actually one of the best Street Fighter games ever made. However, the way it was handled was so out of the galaxy stupid that it has marred an otherwise great game.

SF5 is worse than 4 but 4 was not good either

FADC and focus alone ruin it, risk/reward and footsies are absolutely fucked as a result of both

>Sup Forums cherry picks words from interviews from first impressions of SFV
>more interviews now and the pros say they like it, nothing to cherry pick from
>pssh, they're washed up, who cares what they have to say?

Isn't he like, not that relevant anymore?

Anyway SFV is fine. The outrage over a lack of story mode in a fighting game is fucking idiotic.

>"Im getting paid off by capcom/sony"
glad to be of help user

Preface of one of his books

No it isn't, the base game is the worst part.

Most people can get over stupid shit like no story mode. People can't get over the fact that the game is so watered down and simplified and designed with shitters in mind to the point that only a single playstyle is viable and every character plays the same or is garbage.

It set out to be a simple old style fundamental game, something it deserves credit for. However, it is just designed badly.They were so scared of making the game too complex that they made a game with no complexity at all.

I mean fuck, you can't even play a real shoto game without some faggot instantly shitting on you for daring to actually try to attempt a zoning/anti air game with his dedicated anti-fireball/teleports behind you move that literally 90% of the cast has.

It's just so poor. Without a major rework of how the game is fundamentally designed it is just never going to improve either, there's just not enough there to work with. I think the new characters show that very well.

>privately bitches about how slow iv is for years
>v is even slower, and tweaks the game even further away from the quickly reseting rock/paper/scissors daigo likes
>suddenly claims to love it
Checks in the mail Daigo.

Except in this case it's long cashed, the book came out in nipponland 5 years ago.

"Thanks for the money, Capcom."


not to mention the input lag makes it harder to anti air, period. The only difficulty the game presents is artificial difficulty.

They aimed to make the game less about vortexing, so instead they gave 80% of the cast a bunch of bullshit mixups that are 50/50s or even worse, 66/33s

This little chinese boy isn't going to win anything anymore

His days are long gone

>SF4 despite its flaws was actually a very good game.
>SF5 absolutely isnt.

Surprisingly true. The bullshit that was 4 (rewarding you for taking a beating, FADC get out of jail free, ettc) was somehow better than a FG distilled to its basic elements without the gimmicks.

Daigo on V's bullshit blockstun
>As a result, a game is less fun if it promotes defensive play style–because they are given less time to push buttons.
>He suggested that a fighting game should promote play-making, for example, by limiting how many times you can block (10 times) or escape a throw (5 times) and reducing timer from 99 seconds to 40-50 seconds per round.

Great post, thanks for your contribution.

I am interested to hear more though. What was incorrect about the post? Are you denying that the entire metagame revolves around simple frametraps and throws? Are you denying that every single viable character plays in that style and excels at it? Are you denying that zoning and defensive play is completely and utterly nonfunctional and deliberately so? Are you denying that okizeme is almost entirely absent outside of meaty setups and maybe some cross unders if you're lucky?

Daigo honestly isn't even the best when it comes to the pro player scene. Gets his ass kicked all the time, I'd go as far as to say Tokido and Alex Valle have surpassed him.

One meme moment at EVO over a decade ago and people still think he's the entire face of competitive SF. Still like SFV tho.

lol you're so passive agressive the reddit is leaking out of you.

What a fucking sellout, either that or he's just blowing smoke up everybody's ass. This game is legitimately the worst SF game ever made. If you disagree you're either a shill or a scrub, plain and simple

A pretty sad attempt to salvage your stupidity, don't waste your time replying again, because you won't get another from me.

t. bronze



SFV isn't a fighting game distilled to its basic elements. There are many genuinely good games that do that. SFV is just bad. That's all there is to it. If anything its problem is that it leaves out so many basic elements entirely and is just an incomplete experience.

How would you fix it, user-san?

You have no clue of what you're talking about

Fireballs are still strong in this game because they're still free space control, you have to adjust the range you throw them, but i don't know why I'm wasting my time talking about a fighting game on Sup Forums it's just s bunch of armchair theorists talking nonsense



>person criticizes a game they think is not fun and a downgrade from the gam ebefore

sf5 shills are truly the most cancerous

>muh zoning
get pooped on beeflord

What elements are missing? Whiff punishing is weaker due to input lag but once that gets fixed it's a lot easier to deal with

It's always funny watching SF4 dick riders to try and explain why SFV is bad because most of the time they have nothing besides muh focus attack

SF5 is too casual to take seriously. Removing the 1 frame links was the worst thing to happen to street fighter.

>Fireballs are still strong in this game because they're still free space control
No they are not, not at all. They are objectively slower with much more recovery than usual, and almost every character has a move SPECIFICALLY made to render them ineffective. Some characters like Nash have multiple, who also ironically is probably the only character who CAN actually throw a fireball without taking his life in his hands every time he does.

Fireballs are nerfed to hell in 5. I dread to think what Sagat will be like when he's released. Not even Guile could bring genuine zoning into SF5.


Lol this. I refunded this shit anyway after experiencing this godawful unfinished product for an hour

If you arent proficient at the game, you don't have anything useful to say. Mjaority of Sup Forums sucks at fighters, let alone more casual toned down ones just for them like SFV, but they would never admit they can't climb out of bronze in SFV because it would hurt their pride, so they just namedrop SF3 or maybe GG like its some get out of jail card.

The most hilarious thing is everyone now saying SF4 was so good when it obviously fucking wasnt. As barebones as it is, SFV is much better than SF4.

Just make a fucking fighting game without clearly being petrified of it being 'inaccessible' and deliberately neutering the fuck out of everything as a result.

Look at shit like Akatsuki Blitzcampf, doesn't get much more basic than that. And yet, it is better than SF5 is pretty much every way from a gameplay perspective AND managed to be more accessible at the same time, despite having a similar design philosophy.

There was nothing wrong with SFV's core concept. The problem was simply that the designers didn't make a very good game.

However, because it's Street Fighter, people literally cannot accept this, because as we all know Capcom has never made a bad Street Fighter game. Nope. Not at all.

or this lmao

I got to rank 107 by the end of the Beta. I played it 8 hours a day every day in the final beta or whatever.

I thought to myself "maybe it'll be better when the game releases"

I played it for 80 hours before making a decision, and decided it fucking sucked.

But shitters on Sup Forums like who've probably never even played against pros in tournaments will talk shit saying "HURR BET UR BRONZE XD LINK CFN "

I understand that 99% of Sup Forums can't even do balrogs BNB in 4 but that doesn't mean ranking should be the argument.

>tighten up input buffer
>further lower the amount of option selects
>run game at 1.5x speed
>dramatically lower the silly hit/blockstun
>put i-frames back in the reversals they were stripped out of
>remove comeback meter, make v-ism work closer to the alpha games
>guard crush mechanic
>2 frame throws, but bigger tech window can stay
>put chip ko's back in, quickstand and no long lasting ex moves fixes this problem
There are a few things about V I like:
>no more get out of jail free fadc, read or die
>v trigger is less terrible than ultras, causes much less ST style 'he has meter, have to respect it and change my entire play'
>less 50/50 setups (always an overblown problem)

So why are fireballs still thrown in top level matches constantly? Why is it absolutely necessary to have a horizontal fireball in V to be good if fireballs are ass and v skills make them useless? Oh right, they're not weak and still provide space control for free.

Fireballs are weak if you're just trying to play super turbo and keep them out, but if you use them as intended( to lock people down) they're still good

But I don't expect much from a "muh zoning" shitter

Combo execution is a meme, nice try though

guilty gear is a more technically accomplished fighter though, this is a fact

Hes been gettin top 8 at almost every major he has went this year, hes easily between the best 10 players in the world now

No, it's pretty distilled. There are few gimmicks aside from V triggers/skills. A special bar is pretty standard and has been for quite some time. The game is actually fighting one another, not seeing who can mash a light attack into an ultra or who can play the most defensive with parries like previous entries. It simply isn't done properly and its uninteresting.

will I get banned for doing this shit


Theres absolutely nothing about fa that ruin footsies, as the game ended up being one of the most footsie heavy games ever, even more than ST

I'm sorry we must be watching very different high level matches.

Can you link me a single match in any tournament at all in which a player successfully walls off a player with fireballs and wins the round doing so, in a similar way to what you would see a Sagat or Guile player do in another Street Fighter game? I genuinely don't think you can because it simply doesn't work.

I think I understand what you might mean, Nash players using fireballs to deny space to cover their dash in or bait very bad players into jumping at them. I guess that is a use for fireballs, but Nash is kind of a special case there. Ryu and Ken for example cannot really afford to do so at all. They gain virtually nothing from the fireball due to the huge recovery and many characters can punish them for doing so, even fullscreen.

Nonetheless, I do accept what you're talking about is a kind of zoning, but it doesn't change the fact that zoning as a playstyle has been literally removed from SFV, reduced to a situational tool to work your way in to play the same game as every other character for a minority of characters in the roster.


He said the same about sf4, specifically that he wanted guard breaks. Its interesting that such a lame player wants these changes

Jiyuna's translated tips from Daigo about Karin v Ryu even said that you have to throw fireballs to get her to stop filling space with buttons that Ryu doesn't have the means to contest with so you can dash/jump in. Which is what Phenom correctly said V is about. Less footsies/zoning more getting in and pressuring.

Doubt it. Capcom is pretty incompetent when it comes to things like these. I mean it took them 3-4 months to ban those ragequitters in the top of the leaderboard, and they still haven't fixed the real issue with ragequitting.

Also about 5% of PC users have the one million FM achievement. I can bet my left nut that none of them achieved that without mods/trainers. And now that the PS4 way is out there too, I'm sure shitloads of people will do it too. Capcom's not gonna ban all these people playing their game. Maybe they will try to find a way to rollback that FM but then again it's capcom. They're incompetent.

You've practically sold me on this game, but Ill wait until after evo to decide, I lack the free time to dedicate at the moment


Will Redbull make me handsome like it did for Bonchan?

>Bob Sapp still hasn't gone full Highlander on Umehara

This doesn't really contradict what I said at all, if anything it confirms it.

There is no thinking in SFV, there is no multiple playstyles or making your character your own. You get in, you frametrap, you throw, or you bait a throw tech. Then you do your meaty setup/safejump if you're lucky and do it again. That's the whole game. Doesn't matter who you're playing. That's why it's bad. Utterly brainless.

You think I'm gonna play 2000+ matches against that AI for some colors? Fuck that.

if SFV was so casual, why are all the 09ers getting exposed left and right while the vets are still making top placings?

>there are people here who can't enjoy multiple fighting games series

>6 years isn't enough to be respectable
Not everyone started at the Golfland arcade user

Because SF4 was an ultra fraudulent game depending on who you played and allowed people who couldn't actually play fighting games to win if they played retarded characters like Fuerte or Viper. Fundamentals always stay with you, it's no surprise that the players who could actually play fighting games rather than rinse stupid shit in SF4 continued to do well.

Infil is an 09er and he's the best in the fucking world. He himself said the game lacked depth and was boring as all shit. sfv shills getting desperate

the players winning now are the same players who were winning at 4, outside of Americans. On top of that, all the American OGs got bodied and now are the subject of jokes (I.E. Graham Wolfe, Art)

But Infiltration is an 09er and literally plays nothing but training mode and netplay.

So you need solid fighting game fundamentals without gimmicks to be good at SFV?

>mfw Keoma and 801 Strider are irrelevant now that they don't have Abel step kick faggotry


Yes I think that's mostly fair to say, it is a fundamental game, just a very bad one with no real depth to it. The only common mixup in the game is a basic throw mixup and frametraps, which are about as fundamental as it gets. Again, the problem is that it oversimplified it and neutered many of the interesting elements of fundamentals outside of that.

only problem is that wakeup should be an instant roll without a 50/50 mixup every time

also delete karin and replace with a good rekka character

and I'd like some more pokes for le footsies

>people actually want 1f links

LOL fucking faggot nerds

poor tokido has been cucked by infil 10x previous to this, it was a pity win kek

Probably not but if you do the trick to make all the DLC costumes free I bet your ass gets banned.

>those parries
>pity win

I like that Tokido finally broke the chain, it was an exciting moment. So many people counted him out when they saw it was another Infil vs Tokido GF

Exactly retard, infil was playing him soft and knew he was being set into those parry traps and that's why he let him win. funny how you think 1 win = exposed, i expect tokido to get raped by infil at evo

>SF game comes out
>gets updated

Every time. You niggers will be singing praises after capcom cup once the balance update happens.

Is SFV good for newcomers? I only played SF2, not experienced at fightans.

I was so excited to get in on the ground floor of this game. FADC, Ultra, and all that other bullshit game. Just a pure fighting game.

Then wham. It's dull and boring.

So fucking mad, I thought I'd found the game I was going to be playing for years to come.

How likely is a fighting game sale during EVO days?

>infiltration was pretending to be retarded!

I'm pretty sure they were both playing their best and Tokido won a good match.


Best girl for beginners comes out next month as well.

Are you implying Juri is good for beginners?