What's the best fighting game to play if I want to learn the genre?

What's the best fighting game to play if I want to learn the genre?

I've never played one before. I kinda want Street Fighter V but I'm reluctant to spend so much on something I might hate.

If you want to play SFV just start with that.

Play Capcom vs SNK 2.

mortal kombat 4

I mean, SFV is about as easy as it gets, there's a fuckton of resources for it, and the most important thing for learning a fighting game - an active player base.

All fighting games have differences and nuances, so you might as well start with the one you want to learn.

Not MVC2

You are a terrible human being if you recommend someone early access scam 5.

Skullgirls' tutorial mode is pretty impressive.

>What's the best fighting game to play if I want to learn the genre?
None. Fighting games are an exercise in frustration and simply not fun. They're simply not worth the time and effort to even get halfway decent to actually enjoy them.

don't post my gf without her permission, punk

it's $30 on G2A, pretty fair price :^)

One of the more recent games that have really in depth tutorials. Like Killer Instinct or Skullgirls.

15 would be a fair price.

Play the game you want to play, every game is different mechanically and you can pick up basic fundamentals from playing just about any of them.

Yeah I say either SG or SFV. SG goes on sale for dirt cheap all the time so if you're worried about not liking the genre it would be a good pick. SFV is simpler than SG but then you have to pay full price for an incomplete game. If you don't mind that though go for SFV, it's definitely easier.

Is KI still free on the windows store? If so that could be good too.

She is 5th worst girl of her series

>I've never played one before.
How well do you take losing?

As far as I know, yeah. But you only get one character that changes each week.

It's not like SFV's incomplete gameplay-wise. It's not a 10/10 for gameplay (though I still think it's quite good), but at least that part is fucking finished at least.

Guilty Gear Xrd series has the best 2D fighter tutorial, but it's probably one of the harder games to get into overall. Blazblue as well despite being "easier" (not really).

I get pissed off but I also recognize that it's necessary and inevitable

This, if its your first fighter be prepared to lose a lot unless your playing someone as shitty as you then you lose about half the time.


Guilty Gear

>8f lag

SFV, but if you REALLY want to learn the genre, expect to grind it out to start to get good. Thankfully there is alot of guides out there, but getting into fighting games can take a bit if you want to play serious.

Casually though? SFV is still a good choice, but really you can play some CPS2/NeoGeo fights just to play around in the genre. You don't have to hop right into what everyone is playing. Playing the CPU is booty, but again if it is exposure you want before really taking a plunge (which you should do if you never played one before), you should play some older stuff.

Shit that is easy to emulate and get you learning stuff:
Street Fighter Alpha 2/3, SF3rd Strike for Street Fighter
KOF 98/2k2 for King of Fighters
Older Guilty Gears (x2 onwards is easy to find, I think one is one Steam?), BlazBlue for "serious" Anime fighters

Really just tell people to explore shit, there is all sorts of fun fighters to just god damn enjoy, like World Heroes, Samurai Shodown, Last Blade, old VS games, Darkstalkers, etc. Reading stuff online helps you to understand fundamentals too.

I feel like nash is the worst offender when it comes to the 8 frames shit his forward dash is straight retarded. The only character I can consistently beat nash's with is guile because flashkick deals with jumping/vtrigger shit and you can't dash through my barrage of boom's and he can't out fireball me.

When's Darkstalkers 4?

Just try to have a good mentality and you'll be fine. A lot of people get discouraged because losing isn't like in MOBAs where you can just blame your teammates. The flipside though is that you feel fucking hot as shit when you win with some type of amazing comeback

Nev. Ever

Hopefully never.


Try Pocket Fighter for PS1.

>I kinda want Street Fighter V but I'm reluctant to spend so much on something I might hate.
Then go with whichever fighting game looks best to you, if it's you're first game your not going to get good at it for a while anyway and once you learn the basics they can transfer over to other games

If you want to learn some basics there is Skullgrills, the cancells are easy to perform and doesn't penalize a lot if your inputs are bad.
Then we have Street Fighter, where you have to practice a shitton if you want to perform good combos.
Guilty Gear is more advanced than SF because it has a lot of mechanics that makes the game even more complicated (Yes, it has one of the greatest tutorials in Fighting games) But once you start at the challenges you will see that the game is hard, also you have to be really quick in the execution and precise.
And finally we have the KoF... If you are a newbie in the Fighting Games, try to avoid this game. It is hard as fuck and the combos have to be frame perfect. It's a pretty cool game but people don't enter to this because it's execution


Best girl

They added 4 more characters, 3 stages, story mode, survival, trails, and challenges

The only thing really missing is arcade mode, but in the state it is currently I'd say it's worth a finished game price

Idiots just hate on the "lack of content" now because they dislike sfv in general

any idea on how much it's going to cost? Can't find it anywhere.

And because matchmaking and netcode is still broken.