What video games do Mexicans play?

What video games do Mexicans play?

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Something with shounen

KoF and CoD and whatever else will run on a toaster from 2003


Ball in a cup

KoF, Sonic, Naruto, DBZ, SF

Valve games

My brother was actually from Mexico, and they play fuck tons of fighting games.

Decap Attack

f2p low requirement popular stuff

FIFA,COD and fighting games

Right now, I managed to get AC syndicate for 20 US dollars

Bretty gud, the MC reminds me of Alex from clockwork orange, but less of a little shit.
His sister is boring and obviously there just to pander.

Red Swag coat and top hat best outfit

fuck off spics
you guys already had your thread today

I'm mexican and I play typical white people games

could be because I'm pale and get called nortemexicano by my relatives since I'm super american tho


there are plenty of "white" mexicans, what do you expect when so many spaniards were having sex with the natives there?

also "white" is pretty useless to talk about mexicans- you mean "caucasoid" or "mongoloid" if you want to differentiate between mexicans with more european descent or native descent.

Fighting games, FIFA, racing games, COD (never the recent one, usually 2 games behind), f2p games, Destiny

t. cousin of Mexicans who I visited in Chihuaha this spring

I'm going to TJ this week. Whats a good place to eat?





Same shit as any gringo really.

This is the third time I've seen this thread

I have distant relatives there. They are 100% white

Samba Di Amigo


San Andreas Multiplayer

What's going on in this thread?

depends what Mexicans are you referring to.
I play whatever really, as long as a gane sounds cool and is excited well, I might find myself enjoying it, but only so many ganes grab my attention for longer than a week.

Same shit white people play, including weebshit. Just add unhealthy obsessions of FIFA and GTA V also every Mexican family has a Wii, no exceptions [/spoilers]

Spic here we love gta shooters AAA bullshit and fighting games we also like anime shit

Gears of War

Hey spics better start saving your pesos, walls are expensive.

Kek fucked up the tag. I also try to play older games I may have missed out. I had a 360 last gen and I'm curious to see what kind of games I missed on the PS3. But I keep going back to BO3

who /south america/ here?


I exclusively play PC games despite owning a DS and a 360.

Mostly overwatch but have been playing gta V, TW3, WoW and LoL

Poor people games. Free shit that can run on toasters with shit internet. Also games that aren't very complicated.

>implicando que mexico tiene plata

Balero master race

>tfw living in shitty south American country
>pirating everything and finding good computers for cheap in the black market

>445 games on library plus a few dozen more gog and hb titles
>far more than the average cunt in Sup Forums



They got that drug money.

fuck me

I fucking hate Mexicans. They're either edgy faggots or have 200 ping and shit up whatever they're playing.

Weebshit in my ps4/vita/3ds and pc games

Those are HUEHUE

I always thought those were people from mongolia

Them's Brazilians, dude.

Looked it up and you're retarded so...


as if you niggers were any better

>I always thought those were people from mongolia
It means Asians really.

ben10 on xbox 360

Venezuelan here latin and mexi bros pls send paper

Gears is for morenitos, just like soccer.

Mexicans>Brazilians>getting raped by a goat>Peruvians

Mexican here, I already bought Va11 hall-a

Sent ;)

It's neither you idiots. It was mainly used to refer to downies or something like that.

buen gusto paco

Alguien va a ir?


King of Fighters 1997 on a bootleg SNK arcade machine.
After that they go home and make poorly programmed Orochis to upload to MUGEN.

>of or relating to the broad division of humankind including the indigenous peoples of eastern Asia, Southeast Asia, and the Arctic region of North America.

>tfw immigration calls you

pongan sus mas jugados