Friday the 13th: The game

Im so fucking hype for this! anyone else on the hype train? A youtuber interviewed with the devs and they revealed a shit ton. I'm probably more excited for this game than any other coming out

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Totally not a shill

I think that dead by daylight of took all the hype for this game. Hell, I even thought that dead by daylight was the beta of this.

Dead by Daylight is shit though, i mean the devs don't even care about the hackers.

I love how you thought about the insects who might buy the game

>all those game mechanics mentioned
Fucking cool.

hello marketer how are you yes i am fellow human

Actual attractive women would make it better then Dead by Daylight, which was bitten by the feminist bug and made their female survivors ugly manfaced abominations and their male survivors good looking hunks.

No no, i pay to do it

It's Friday the 13th. There'll probably be a class called the Slut/Party Girl who's whole thing is looking hot and getting naked.

>male survivors
>good looking hunks
More like beta nu-males.

There's also another video that the guy says the devs didn't reach the stretch goal for a hitman like single player for both counselor and jason but they might do it anyway because they have it all down on paper and really want it.
Truth be told the only other goal they might reach from preorders is adding Tommy Jarvis into the game.
>ywn dismember degenerate teens as pamela in space
why live?

The male survivors look like the dictionary definition of hipsters.

Will there be a Jason X skin?

This is important

2,3, 6,7,8,9 and a Tom Savini original will all be at launch. Uber Jason and Jason X maps and kills were on the Kickstarter and the tip top and they got about half of their goals

>you can have a whole team of sluts and just skinny dip in the lake until Jason finds you

seeThey did say they want to put everything that didn't make it as DLC or free updates depending on what it is, which includes Playable Pamela vorhees and Mark who was in a wheelchair in part 2

I'm just glad it got funded it looked like it would never happened but it did

I forgot there was another game being funded alongside this that was shitposted here all the time

It'll be unlockable I bet. Probably a final tier costume

Reminder that Griffith did nothing wrong.

With Tom Savini helping visuals and doing cinematography with Kane Hodder who is doing mocap and Harry Manfredini making original scores for the game, I'm fucking pumped for it

>you can literally play as The Edgy Guy
I think I just found Sup Forums's favorite class

It looks totally awesome but 30 bucks for a multiplayer only game is basically killing it before its out

If you havent seen the videos, the level of detail in this game is retarded. You can knock off Jason's mask or sack, and kill Jason but even in play tests with the devs who know what they are doing it's 1 in 75 of it happening

They're probably adding singleplayer down the road because it wasnt' originally funded but all want to do it
>7 edgy anons vs Jason
wew lad

watched the first video for a few minutes and the gameplay is overdesigned and not natural, just like evolve.

after playing evolve last night i now realize it failed because the game sucks, not because of the way it was launched and dlc and whatnot.

teams of 1 vs many will never, ever be good. it just feels bad to the player to start off with: "why do i have to be alone" or "why are we all against one guy?"

How is this relevant to the thread

shut up retard, this game and dead by daylight are not alike evolve, stop talking about shit you have no idea

>and not natural
nigga literally every mechanic is attached to something from the movies


>shitty movie game a few decades late

Oh so hype


Why did you post memeserk in a thread about Friday 13th vidya gaem

god is anyone getting sick of these Sup Forums post that smack of 13 year olds

like not even any kind of creative or original or funny insult just a little kid literally getting mad

so much of this lately...simple posts from clearly simple minds.

? not sure how that talking about stuff like "Stay on the path to reduce your fear while using flashlight"

the game instead of being open gives you a way you're supposed to play and that restricts the design from the first minute. not optimistic about this

Does she get a run speed bonus for being in her underwear?

>Im so fucking hype for this! anyone else on the hype train?
Haha yes fellow channer! This game looks RADICAL!


Alright Sup Forums who hype levels over 9000 here?

>t rated

And dropped

except you aren't forced to do that, you can win the game with max fear you are just obvious to Jason. that's good game design

>they all beat the shit out of him
>start spamming chat with PSSSH NOTHIN PERSONNEL KID

I backed this since I've been dreaming of a Friday the 13th game since I was 16. Hopefully it's better than Dead by Daylight, but I don't know if it will be. I really like Dead by Daylight.

I wasn't terrible impressed by the world first alpha footage, but it is just alpha footage so I guess I can't be too judgmental. Graphically it looks good at least.

>it's a I watched 3 minutes and didn't bother to read the "we put this together last second and there are place holders" message plebian

Maybe removing clothes makes it easier for other counselors to find you

>it's the game is unfinished meme but let us show you a trailer to generate hype episode

Explain yourself.

You don't need to keep bumping your thread OP, the initial "I'm ironically pretending to be advertising to get idiots to reply" post was sufficient.

The pre alpha looked shit but the early alpha was pretty scripted, including adding abilities you have to unlock and that have a cool down

>t rated
Wait, what?

what trailer did they show? I'd love to see it

I'm hoping we see actual gameplay soon. I don't even think it's going to meet it's October release considering what we've seen.

Looks like utter shite mate.

they literally didn't go with a publisher just to avoid that and have full nudity and gore

I think he means this.

Is this going to get marketed to hell and back by twitch streamers like that other piece of shit?

>what is scripted?
>what are place holders?
if you are going to shitpost at least watch the first few minutes of OPs videos where the guy says they put this together less than a month before E3 because they weren't originally going. .


It looks like a slower paced and more complex Dead by Daylight. Which is pretty good in my opinion as I really like that game.
Wish we say more executions though and not just him slamming bitches into a wall.

Of course. By the time that this game is launched it'll be the FOTM game that streamers and youtubers will gravitate to, just like Dead by Daylight.

>It's a game is unfinished meme but they released a trailer to generate hype episode, part 2.

Explain yourself.

probably, I think they met the goal that adds Twitch shit

>early alpha
i can read?
>it's in the linked videos
i can stream youtube

>i don't know any of the already discussed info in the thread
explain yourself

Am i reading this right that its not single player? Are you fucking kidding me?
I WAS looking forward to this game but if there is no singleplayer than fuck it

They want to add it, the youtuber OP listed stated that the devs want to add it but are going to wait post launch since it didn't meet the stretch goal, but they have it all down on paper

It's been described as Hitman like where there are scenarios for you to survive or kill

>it's a developer releases a trailer that is in alpha that is used to generate hype but anyone critiquing the mechanics of the game are invalidated because the game is finished yet episode.


I think the biggest thing this has over death by daylight is the first person camera for the campers. A lot scarier.

>they have some place holders for visuals and made Jason more OP
explain yourself

although Single player will, if they end up making it

I will wait to buy it till singleplayer us more than just on paper

>it's an user tries to invalidate any criticism's the trailer that the developers released solely to generate hype because it's in alpha and therefore it is immune from criticism because it isn't finished yet.


I'm pretty hype for the multiplayer since i have friends

>it's a shitposter keeps repeating himself after being BTFO
explain yourself, then kys

>dont want to play multuplayer

>hurrr you must not have any freinds

No i just dont like multiplayer

>the game is in alpha so the core mechanics that look absolutely horrible from the trailer that the developers released to generate hype are supposed to be accepted because the game is in pre alpha and the developers promise it will be better soon.

Explain yourself. Immediately.

Dead by Daylight is shit, I don't understand why people like it so much
>walk slow as fuck
>minor obstacles make you lose sight of survivors quickly
>special powers are shit
>can't even fucking kill them once you've found them, you have to drag them to a hook in order to actually kill them, giving the other survivors more time to start the generators

This game is going to be a fucking train wreck. Don't believe anyone who says otherwise.

calm down? wasn't trying to trigger you. me and my buds are all getting the game you fucking neet

The fuck is the point of "hurr durr your a shill" comments on a board with a never ending Overwatch AKA obnoxious-advertising-Watch thread here?
This game looks like itll be one of the better Kickstarter games like Wasteland 2
Definitely not a Might no. 9
Yall just mad that Adam Sessler is involved as if you didnt watch 500 of his reviews growing up like the rest of us
The contrarian horseshit is getting old. Knock the AAA games that deserved to be mocked and the lazy hipster indie fag games but not this. This is a work of love for the source material like Arkham City and I respect that.
Idk if its really gonna be as good as I hope we wont know til I comes out
I thought people that payed full price for titanfall were stupid but half price for a multiplayer only game isnt bad
It aint gonna die fast like titanfall because its fuckin Jason and horror fans will gobble that up. Unless it really really sucks which I doubt. Controls might be clunky though time will tell

The hook system is good. Without it it is just a bland system of tracking them down and killing them one by one.

>cant fuck
Well its not a horror film then is it

>explains self and then asks you the same
explain. yourself

Adam Sessler is involved in a game where you brutally murder wimmins? What's his role?

Wait they're charging over $30 for just multiplayer?

What garbage.

>it's an user can't find a good reason that anyone should accept the game in it's current state without resorting to the it's in alpha argument, and can't accept that the dev's released that trailer to generate hype so they personally thought it was acceptable to show to the public episode.

Explain yourself.

Not to mention it's a buggy mess with hardly any content.

>Available: Fall 2016

Probably because it's really the first in it's sub genre in recent memory. Last year and F13 will blow it out of the water

>It looks totally awesome.

Im sorry, last vid I watched was from E3 and the game looked terrible on all aspects, especially considering jason has teleports AND wallhacks, which render the point of hiding in buildings (or juking out of buildings) moot

Dont bother replying, he's a guy who's been posting the same thing on every thread for a few hours now

I'd be okay if the only way to kill them was only through executions, but it gets boring really quickly when it's just the hook
This is coming out soon too

>it's an user can't explain himself episode and cries for others to do so
how sad

Playing as the killer lets you overreact like a retard and make stupid jokes while you chase people down, while playing as a group opens up all sorts of "FUNNY MOMENTS WITH FRIENDS xDD" potential

Slap horror on it and you've got a guaranteed way to reel in the 12 year olds

>it's an user can't accept how many holes in his argument his as he desperately tries to shill this game telling everyone to accept it and that "it will get better soon because it's in pre-alpha" episode.

Explain yourself.

The hook system is fine. It gives the killer incentive to either stay and make sure they die or risk survivors starting the generators.

Honestly, the best thing to do is incapacitate them all since they just crawl around and can't do anything then.

>especially the wallhack and teleport
watch. the fucking. video m8. they have place holder visuals, removed cooldowns, and you have to unlock them as you progress through the game. on top of that they work very differently than you think, the x ray shit is actually Jason sensing fear and if you aren't afraid as a counselor he cant see you

I mean, Dead by Daylight is basically this concept but with more interesting execution


>Dead by Daylight
>Last Year
>Friday the 13th
>Until Dawn to a lesser extent
Horror games are making a comeback.

im pretty hype for both. dead by daylight looked shit from conception, these both looked great

I got DBD really wanting to like it, but the game plays like fucking ass, and is always stacked against the Killer. There is literally no reason to play as a team, when someone getting caught and hooked basically gives everyone enough time to fire up a generator each.

>dead by daylight
>more interesting execution

If by more interesting you mean completely broken.