Finish a game

>finish a game
>read the wikipedia page for it afterwards

>finish game
>realize i had no idea what's going on in the story

I only do this with movies, except I read the imdb page instead.

>Finish game
>Look up favorite characters/lore to make sure I understood everything correctly or missed anything
>Look up voice cast or any small trivia to discuss with people who also played the game

I don't understand the Soul series. How are you suppose to figure out the names of the non boss enemies in-game?

Item descriptions, not even memeing.

This, I never know what's going on until after the whole game.

Stop posting, me

It's how I felt about Metal Gear Rising,
Maybe it was because I had never played a Metal Gear game before it, but I was completely lost.

>finish game
>read tvtropes article about it

>Finish game
>Look for the Sup Forums thread discussing the game so user can tell me trivia

I don't think Metal Gear made sense user.
I didn't care enough about the story to actually look anything up though.

So are these items described by souls whispering into your ear? Are they written on each of the items? Is it your character's knowledge of the items being shown as text? Or is it lazy story telling

>finish game, anime, etc

go to tropes afterwords

I do the exact same thing with movies. You will be sucked with how much you learn.

>finish a lenghty game
>look up more info about it
>discovered I miss a ton of stuff and missed the true secret ending

i never do that
i have completed resonance of fate a few times and i still have no clue what the fuck it's about

>video games have to be realistic

Yeah but it doesn't give for all enemies.


yui is best

This. I can't do it in reverse because reading with spoilers toggled is cancer.

>Look up favorite characters/lore to make sure I understood everything correctly or missed anything
>Realize I got a lot of shit wrong
>Feel retarded

>finish a game
>feel really sad because i can't waste my time with it anymore
>finish a game

jaka jaka jan jan

>Expect to feel bad after finishing the game for whatever reason
>Drop the game before final boss/really deep into it
Why am I such a pussy

Something about keeping everybody in the tower under the pretense of everything outside being barren waste?

>Finish game
>Look for the Sup Forums thread discussing the game so user can call me a faggot

>Finish game
>Look for a best girl thread
>Shitpost loudly
