How did Nintendo took over EVO? Like how do they manage to keep making genre defining games?

How did Nintendo took over EVO? Like how do they manage to keep making genre defining games?

Nobody cares about esports. Fap to YouTube and take your neckbeard ass to bed. You're probably shit at all of those games and couldn't compete competitively with your own friends.

They attracted new people.

How did Pokken make it to Evo? Literally unbalanced trash of a game

this a grass roots movement

this is not e-sports

Melee got into Evo
Nintendo said that they woudn't allow Melee if they didn't have Sm4sh, so that got in
They both stayed because they get good views
And they put in Pokken because it's recently released, KoF wasn't out yet, and they didn't want to have Persona for another year

Pokemon is cool again between Pokken and the mobile game.

>We got a mobile game before a console release of Pokemon with all 600+ monsters and maps in one.

Millions of sponsorship dollars. Melee would be the only game there if Nintendo wasn't paying for the event.

>All three of their games are front and center
>Pokken being there at all

They're not even being subtle about it.

>take over
>game with second most entrants is in the early deadzone right after tekken
>pokken is dead as fuck everywhere else and wont be returning after this year
>melee overshadowed entirely by ESPN coverage of SFV that starts when Melee finals start and continue until SFV stars
>combined numbers of Smash are still less than that of a "dead" game like SFV
>favtor in Pokken for all Nintendo representation and Marvel for all capcom representation and Capcom STILL has more players

Smash got cucked so hard this year its hilarious.


The fuck you talking about you retarded weeb.
They got their tournament and theyre gonna watch it and play on it. They dont care about what the other games do, while hundreds of other communities are brushed aside because smash took their spots at the mainstageml.

>they put in Pokken because it's recently released

Pokken got in because Nintendo wouldn't let Smash be broadcast otherwise.


Only melee, but like I said, melee will be oversahdowed by ESPN and SFV during its finals

>Melee got best spot the 2nd year in a row
>Trash4fags BTFO
>implying the ESPN coverage will take away a single view to Melee
>implying that, with the rate Melee is growing, it won't be the next game to be on ESPN next year if not earlier
>implying the Melee community isn't considering EVO basically irrelevant at this point and will only attend because it will increase numbers

Aside SFV, Melee is the one true winner this EVO, user.

>implying that, with the rate Melee is growing, it won't be the next game to be on ESPN next year if not earlier

Not until you stop shitting in the pools

People who want to see melee will see and enjoy melee.
Like 95% of melee players dont give a shit about the other games, so how SFV and ESPN affect them?
Also why do you want ESPN to cover esports? Theyre fucking cancer. Did you forget what happened last time?

>le shitting on pool meme
>literally 0 proof a smash player did it
But its ok to say a meme with 0 proof is a reality because FGC hate.

>thing I have no proof about

I will remind you that aside SF, Melee and Smash4 are the only other fighting games that get coverage on ESPN.

Melee is taking over fagget.



Nintendo payed for it. But don't worry, Pokken will be rightfully replaced by KoF14 and Melee by Blazblue CF.
>this a grass roots movement

>Like how do they manage to keep making genre defining games?
because when they do games in established genres people get so buttdevastated they start creating new categories just to distance "MUH FRANCHISE" from their series

>Sup Forums memes
Oh, so we're dealing with a retard here. Not a big surprise

Shitposting king

Bruh, Kanto in GSC was shit. You really think they'll manage to balance out 6 different region?

Nope, EVO is going to expand to 4 days, 11 Titles.

Melee is grassroots
Or at least was.

>lets have namco co-develop two of our newly release fighting games
>hey we magically have more of a presence at EVO

>melee ever replaced
>by BB of all games

What happened last time?

Honestly I hope smashfags chimp out so they can get kicked out. TO's are already starting to not take anymore shit from them.

>melee pros actually requesting just to skip pools because they're good

>kicking people for chimping out
>the FGC
So youre not even part of the FGC, got it.
Do you come to these threads just to leak your anal pain tears about smash? Because you clearly dont play fighting games.

well i mean if you're defending smash you don't play fighting games either so what's your point?

>lel they are full of nigs so they obv chimp out

Sup Forums please. It's no secret everyone in the FGC dislikes smash aside from the big names that cant really afford to.

Waves upon waves of normie shitflinging for days on end shitting on videogames. Why do we need that exactly?

I play melee, GG, and SF.
Why does playing one game stop you from playing others?
Oh wait, thats right it doesnt.
So fuck off, retard.
And BB is shit. Just play GG.

There's a staunch difference between heroes of the dorm shitshow and Street Fighter. Everyone played Street Fighter growing up, only cucks care about E-Sports DOTA and LoL

lol. Played it for a day and not its tucked away in a cabinet. Gotta sell it to some neckbeard when I get the chance.

Smashfags have been kicked out of EVO before and are only in again in due to Nintendo money and the organizer being a gold-grubbing faggot. They promised to behave this time around, but things are slowly reverting to how they were before: primadonna demands, stealing equipment, smelling bad and being unsufferable in general.

The only part of the FGC that gets shit for acting like third world monkeys even to the point of smelling like them is the melee crowd though.

Do it now while Pokemon GO has everyone's brains focused on Pokemon. Pokken is dead as fuck everywhere besides big name tournaments and I doubt its returning to evo next year

Will Infiltration finally get good?

Plus, fighting games are way easier to follow.

Not that it matters, but Pokken crossed the 1k line.

I know you're joking, but in case you're not: Infiltration could body anyone on this board while being drunk and banging a k-pop idol.

Stealing shit is an FGC staple though, cant hardly talk shit about that.
Ill give you the smell thing, but its weird because I know a lot of smashers and they all have good personal hygiene, I think a lot of smash smell problem comes from forcing two groups ( 4 and melee) together in small rooms. Way too many people.
When I attend multiple game events like CEO, the space for smash is a lot smaller and CRTs produce a lot of heat so the rooms with tons of people and all that makes it a sauna.
Contrary to that the FG rooms have less people, are more spacious and games spaced out so the room is actually chilly.

ultra casul games
just like league

>Mahvel has the worst trashtalk
>Melee doesn't have a DSP and LTG
>most top players are white nerds

I don't know where do you get this shit from.

That whole shit was scripted anyways
It goes with CEO's WWE theme

Reminder that melee finals were going on during the pool shitting so its even less of a chance a smash player did it at all

>banging a k-pop idol
A male idol right?

Pokken is more-or-less a mismash of Nintendo and Tekken, so it's got wiggle room. However, Smashfags cried so loud for their party game so long that they gave up and let them on stage for once.