Phone gaming > handheld gaming

phone gaming > handheld gaming

Sup Forums is just too bitter to realise this fact

>joining the normie gaming fad

Nah, I'll just stick to traditional handheld gaming. Fuck the norms.

Need original pic

just stay away from Pokemon go


I got you

Ohh i want to take those spoilers off

But user, that's lewd! She's already blushing!

>A platform that considers games as just entertainment and a service rather than an art from
> A platform that does not recognize deep messages and themes and lumps them all together
>A platform where the best do not rise to the top but rather the most popular
>A platform where Apple/Google does not focus, and only keep them for profit
I could go on.

Well i cant jerk off unless i see raw nips!!!


Fuck off

Eh, the things to play on the phone's pretty lame. I still don't get how anyone swears by them. The sftuff I can play on even a vita is a ton more interesting than what I can play on my phone.

Unless YouTube let's plays are considered phone gaming now.

>no games
>no buttons
no thanks

kill yourself

>Search image
>Cartoon Network

I can emulate handheld games on my phone yes I agree

Also take those spoilers away now

What is Granblue Fantasy?

I think google image search is busted cause that's all I get too

It's either that or just anime

>artist's tumblr is deleted
It wasn't much, but most of his randon lewd stuff is gone forever now

What IS Granblue Fantasy I always see a general on /vg/ with cute girls


It's the "deal's a deal" picture with le shitty boar tan or tanned boar cancerous board culture shit traced over it for epik memetik value. Needs more rare pepes for more epikness tho.

Its out there somewhere

I already posted the original pic for him Man just wanted to fap

Did that one artist ever finish the Mod-tan comic? I wanted to wait until it was finished and forgot about it.

You mean the devices with endless ripoffs of already establish franchise, the birthplace and home of freemium gaming and no quality control? Yes, I agree, that is much better than just getting a device with games at its focus.

That's not the original and you know it, meme faggot.

kill yourself

no one should pay for overpriced hardware

man dem asked for mod-chan

man dem didn't ask for deal-chan

only handheld game I have is tetris on my gameboy color

and it is still more entertaining than anything I have played on mobile so far.

Mobile Game that already has an English patch by the Developer and are planning to bring it to the States but only released an English patch for now.

Most of Sup Forums's weebs have started playing it once the patch came out.

You can play it on your phone or home PC but if you wanna play on your browser, downloading a plugin is required.

Basically, the game is the most high budget mobile game released in Japan so far with full voice acting, an actual story, and a lot of effort in the music and character designs.

There's a lot of events as well and you can participate with thousands of other players battling the same enemy boss, all in real time.

As for what the game feels, it feels like Final Fantasy fused with RO.

I recommend giving the mobile game a try.

You're gonna start hearing about Granblue Fantasy on Sup Forums soon once the anime airs.

The developer at that point in time will likely start advertising hard in America as well.

Uncensored version?

doesn't exist

Oh, my bad.

You're still a nigger though.

I'm alright with 544p on a portable screen