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finally all the pokefags are being eradicated, but regardless all pokemon threads should still remain in their own board.

At least hide the address.


What is the deal with the immediate demonetization of this "game" by the media?

How many times you gonna make this thread?

move along, people

Oh boy fake news, how fun. Sage.

Some people probably dont entirely understand what it is and get scared by the fact it causes kids to look at their phones so much and stand in specific spots.

Why does this Keep happening

Probably as long as retards keep failing to realize it's not real.

It's the hottest shit on the market and fucked up headlines generate clicks
nobody wants to read "guy falls off bike while texting" for the thousandth time, but a pokego story? cha ching

30 year old journalists are starting to feel old because they don't "get it".

it's "demonization" or "demonizing" not "demonitization" What you said means that they're causing it to not make any money rather than what you probably meant

Why are all these fake news sites so shit most of these dont even tell a joke

yeah i remember this thread from a couple of hour ago

>“I was shocked by the murder” said the medical examiner at the scene, “not only because the kid murdered his own brother, but because he thought he deleted his Pokemon. We later found out the kid had nothing but Ratatta’s and Pidgey’s.
>I would have understood if he had a Dragonite or Gyarados or something like that, but Jesus Christ, for a miserable Ratatta? As a matter of fact, I even caught a Ratatta at the scene”.

Holy fucking kek. This ME is based

One time a kid saved over my Final Fantasy Legend game and I beat him fucking bloody

And I'd do it again

Pokemon Go is a Zionist creation to destroy the white race

Could someone explain this to me, why is it always fucking Florida?

It's not even one of the largest states over there right? So why whenever something retarded happens it's fucking Florida?

I don't think the media is calling for a pure f2p model on this game so I dont understand

this joke has been running around since blue/red

Well, while it initially seemed like a good form of universal currency, like the euro on a global scale, I think people quickly realized paying for things with Pokemon is stupid.

He misspoke, he meant demonizing

>jacksonville, florida
nothing to see here, folks


wow, I'm fucking stupid, for a second I thought he was saying that media was preventing pokemon go from making money and I was like, "what the fuck, how does media cause demonitization"

sure is SUMMER

Is this the "Make bullshit clickbait stories about Pokemon Go thread"?

OP plays Pokemon GO but ended up sucking dick more news at 11

> I would have understood if he had a Dragonite or Gyarados or something like that, but Jesus Christ

Of course there's nothing to see, since it's a fake story on a satirical news site.

All the toxic runoff from the farmlands comes down to Florida and just seeps into everything and everyone.

Basically, every government document is a matter of public record.

Video explaining shit better:

Florida has a bit of a meme history of bizarre events happening there in particular. Most famous one is that guy who chewed a persons face off after a bad bath salts trip I think.

>It's an "I'm too lazy to click the link but I'll comment anyway" thread